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spa-u-jap small.JPG● PROGRAMA DE BECAS DE INVESTIGACION - Programa de becas UNESCO/Japón para jóvenes investigadores
La página en la versión japonesa (Por favor pulse aquí)

2014 Ciclo - Para reforzar su ideal de “artífices de la nueva era”, se otorgarán 20 becas por año, por duodécimo año consecutivo, a candidatos meritorios procedentes de países en desarrollo miembros de la UNESCO, en particular de los países menos adelantados (PMA), que deseen iniciar una labor de investigación relacionada con uno o más de los campos enumerados a continuación. Esas becas tienen por objeto fomentar la investigación de posgrado innovadora e imaginativa en cuestiones relativas al desarrollo que coinciden con los campos que interesan particularmente a la UNESCO.

(Fecha limite para presentar candidaturas a la UNESCO: antes del 30 de agosto de 2013. Por favor consulte la Carta de anuncio del programa que está disponible Solicitud - Solicitud de beca

Irrigation 2012 (2)_Page_1.jpg● Bourses co-parrainées UNESCO/Israël (MASHAV) 2013 - "Technologies avancées d'Irrigation et associations paysannes pour la gestion de l'eau"
(available in french only/disponible uniquement en français)

Dans le dessein de renforcer les capacités des ressources humaines des pays en développement, et d’encourager la compréhension internationale et l’amitié avec le peuple d’Israël, le gouvernement d’Israël met à la disposition de l’UNESCO pour l’année 2013, dans le cadre du Programme de bourses de l’UNESCO, un certain nombre de bourses au bénéfice d’Etats membres invités et, spécialement les pays les moins avancés. Les bénéficiaires de ces bourses parrainées par MASHAV, l’Agence israélienne pour la Coopération au Développement du Ministère des affaires étrangères, pourront ainsi participer à différentes formations dispensées en Israël.

logo MCTCsml.jpg● Bourses coparrainées UNESCO/Israël (MASHAV) - cours International 2013 sur "Le Développement Communautaire et Gestion de Micro-Entreprises"
(Uniquement disponible en français/only available in french)

Dans le dessein de renforcer les capacités des ressources humaines des pays en développement, et d’encourager la compréhension internationale et l’amitié avec le peuple d’Israël, le gouvernement de l’Etat d’Israël met à la disposition de l’UNESCO pour l’année 2013, dans le cadre du Programme de bourses de l’UNESCO, un certain nombre de bourses au bénéfice d’Etats membres invités et, spécialement les pays les moins avancés. Más

● UNESCO/ Poland Co-Sponsored Fellowships Programme 2012 - "Ecohydrology"

With a view to promoting human resource capacities in the developing countries and to enhancing international understanding and friendship among nations and the people of Poland, the Polish National Commission for UNESCO and the International Institute of the Polish Academy of Science/European Regional Centre of Ecohydrology under the auspice of UNESCO and University of Lodz, are placing at the disposal of UNESCO one(1) fellowship of a six months duration starting in April 2012 for the benefit of Member States listed in Annex I. Beneficiaries of these fellowships will be given the opportunity to undertake an individual research programme in the field of Ecohydrology. Más

Mashav1a.jpg● Bourses coparrainées UNESCO/Israël (MASHAV) 2013 – Stage International sur "Entreprenariat agricole et intégration du genre dans le développement durable"
(Uniquement disponible en Français)

Dans le dessein de renforcer les capacités des ressources humaines des pays en développement, et d’encourager la compréhension internationale et l’amitié avec le peuple d’Israël, le gouvernement d’Israël met à la disposition de l’UNESCO pour l’année 2012, dans le cadre du Programme de bourses de l’UNESCO, un certain nombre de bourses au bénéfice d’Etats membres invités et, spécialement les pays les moins avancés. Les bénéficiaires de ces bourses parrainées par MASHAV, l’Agence israélienne pour la Coopération au Développement du Ministère des affaires étrangères, pourront ainsi participer à différentes formations dispensées en Israël.

Liste des 24 pays/Etats Membres Invités

Angola, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroun, Cap Verte, Comores,Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Gabon, Guinée, Guinée-Bissau, Guinée Equatoriale, Madagascar, Mali, Niger, République Centrafricaine, République démocratique du Congo, Rwanda, Sao Tome et Principe, Sénégal, Seychelle, Tchad, et Togo Más

● UNESCO/Czech Republic Co-Sponsored Fellowships Programme (Academic Year 2013-2014)
Note: These fellowships offer is limited only to the following invited countries:

Afghanistan, Armenia, Belarus,
Egypt, Ethiopia, Georgia, Libya,
Peru, Rwanda, Sri Lanka,
Tunisia, Yemen, Zambia, and

In order to promote human resource capacities in the developing countries and to enhance friendship among peoples of the world, the Government of the Czech Republic has placed at the disposal of UNESCO three long-term fellowships for undergraduate studies (which comprises the Bachelor’s and Master’s study programmes for the academic year 2013-2014) for the benefit of certain developing countries.
These fellowships, tenable in a selected number of universities in the Czech Republic, are open to secondary school leavers holding a recognized certificate. The medium of instruction being in Czech for most courses (certain courses are conducted in English), the beneficiaries of these fellowships are required to pursue a one-year preparatory Czech language course.

UNES-ISEDCsml.jpg● UNESCO/ISEDC Co-Sponsored Fellowships Programme - 2012
The aim of this fellowships programme is to enhance the capacity-building and human resources development in the area of sustainable and renewable energy sources in developing countries and countries in transition. The training activities in the framework of these fellowships are tenable in specialized institutions in the Russian Federation. The medium of instruction will be Russian. UNESCO will solicit applications from the developing countries and countries in transition. Más

Logo MASHAV OFRI.jpg● UNESCO/Israel (MASHAV) Co-Sponsored Fellowships Programme (2013) - Course on "Educational Methodologies Youth At-Risk: Preventing Student Dropouts and Facilitating Reintegration"
In order to promote human resource capacities in the developing countries through intensive training and to enhance international understanding and friendship among peoples of the world and the people of Israel, the Government of Israel is placing at the disposal of UNESCO a number of fellowships for the benefit of certain Member States (especially the least developed countries) within the framework of the UNESCO Fellowship Programme. Beneficiaries of these fellowships will be given the opportunity of participating in a variety of training courses in Israel, conducted under the sponsorship of the MASHAV, Israel’s Agency for International Development Cooperation.

(35) Member States Invited to Submit Applications:

    Botswana, Cameroon, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, Swaziland, Uganda, United Rep. of Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe

    Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and Suriname


“Educational Methodologies – Youth At-Risk: Preventing Student Dropouts and Facilitating Reintegration”

(From 11 February to 12 March 2013)

Host Institution: The Aharon Ofri International Training Centre, Ramat Rachel, Jerusalem Más

ISRAEL -MASHAV.jpg● UNESCO/Israel (MASHAV) Co-Sponsored Fellowships Programme 2013 - Course: “Integrated Approach to Upgrading Poor Urban Areas”
In order to promote human resource capacities in the developing countries through intensive training and to enhance international understanding and friendship among peoples of the world and the people of Israel, the Government of Israel is placing at the disposal of UNESCO a number of fellowships for the benefit of certain Member States (especially the least developed countries) within the framework of the UNESCO Co-Sponsored Fellowship Programme. Más

e_logo.jpg● UNESCO/People's Republic of China - The Great Wall Co-Sponsored Fellowships Programme

With a view to promoting international exchanges in the field of education, culture, communication, science and technology, and to enhancing friendship among peoples of the world, the Government of the People's Republic of China has placed at the disposal of UNESCO for the academic year 2013-2014, under the co-sponsorship of UNESCO, twenty five (25) fellowships for advanced studies at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. These fellowships are for the benefit of developing Member States in Africa, Asia and the Pacific and certain countries in the Arab States (see list of invited countries).

UNESCO_Poland Co-Spon logo.jpg● UNESCO/Poland Co-Sponsored Fellowships Programme Cycle 2013 - Engineering
With a view to promoting human resource capacities in the developing countries and to enhancing international understanding and friendship among nations and the people of Poland, the Polish National Commission for UNESCO and the UNESCO Chair for Science, Technology and Engineering Education at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow are placing at the disposal of UNESCO thirty-two (32) fellowships of six (6) months duration starting on 1st October 2013 for the benefit of Member States listed in Annex I. Beneficiaries of these fellowships will be given the opportunity to undertake an individual research programme in the field of Science, Technology and Engineering. Más

FWIS hi defsml.ai.jpg● UNESCO-L'OREAL International Fellowships Programme for Young Women in Life Sciences (2012)
Within the framework of the UNESCO Co-Sponsored Fellowships Scheme, a joint programme has been launched with the L’ORÉAL Corporate Foundation with a view to promoting the contribution of young women - from all over the world – in research developments in the field of life sciences. Más

ISRAEL -MASHAV.jpg● UNESCO/ISRAEL (MASHAV) Co-Sponsored Fellowships Programme : International Course on "Local Assets for Community and Economic Development"
In order to promote human resources capacities in the developing countries through intensive training and to enhance international understanding and friendship among people of the world and the people of Israel, the Government of Israel offers, through its Ministry of Foreign Affairs' Agency for International Development Cooperation (MASHAV), a limited number of fellowships for participation in a training course in Israel for the benefit of certain Member States (especially the least developed countries) within the framework of the UNESCO Fellowships Programme. Más

● UNESCO/Israel Co-Sponsored Fellowships for Post Doctoral Studies -2009 Cycle
(Únicamente disponible en inglés)

Within the framework of UNESCO’s Co-Sponsored Fellowships Scheme, a joint programme is being launched with Israel’s Planning and Budgeting Committee of the Council for Higher Education, and, the Israel National Commission for UNESCO, with a view to promoting post-doctoral study and research. Más

● UNESCO/Poland Co-Sponsored Fellowships Programme (Political Science -2010)
With a view to promoting human resource capacities in the developing countries and to enhancing international understanding and friendship among nations and the people of Poland, the Polish National Commission for UNESCO and the Institute of Regional and Global Studies/ Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies under the auspice of UNESCO & University of Warsaw, are placing at the disposal of UNESCO two (2) fellowships of a six months duration in the year 2010 for the benefit of Member States listed in Annex I of the announcement letter. Beneficiaries of these fellowships will be given the opportunity to undertake an individual research programme in the field of Political Science. Más

● UNESCO/Poland Co-Sponsored Fellowships Programme (Science and Technology - 2011 )
With a view to promoting human resource capacities in the developing countries and to enhancing international understanding and friendship among nations and the UNESCO Chair for Science, Technology and Engineering Education at the AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland, are placing at the disposal of UNESCO twenty-two (22) fellowships of six (6) months duration starting on 1st October 2011 for the benefit of Member States listed in Annex I. Beneficiaries of these fellowships will be given the opportunity to undertake an individual research programme in the field of Science and Technology. Más

unesco-apceiu logoreduced.jpg● UNESCO/Republic of Korea Co-Sponsored Fellowships Programme
New! - The deadline for submission of applications is extended until: 28 March 2012

In line with the strategy and objectives approved in 34 C/5 for UNESCO’s Fellowship Programme in application of the Memorandum of Understanding signed by UNESCO and the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) in 2010, the Government of the Republic of Korea is offering thirty (30) fellowships of no more than two months’ duration. The medium of instruction is English. Más

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