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  • New UNESCO initiative links traditional and electronic media to promote mutual understanding and peace
    17-01-2007 3:00 pm - (Media Advisory N°2007-05)
    media_07_05_71.JPGUNESCO and the government of Indonesia will bring together media organizations, NGOs and governmental representatives in Bali (Indonesia), from January 21 to 23, to lay the ground for a network to promote dialogue and mutual understanding by linking traditional and electronic media. Más

  • Fourth UNESCO Scientific Forum:“Progress that saves lives”
    17-01-2007 2:00 pm - (Media Advisory N°2007-04)
    The new vaccine against uterine cancer, targeted chemotherapy and minimally-invasive surgery are some of the most spectacular recent developments in cancer treatment that will be discussed at the Fourth UNESCO Scientific Forum. Focused this year on the subject “Cancer: Progress that saves lives”, the forum will be held 18 January, at UNESCO Headquarters, from 3.30 to 6.30 p.m. Más

  • International Convention against Doping in Sport: 41 States will take part in first Conference of States Parties
    05-01-2007 11:00 am - (Media Advisory N°2007-02)
    doping2_71.JPGThe first session of the Conference of States Parties to the International Convention against Doping in Sport will be convened by the Director-General of UNESCO, Koïchiro Matsuura, from 5 to 7 February 2007 at Organization Headquarters. It will bring together the 41 States* that will have ratified the Convention by 31 December 2006 and will take place just a few days after its entry into force, on 1 February. Más

  • Conferencia en la UNESCO sobre libertad de expresión y desarrollo de la prensa en Iraq
    03-01-2007 10:00 pm - (Anuncio a la prensa N°01-2007)
    Del 8 al 10 de enero se celebrará en la UNESCO una conferencia internacional sobre la libertad de expresión y el desarrollo de la prensa en Iraq que reunirá a casi 200 profesionales iraquíes de los medios, a representantes del gobierno iraquí y miembros de organizaciones no gubernamentales y profesionales. Más

  • Abierta la presentación de candidaturas para las Becas UNESCO-VOCATIONS-PATRIMOINE 2007
    20-12-2006 11:00 pm - (Anuncio a la prensa N°2006-76)
    irish_ucd_71.jpgLa UNESCO ha declarado abierto el proceso de selección para la atribución de cinco nuevas becas destinadas a administradores de sitios del Patrimonio Mundial, que se concederán en el marco del programa de Becas UNESCO-VOCATIONS PATRIMOINE. Las candidaturas –que han ser presentadas por especialistas en gestión, protección y valorización de sitios del patrimonio mundial, o por jóvenes que cursan estudios para desempeñar esas profesiones– tendrán que recibirse en la UNESCO antes del 31 de marzo de 2007. Más

  • La UNESCO presenta el proyecto de Museo Nacional de la Civilización Egipcia en una exposición de antigüedades de Egipto en París
    05-12-2006 10:30 am - (Anuncio a la prensa N°2006-75)
    La UNESCO presentará el proyecto de creación del Museo Nacional de la Civilización Egipcia (NMEC) en un stand de la exposición “Tesoros sumergidos de Egipto”, que va a abrir sus puertas el 9 de diciembre en el Grand Palais de la capital francesa. La exposición mostrará las antigüedades rescatadas gracias a excavaciones arqueológicas submarinas. Más

  • Conference on the progress of Education For All (EFA) in the Sultanate of Oman
    30-11-2006 3:00 pm - (Media Advisory N°2006-74)
    A conference entitled “Education for All in the Sultanate of Oman: from Access to Success” will be held at UNESCO Headquarters on 5 and 6 December under the patronage of Director-General Koïchiro Matsuura and Oman’s Minister of Education, Yehia Bin Saud Al Suleimi. The event is organized, in close cooperation with the Education Sector, by the Omani Ministry of Education and the country’s Permanent Delegation to the Organization in honour of UNESCO’s 60th anniversary. Más

  • Fifth session of COMEST to be held in Dakar, Senegal, from 5 to 9 December
    27-11-2006 12:00 pm - (Media Advisory N°2006-73)
    The World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology (COMEST), will hold its Fifth Ordinary Session in Dakar, Senegal, from 5 to 9 December. The meeting is jointly organized by UNESCO and the Ministry of Scientific Research of Senegal and will be an opportunity to discuss the ethical issues concerning science and technology on the African continent, to establish a network of experts and to set up a platform for future activities in the whole region. Más

  • Colloquium at UNESCO: “Universities as Centres of Research and Knowledge Creation: An Endangered Species?”
    27-11-2006 10:00 am - (Media Advisory N°2006-72)
    stanford.jpgA global colloquium on research and higher education policy will take place at UNESCO from 29 November to 1 December. Entitled “Universities as Centres of Research and Knowledge Creation: An Endangered Species?” it is organized by UNESCO’s Forum on Higher Education, Research and Knowledge. Más

  • What future for the human species? What prospects for the planet? asks upcoming session of 21st Century Dialogues
    23-11-2006 3:00 pm - (Media Advisory N°2006-71)
    Leading scientists, experts, philosophers and policy-makers from different regions of the world will examine the future of the human species and the prospects of our planet at the next session of 21st Century Dialogues, organized by UNESCO’s Office of Foresight, at Headquarters in Paris on Saturday 25 November from 9.30 a.m. - 7.30 p.m. (Room I). Más

  • Regional launch in Dakar of 2007 EFA Global Monitoring Report on Early Childhood
    22-11-2006 10:30 am - (Media Advisory N°2006-70)
    gmr_71.jpgMore than half the countries in sub-Saharan Africa do not have a formal programme for children under age three and participation in pre-primary education is less than 10%, according to the 2007 Education for All Global Monitoring Report published by UNESCO. The report will be presented on 27 November in Dakar, Senegal (Sofitel-Teranga Hotel) at 9:30 am, followed by a press briefing from 12:45 pm to 1:15 pm. Más

  • UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador Jean-Michel Jarre celebrates "Water for Life" in the Sahara
    20-11-2006 4:00 pm - (Media Advisory N°2006-69)
    desert.JPG“Water for Life” is the theme UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador Jean-Michel Jarre has chosen for an exceptional concert among the sand dunes of the Moroccan Sahara on 16 December. The concert will also be one of the highlights marking the end of the United Nations International Year of Deserts and Desertification and part of the UN Water for Life Decade (2005-2015). Más

  • Experts meet at UNESCO to discuss violence against girls in school
    20-11-2006 3:00 pm - (Media Advisory N°2006-68)
    Pinheiro_71.jpgInternational experts will meet at UNESCO Headquarters on 23 November to examine the problem of violence against girls in school and how it should be dealt with. Paulo Sergio Pinheiro, author of the recent United Nations Secretary-General’s Study on Violence against Children, will make the keynote address at the roundtable, which takes place on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. Más

  • Next session of International Bioethics Committee to be held in Paris from 20 to 22 November
    16-11-2006 9:30 am - (Media Advisory N°2006-67)
    dna_71.jpgThe 13th session of UNESCO’s International Bioethics Committee (IBC) will be held at Organization Headquarters in Paris from 20 to 22 November. This session will focus mainly on two themes, Consent and Social Responsibility and Health. Más

  • Movilización de centenares de filósofos con motivo de la celebración del Día Mundial de la Filosofía
    13-11-2006 4:00 pm - (Anuncio a la prensa N°2006-66)
    philiosphy_day_71.jpg“La filosofía y la condición del hombre moderno” es el tema retenido este año para la celebración del Día Mundial de la Filosofía (16 de noviembre), organizado en Rabat. Un centenar de filósofos de todo el mundo acudirán a la capital marroquí del 15 al 18 de noviembre para participar en los debates organizados con motivo de este Día.* Más

  • Early childhood education at top of agenda of high-level EFA meeting in Cairo
    10-11-2006 3:00 pm - (Media Advisory N°2006-65)
    task_force_71.jpgEducation ministers from 15 countries along with senior officials from the main donor nations, multilateral agencies, civil society and the private sector will meet next week in Cairo, Egypt (14-16 November) to discuss ways of accelerating progress towards the six Education for All (EFA) goals set by over 160 countries at the World Education Forum in Dakar, Senegal, in 2000. Más

  • Presentation on 16 November of UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize for the Promotion of Tolerance and Non-Violence
    10-11-2006 2:50 pm - (Media Advisory N°2006-64)
    The UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize for the Promotion of Tolerance and Non-Violence will be presented on 16 November at UNESCO (Room I, 6 p.m.) by Marcio Barbosa, UNESCO’s Deputy Director-General, to the 2006 laureate, Veerasingham Anadasangaree, the president of the Tamil United Liberation Front (TULF). Más

  • Vladimir Spivakov named UNESCO Artist for Peace
    06-11-2006 3:00 pm - (Media Advisory N°2006-63)
    Spivakov_71.jpgThe Director-General of UNESCO, Koïchiro Matsuura, will name Russian violinist Vladimir Fiodorovich Spivakov as UNESCO Artist for Peace in a ceremony at Organization Headquarters on 7 November at 6 p.m. (Salle des Pas Perdus). During the ceremony, Mr Spivakov and five other musicians will perform a concert. Más

  • Sharjah Prize for Arab Culture will be presented to two academics from Jordan and Bulgaria on 9 November
    03-11-2006 4:00 pm - (Media Advisory 2006-62)
    The 2006 Sharjah Prize for Arab Culture has been awarded to two university professors, Jamal Al-Shalabi (Jordan) and Yordan Peev (Bulgaria), on the recommendation of an international jury that examined 40 proposals submitted by 23 Member States. The Director-General will present the prize during an official ceremony at UNESCO Headquarters on 9 November. Más

  • Award of 2006 UNESCO Literacy Prizes
    01-11-2006 11:00 pm - (Media Advisory No. 2006-61)
    This year’s UNESCO Literacy Prizes* will be attributed to literacy projects in Cuba, India, Morrocco, Pakistan, India and Turkey in a ceremony at Organization Headquarters on 3 November (Room IX, 4 to 5.40 p.m.). A project in China will be given an Honourable Mention. Más

  • “Mémoire Senghor” to be presented at the Salon Livres d’Afrique at UNESCO
    27-10-2006 3:00 pm - (Press release N° 2006-60)
    Mémoire Senghor, a collective work dedicated to the poet and former President of Senegal Léopold Sédar Senghor, will be presented to the public at the Salon Livres d’Afrique (African book fair) 1001 littératures d’Afrique at UNESCO on Saturday 28 October from 9.30 a.m. to 8.30 p.m. Más

  • UNESCO to address risks of internet fragmentation and freedom of expression in cyberspace at Internet Governance Forum
    26-10-2006 12:00 pm - (Media Advisory N°2006-59)
    How to avoid fragmenting the internet; how to ensure the free flow of information in cyberspace; and how to respect the basic human right of freedom of expression on the web are among the crucial issues to be addressed at the first meeting of the Internet Governance Forum in Athens (31 October – 2 November 2006).* Más

  • Reunión de la Mesa del Programa MAB para designar nuevas reservas de biosfera y otorgar becas
    19-10-2006 2:30 pm - (Anuncio a la prensa N°2006-58)
    La Mesa del Consejo Internacional de Coordinación del Programa sobre el Hombre y la Biosfera (MAB) de la UNESCO se reunirá del 24 al 27 de octubre en la sede de la Organización, en París. Esta reunión de la Mesa tendrá lugar al mismo tiempo que la del Consejo propiamente dicho, ya que éste tiene previsto reunirse del 23 al 27 de octubre. Más

  • Preview of Un chant nègre, Léopold Sédar Senghor, at UNESCO
    19-10-2006 4:45 am - (Media Advisory No.2006 -57)
    Un chant nègre, Léopold Sédar Senghor, a documentary film by Jean-Denis Bonan, will be given a preview screening at UNESCO on Friday 20 October at 7 p.m. in Room I. Through testimonies by contemporary poets and artists, the film draws a portrait of Senghor, one of the greatest contemporary French-language poets, President of Senegal (1960 – 1980) and member of the Académie française. Más

  • UNESCO a partner in the 5th World Forum on Sport, Education and Culture
    19-10-2006 4:30 am - (Media Advisory No. 2006-56)
    The International Convention against Doping in Sport; safeguarding traditional sports and games; boosting physical education and sport at school; and sport and human values are among topics that UNESCO will present at the 5th World Forum on Sport, Education and Culture, 22 to 24 October at the International Conference Centre in Beijing. Más

  • Jean Serge Essous Designated UNESCO Artist for Peace
    10-10-2006 3:00 pm - (Media Advisory N°2006-55)
    Congolese Musician Jean Serge Essous will be designated UNESCO Artist for Peace by UNESCO Director-General Koïchiro Matsuura, at a ceremony at the Organization’s Headquarters on 11 October. The President of the Republic of Congo, Denis Sassou Nguesso, on an official visit to UNESCO on the occasion of the 165th session of the Executive Board, will attend the ceremony (4.15 p.m., Foyer des Conference). Más

  • President Denis Sassou Nguesso to Visit UNESCO 11 and 12 Octobre
    10-10-2006 2:00 pm - (Media Advisory N°2006-54)
    The President of the Republic of Congo, Denis Sassou Nguesso, currently President of the African Union, will make an official visit to UNESCO Headquarters on 11 and 12 October. Más

  • La educación de la primera infancia es la parienta pobre del sector educativo, según el Informe de Seguimiento de la EPT en el Mundo 2007
    10-10-2006 12:00 pm - (Anuncio a la prensa N°2006-53)
    América Latina y el Caribe es la región del mundo en desarrollo líder en atención y educación de la primera infancia, según el Informe de Seguimiento de la Educación Para Todos en el Mundo 2007, de inminente publicación. Con todo, el Informe llega a la conclusión de que este nivel de educación sigue siendo el pariente pobre del sector educativo en la mayoría de las naciones en desarrollo del mundo, pese a que están perfectamente demostrados los beneficios que aporta al desarrollo y el bienestar del niño en todos los planos.

  • Executive Board holds public debate on the challenges, roles and function of UNESCO
    02-10-2006 5:00 pm - (Media Advisory N°2006-52)
    Distinguished guest speakers from around the world will take part in a debate - entitled “In the age of globalization, UNESCO as a specialized agency of the reforming UN system: challenges, roles and functions at global, region and country levels” - organized by UNESCO’s Executive Board on 4 October (9.30 a.m. to 1 p.m., 3 p.m. to 8 p.m., Room X). Más

  • La reforma de las Naciones Unidas y el futuro de la UNESCO en el orden del día del Consejo Ejecutivo
    27-09-2006 12:00 pm - (Anuncio a la prensa N°2006-51)
    consejo.bmpLa 175ª reunión del Consejo Ejecutivo de la UNESCO, presidido actualmente por Zhang Xinsheng, Viceministro de Educación (China), se inició el 26 de septiembre y finalizará el 12 de octubre en París. Más

  • 21st Century Talks: “Knowledge-Sharing: Still Tomorrow’s Concern?”
    25-09-2006 12:00 pm - (Media Advisory N°2006-51)
    “Knowledge-Sharing: Still Tomorrow’s Concern?” is the theme of the next session of the 21st Century Talks to be held at UNESCO on 25 September (6.30 p.m. to 8.30 p.m., Room VII). This session will be presided by UNESCO Director-General Koïchiro Matsuura with the participation of Jacques Attali, Boutros Boutros-Ghali and Nouzha Guessous Idrissi. Más

  • Entrega del Premio UNESCO de Educación para la Paz 2006 al juez de Sri Lanka Christopher Gregory Weeramantry
    19-09-2006 4:00 pm - (Anuncio a la prensa N°2006-49)
    El juez de Sri Lanka, Christopher Gregory Weeramantry, recibirá el 21 de septiembre (18h00, Sala I) el Premio UNESCO de Educación para la Paz 2006 de manos del Director General, Koichiro Matsuura. La Fundación para la Reconciliación, Colombia, recibirá por su parte una mención especial del mismo premio. Más

  • Conmemoración en la UNESCO del cincuentenario del Primer Congreso Internacional de Escritores y Artistas Negros
    14-09-2006 12:00 pm - (Anuncio a la prensa N°2006-48)
    La próxima semana se conmemorará en la UNESCO el cincuentenario del Primer Congreso Internacional de Escritores y Artistas Negros. La conmemoración dará comienzo a las 10h00 del 19 de septiembre con un acto solemne, que se celebrará en el Anfiteatro Descartes de la universidad parisiense de La Sorbona. Desde la tarde de ese mismo día hasta el 22 de septiembre, los restantes actos conmemorativos tendrán lugar en las Salas II, XI y XII de la sede de la Organización. Numerosos escritores, artistas e intelectuales de renombre internacional participarán en esta conmemoración, entre ellos Wole Soyinka (Nigeria), Henri Lopez (Congo), Nathan Davis (Estados Unidos), Edouard Glissant (Guadalupe) y Christiane Taubira (Guyana). Más

  • Inicio de un nuevo ciclo de Becas UNESCO-Keizo Obuchi destinadas a jóvenes investigadores
    04-09-2006 10:30 am - (Anuncio a la prensa N°2006-47)
    La UNESCO invita a los jóvenes investigadores de los países en desarrollo a presentar sus candidaturas para las becas del Programa UNESCO-Keizo Obuchi, que financia Japón por séptima vez consecutiva mediante fondos fiduciarios destinados al desarrollo de capacidades en materia de recursos humanos. Más

  • First intergovernmental meeting to elaborate declaration of principles relating to cultural objects displaced in connection with Second World War
    19-07-2006 12:30 am - (Media Advisory No. 2006 – 46)
    Cultural objects displaced as a consequence of the Second World War often make headlines. Sometimes the news is a voluntary restitution to the rightful owners, but more often it is complicated litigation, fraught with symbolism. The first intergovernmental meeting with the task of elaborating a declaration of principles relating to these objects will take place at UNESCO from 19 to 21 July (Room XII). The goal is to make significant headway in an area that is particularly sensitive from the historical, socio-cultural, political and legal points of view. Más

  • UNESCO celebrates a Week of Sport
    14-07-2006 5:00 am - (Media Advisory No. 2006-45)
    The educational, ethical and social dimensions of sport will be highlighted during a week of “Sport for Peace and Development”, to be celebrated at UNESCO Headquarters from 17 to 23 July. Más

  • Koichiro Matsuura visita en Stuttgart el Festival Mundial UNESCO de la juventud
    05-07-2006 3:40 am - (Anuncio a la prensa Nº44-2006)
    El Director General de la UNESCO, Koichiro Matsuura, particiñará los próximos 6 y 7 de julio en el Festival Mundial UNESCO de la Juventud, que, con motivo de la Copa Mundial de Fútbol de la FIFA 2006, reúne en Stuttgart (Alemania) a 2006 jóvenes de los cinco continentes. Más

  • Reunión del Comité del Patrimonio Mundial para inscribir nuevos sitios en la Lista del Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO
    04-07-2006 4:05 am - (Media Advisory No.2006-43)
    patrimonio.jpgTreinta y siete nuevas propuestas de inscripción en la Lista del Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO serán examinadas durante la 30ª reunión del Comité del Patrimonio Mundial, que está previsto celebrar del 8 al 16 de julio en Vilna, capital de Lituania. * Más

  • President Boni Yayi of Benin to Visit UNESCO on 29 June
    28-06-2006 4:30 pm - (Media Advisory No.2006-42)
    The President of Benin, Boni Yayi, will carry out an official visit to UNESCO Headquarters in Paris on Thursday, 29 June. This will be his first visit to the Organization since his election as President in April this year. Más

  • Le Prince Talal Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud à l’UNESCO le 26 juin
    23-06-2006 10:00 am - (Avis aux médias N°2006-41)
    Le Prince Talal Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud, Président du Programme du Golfe arabe pour les organisations de développement des Nations Unies (AGFUND) et Envoyé spécial de l’UNESCO pour l’eau, prendra la parole le 26 juin (11h) lors de la réunion d’information sur la 2ème édition du Rapport mondial sur l’eau, organisée par le Directeur général de l’UNESCO, Koïchiro Matsuura, pour les Délégués permanents des Etats membres de l’Organisation. Más

  • Primera reunión de los Estados Partes en la Convención para la salvaguardia del patrimonio cultural e inmaterial
    21-06-2006 10:50 am - (Anuncio a la prensa N° 40-2006)
    immaterial_71.jpgLa Asamblea General de los Estados Partes en la Convención para la salvaguardia del patrimonio cultural e inmaterial se reunirá del 27 al 29 de junio en la sede de la UNESCO. Se trata de la primera reunión del órgano soberano de esa Convención, que fue adoptada en octubre de 2003 por la Conferencia General de la UNESCO y entró en vigor el 20 de abril de 2006, tres meses después de su ratificación por parte de 30 Estados. Más

  • Conferencia-debate en la UNESCO sobre la crisis del dopaje en el deporte
    20-06-2006 4:20 pm - (Anuncio a la prensa Nº 39-2006-2)
    Una conferencia-debate sobre la crisis del dopaje en el deporte reunirá el 26 de junio próximo en la Sede de la UNESCO (de 15h00 a 18h00 en la Sala IV), a eminentes especialistas en este ámbito. Koichiro Matsuura, Director General de la Organización, será el encargado de abrir el debate. Más

  • 2006 International Year of Desertification - Scientists meet in Tunis to discuss the future of drylands
    12-06-2006 1:00 pm - (Media Advisory No.2006-38)
    Scientists, field experts and decisions makers from the world’s drylands regions will meet in Tunis from 19 to 21 June to explore ways of managing these critical zones in a more sustainable way and to combat desertification. The Future of Drylands conference is one of the landmark events of the United Nations International Year of Deserts and Desertification and celebrates 50 years of UN research in this area. Más

  • New cycle of UNESCO-L’OREAL Fellowships for young women studying life sciences
    09-06-2006 2:00 pm - (Media Advisory No.2006-37)
    The 2007 cycle for the UNESCO-L’OREAL Fellowships programme, targeting young women pursuing vocations in the life sciences is now underway. An announcement letter has been sent to National Commissions for UNESCO along with conditions and criteria. These documents are available on line*. (Click on “How to apply” to find the application form.) Más

  • Se inicia en la UNESCO la Campaña Mundial en pro de la Educación para la Prevención de Desastres
    02-06-2006 3:30 pm - (Anuncio a la prensa N°2006-36)
    tilly_smith_thumb.jpgLa Secretaría Interinstitucional de la Estrategia Internacional de Reducción de Desastres de las Naciones Unidas (EIRD), la UNESCO y el Comité Francés del Decenio de las Naciones Unidas de la Educación para el Desarrollo Sostenible inaugurarán conjuntamente en la Sede de la UNESCO la Campaña Mundial en pro de la Educación para la Prevención de Desastres (15 de junio, 18h00, Sala II). Más

  • Omani Cultural Days at UNESCO focus on Intercultural dialogue
    01-06-2006 2:10 pm - (Media Advisory No.2006-35)
    Intercultural dialogue is the main theme of a series of events at UNESCO Headquarter from 6 to 9 June. Three seminars, an exhibition of Omani books and visual arts, a concert of Andalusian Music and the screening of the film “The Seven voyages in Oman” will take place on the occasion of the Proclamation of Muscat as Arab Cultural Capital 2006. The events are organized by the ministry of Heritage and Culture of the Sultanate of Oman joined with UNESCO, ISESCO and the permanent delegation of Oman. Más

  • Fourth South East Europe Heads of State Summit, to be held in Opatija, Croatia under the aegis of UNESCO
    30-05-2006 2:00 pm - (Media Advisory No.2006-34)
    Organized by the Croatian President, Stjepan Mesić, and UNESCO Director-General, Koïchiro Matsuura, in cooperation with Terry Davis, Secretary-General of the Council of Europe, a Regional Forum entitled “Communication of Heritage: A New Vision for South East Europe” will bring together on 1 and 2 June the Heads of State of seven countries: Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia*. The forum will take place in Opatija, Croatia, at the Hotel Ambassador. Más

  • UNESCO at 3rd session of World Urban Forum
    26-05-2006 4:20 pm - (Media Advisory N°2006-33)
    More than 6,000 participants from 150 countries are expected to attend the third session of the World Urban Forum (WUF3) in Vancouver, Canada, from 19 to 23 June. Más

  • UNESCO hosts Africa Week from 22 to 26 May
    19-05-2006 2:30 pm - (Media Advisory No.2006-32)
    “African Cultural Heritage, a Motor for Renaissance” is the theme of Africa Week to be held this year at UNESCO from 22 to 31 May within the framework of Africa Day (25 May). Participants in this year’s event include Pierre Kipré, former Minister of National Education of Côte d’Ivoire, Doudou Diène, United Nations Special Rapporteur for Racism, Xenophobia and Discrimination and Elizabeth Wangari, Chief of the Africa Unit of the World Heritage Centre. Más

  • Reunión de expertos para examinar las causas de la elevación del nivel del mar
    19-05-2006 11:30 am - (Anuncio a la prensa N°2006-31)
    Sans titre.bmpUnos 160 eminentes expertos en el cambio climático, oceanógrafos y especialistas en ciencias del mar del mundo entero se reunirán del 6 al 9 de junio en la sede de la UNESCO en París, a fin de examinar los factores que contribuyen a la elevación del nivel del mar y determinar en qué ámbitos es necesario adquirir más conocimientos para comprender mejor este fenómeno. Más

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