The executive branch of the Organization
The Secretariat consists of the Director-General and the Staff appointed by him or her. As of mid-2009, the Secretariat employed around 2,000 civil servants from some 170 countries. The staff is divided into Professional and General Service categories. More than 700 staff members work in UNESCO's 65 field offices around the world.
Structure of the UNESCO Secretariat
Programme Sectors:
- Education (ED)
- Natural Sciences (SC)
- Social and Human Sciences (SHS)
- Culture (CLT)
- Communication and Information (CI)
Support Sectors:
- External Relations and Public Information (ERI)
- Administration (ADM)
Central Services:
- Secretariat of the Governing Bodies (GBS)
- Division of Field Support and Coordination (FSC)
- Office of International Standards and Legal Affairs (LA)
- Internal Oversight Service (IOS)
- Ethics Office (ETH)
- Bureau of Strategic Planning (BSP)
- Bureau of Human Resources Management (HRM)
- Africa Department (AFR)
- Secretariat of the Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize (CRP)