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Reuniones sobre el patrimonio cultural inmaterial (co-)organizadas por el UNESCO

21 elemento(s)

12a reunión del Comité integubernamental
04/09-12-2017- (República de Corea)

Encuentro Regional: Mecanismos de cooperación en Patrimonio Inmaterial

y Enseñanza Superior
21/22-11-2017Buenos Aires (Argentina)

Stakeholders’ meeting
26-10-2017Abuja (Nigeria)

Sesión de información y intercambio para los miembros del Comité Intergubernamental
03-10-2017París (Francia)

Taller de capacitación sobre la metodología de inventarios participativos en la región oriente de Guatemala
25-09-2017Esquipulas, Chiquimula (Guatemala)

Training of trainers workshop for the European chapter of the global facilitators’ network
18/22-09-2017Sofia (Bulgaria)

Quinto encuentro de centros de categoría 2 en el ámbito del patrimonio cultural inmaterial
10/12-09-2017Shiraz (Irán (República Islámica del))

Safeguarding Nigeria’s Intangible Cultural Heritage: Workshop on preparation of nomination files to the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Lists
26/30-06-2017Abuja (Nigeria)

Strengthening the implementation of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage: sub-regional training workshop for facilitators from Central Asia
19/23-06-2017Bishkek (Kirguistán)

Inventario piloto de la Alfarería de Santa Apolonia
12-06-2017/31-08-2017Santa Apolonia (Guatemala)

Taller sobre confección de inventarios para la salvaguardia del patrimonio cultural inmaterial de la región occidente de Guatemala con la participación de las comunidades
05/09-06-2017Santa Apolonia, Guatemala (Guatemala)

Integrating intangible cultural heritage in education: Intersectoral meeting with Education Institutes and programmes
17/19-05-2017Paris (Francia)

Developing Safeguarding plans
16/20-04-2017Dubai (Emiratos Árabes Unidos)

Workshop on community-based inventorying in the context of implementing the 2003 Convention in Eritrea
03/18-04-2017Asmara (Eritrea)

Taller de formación sobre la aplicación de la Convención 2003 a nivel nacional en Guatemala
03/07-04-2017Ciudad de Guatemala (Guatemala)

Third expert group meeting on cultural contexts of health and well-being
13/14-03-2017Paris (Francia)

Vínculo para un acceso directo 

In January 2015, the WHO Regional Office for Europe convened its first expert group meeting on the cultural contexts of health (CCH), thereby initiating a project that seeks to build a platform for research from the health-related humanities and social sciences to support the implementation of Health 2020, the European policy framework for health and well-being. The second meeting of the expert group was convened in April 2016 to further explore how research from the humanities and social sciences can inform policy-making, and how a greater awareness of the importance of CCH can be promoted both within WHO and more broadly in the public health arena.

The purpose of this third meeting of the CCH expert group, co-organized with UNESCO on 13-14 March at UNESCO’s headquarters in Paris will be two-fold. The first day will be dedicated to reviewing and inputting on the various pieces of technical work, which are currently being developed by the CCH project team. On day two, the meeting will shift towards recommending new areas of work and development for 2017, with a particular focus on research methodologies and concrete research outputs.

This is an invitation-only meeting for experts from the health related humanities and social sciences, as well as experts from public health, UNESCO, and other relevant international organizations, whose focus is on the intersection of culture, health and well-being.


Envisioning the future of the global capacity-building programme and its facilitators’ network - Strategy meeting with facilitators
06/09-03-2017Bangkok (Tailandia)

Training on the use of the mechanisms of the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Fiji
20/24-02-2017Suva (Fiji)

Community-based inventorying workshop with the Bida community
20/24-02-2017Niger State (Nigeria)
