UNESCO Statistics


Institute for Statistics is the official source for internationally-comparable data on education, R&D, culture, communication & SDGs

Montreal, Canada
加入于 2011年4月


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  1. 置顶推文

    ., the official and trusted source for comparable education data to monitor

  2. 12分钟前

    We have a pragmatic and unified approach to measuring learning globally. Read the blog

  3. 43分钟前

    Natural sciences & agriculture are the main fields of R&D employing most in Africa

  4. 1小时前

    Attention ! 264M children & youth are still -of-school

  5. 2小时前

    can cut poverty rates in half globally

  6. 22小时前

    Major leap forward on the global reporting of learning – read the blog by

  7. 22小时前
  8. 23小时前

    Explore the data on girls' education with our eAtlas on gender disparities

  9. 转推了

    Why the stepping-stone approach could be the answer to measuring learning across the world. Blog by

  10. 23小时前

    We could cut global poverty in half if all adults had secondary edu but rates stagnate

  11. 转推了

    Secondary education could halve global poverty. But basic education comes first. Report from

  12. 转推了
  13. 7月12日
  14. 7月12日

    We are moving towards gender parity in rates but inequalities persist at regional & country levels

  15. 7月11日
  16. 7月11日

    Sub-Saharan Africa remains region w/ highest rates for all age groups

  17. 7月10日

    NEW DATA: Private sector funds 60% of all R&D activity in North America

  18. 7月10日

    Youth are + 4x more likely to be as children & 2x more likely than adolescents

  19. 7月10日

    Partners call for greater support of Global Alliance to Monitor Learning

  20. 7月10日
  21. 7月8日

    131M girls are not in primary or secondary school. We need to call on leaders to &data producers


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