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Reuniones sobre el patrimonio cultural inmaterial (co-)organizadas por el UNESCO

21 elemento(s)

12a reunión del Comité integubernamental
04/09-12-2017- (República de Corea)

Encuentro Regional: Mecanismos de cooperación en Patrimonio Inmaterial

y Enseñanza Superior
21/22-11-2017Buenos Aires (Argentina)

Stakeholders’ meeting
26-10-2017Abuja (Nigeria)

Sesión de información y intercambio para los miembros del Comité Intergubernamental
03-10-2017París (Francia)

Taller de capacitación sobre la metodología de inventarios participativos en la región oriente de Guatemala
25-09-2017Esquipulas, Chiquimula (Guatemala)

Training of trainers workshop for the European chapter of the global facilitators’ network
18/22-09-2017Sofia (Bulgaria)

Quinto encuentro de centros de categoría 2 en el ámbito del patrimonio cultural inmaterial
10/12-09-2017Shiraz (Irán (República Islámica del))

Safeguarding Nigeria’s Intangible Cultural Heritage: Workshop on preparation of nomination files to the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Lists
26/30-06-2017Abuja (Nigeria)

Strengthening the implementation of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage: sub-regional training workshop for facilitators from Central Asia
19/23-06-2017Bishkek (Kirguistán)

Inventario piloto de la Alfarería de Santa Apolonia
12-06-2017/31-08-2017Santa Apolonia (Guatemala)

Taller sobre confección de inventarios para la salvaguardia del patrimonio cultural inmaterial de la región occidente de Guatemala con la participación de las comunidades
05/09-06-2017Santa Apolonia, Guatemala (Guatemala)

Integrating intangible cultural heritage in education: Intersectoral meeting with Education Institutes and programmes
17/19-05-2017Paris (Francia)

Vínculo para un acceso directo 

The Intangible Cultural Heritage Section is developing new partnerships with relevant educational institutions in the context of the next quadrennial UNESCO programme (2018–2021). To this end it organized an intersectoral meeting on ‘Integrating intangible cultural heritage in education’ from 17 to 19 May 2017 at UNESCO Headquarters, which brought together 40 colleagues working in education and in intangible cultural heritage at the UNESCO Education Institutes, in Field Offices and at Headquarters.

Participants discussed the interface between intangible cultural heritage and education with special reference to the Sustainable Development Goal, Target 4.7 on learning for the ‘promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development’ to achieve Goal 4 on quality education and lifelong learning opportunities for all.

They shared concrete project experiences from Latina America, Africa and Asia and the Pacific on how to promote transmission and safeguarding of integrating intangible cultural heritage through all forms of education (formal, non-formal and informal). Collectively, they generated ideas for future action, including operational projects, the joint development of conceptual frameworks, policy guidance and monitoring.

The meeting was a milestone in building new partnerships between the Education and Culture Sectors.


  • Meeting report: inglés|francés
  • Provisional meeting agenda: inglés en preparación

Developing Safeguarding plans
16/20-04-2017Dubai (Emiratos Árabes Unidos)

Workshop on community-based inventorying in the context of implementing the 2003 Convention in Eritrea
03/18-04-2017Asmara (Eritrea)

Taller de formación sobre la aplicación de la Convención 2003 a nivel nacional en Guatemala
03/07-04-2017Ciudad de Guatemala (Guatemala)

Third expert group meeting on cultural contexts of health and well-being
13/14-03-2017Paris (Francia)

Envisioning the future of the global capacity-building programme and its facilitators’ network - Strategy meeting with facilitators
06/09-03-2017Bangkok (Tailandia)

Training on the use of the mechanisms of the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Fiji
20/24-02-2017Suva (Fiji)

Community-based inventorying workshop with the Bida community
20/24-02-2017Niger State (Nigeria)
