This workshop is the outcome of a collaboration between the Regional and Monitoring Support Unit (RMSU) for the programme Euromed Heritage IV of the European Union (EU) and the France-UNESCO Cooperation Agreement. It will deal with inventories of cultural heritages in nine Mediterranean Partner countries of the EU (Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestinian Authority, Syria and Tunisia), with the addition of Libya and Mauritania. The workshop falls within the RMSU-Euromed Heritage IV activity, which aims at strengthening the institutional and legal frameworks in these partner countries.

Starting from the assumption that an inventory of heritage is a fundamental step in a conservation policy and a protective measure in itself, debates will focus on updating inventories and adapting them to new methodologies and technologies. Heritage is considered in its wider aspects: movable goods, immovable properties, historic sites and cultural landscapes, intangible heritage, etc.

Representatives from Heritage Departments of the countries mentioned above and international organisations specialised in cultural heritage such UNESCO, the Council of Europe, ICOM and ICOMOS, will take part in the workshop. The discussion will revolve around the following themes: the actual situation, data collection, formatting and accessibility, use of inventories as a reference tool, and definition of user groups. In conclusion, recommendations useful to each participating country will be drawn up.

Workshop moderators will be Dr Khairieh, Deputy Director, the Jordan National Museum, and Dr Frank Braemer, Director of Research at the CNRS-University of Nice.

Workshop background paper and information paper are available both through the Euromed Heritage IV programme website: and France-UNESCO Cooperation Agreement home-page: