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Digital Library on major scientific and cultural landmarks

 The Intercultural Vademecum

The objective of this project is to highlight humankind’s intercultural solidarity, taking into account all available UNESCO’s documentation such as the General and Regional Histories. The Intercultural Vademecum is a programme designed within the framework of UNESCO’s cooperation with the Alliance of Civilizations and launched during the World Philosophy Day 2010. This pedagogical toolkit presents, in a straightforward and stimulating way, an intercultural vision of history bringing the Arab-Muslim and Western worlds together.

It lays particular emphasis on the need to recognize the intense interaction among all peoples in the Mediterranean Basin and the ties between them and cultures farther in India, Persia, the Arabian Peninsula and Africa.

It involved relevant initiatives, among which:

  • “A scientific, philosophical, literary and artistic anthology of Muslim/Arab civilization and its contribution to the revival of Western philosophy and culture”, in French, English, Arabic and Spanish;
  • “A philosophical look at Muslim/Arab civilization: accounts of routes, encounters, bridges and dialogues”;
  • “Illuminating interrelations and engaging dialogues: museums as a civic space for developing intercultural skills”;
  • “Young artists for intercultural dialogue between the Arab and Western worlds”
  • “The Power of Peace Network: reporting for peace”.

Click here to access the Intercultural Vademecum’s e-platform