
Thank you to everyone who supported our elephant emergency campaign, this page is now closed.

Every donation made to this cause was matched by our sponsors; so every contribution made twice as much difference.

Right now, the elephants of Garamba National Park face their most serious threat to date – chillingly efficient poachers using helicopters and advanced weaponry.

Poachers are able to wipe out whole herds in a single attack – unless you help us stop them.

If we don’t prevent this from happening them we may lose Garamba's elephants forever.

Following this unprecedented spike in poaching we are asking you to take action to help protect these irreplaceable elephant herds.

The Threat

Earlier this year Garamba National Park hit the headlines internationally due to a startling and highly militarised poaching crisis in the park.

A herd of ten elephants were decimated by poachers who used a helicopter and advanced weaponry in the attack.

The park has long suffered poaching spates from armed militias but the scale of this crisis is unprecedented. The poachers are highly equipped and non-discriminatory, having killed the entire herd.

Since May, two helicopters have been spotted hovering low over the park and a further herd of 15 elephants has been lost.

This is devastating news because Garamba’s elephants have a unique genetic footprint, found nowhere else on earth.

Unfortunately, despite their dedication, without adequate resources rangers are hopeless in the face of highly militarised poaching.

Why is money needed now?

This new military style ‘method’ of poaching is completely unsustainable.

Rangers on the ground need immediate funding to step up efforts halt the poaching activity, as once the herds are lost, they cannot be brought back.

Since June, the Rapid Response Facility (RRF) has provided emergency stop-gap finance to increase protection of the park but, more is needed. 

We need enough funds to get more rangers out in the park, defending one of Africa’s last bastions for wildlife.

Money is needed at this critical time to ensure the survival of these amazing animals in the park.

We want to tackle the problem NOW while it is still manageable and before Garamba’s great herds are lost for good. 

Add your voice to the campaign by using the hashtag #ElephantEmergency  

You can help

A few examples of how your support can help include:

£5 could purchase two signalling devices to keep rangers in touch with helicopter teams.£20 could provide rations for one ranger team on a ten day patrol.£100 could fund one vehicle patrol in Garamba National Park£600 could sponsor one aerial patrol in the park

By donating today, you can help save the gentle giants of Africa.

Thank you for your help.

This is an appeal from the Rapid Response Facility (;  – an emergency grant fund managed by Fauna & Flora International.

You can follow the progress of the appeal on Twitter: @the_RRF 

Garamba National Park is managed by Institut Congolais pour la Conservation de la Nature (ICCN) & the African Parks Network (APN).

Updates 7

THANK YOU to all of you who supported our #ElephantEmergency campaign. You gave £3,398.47 in funds altogether which were matched by our generous donors. This means we exceeded our target of £5,000! We will keep you updated on progress in Garamba National Park on twitter @the_RRF.

10/11/14 04:15

'[Money will allow us to] carry out activities efficiently, because we often struggle with little financial means, to have necessary field equipment, but also means of transport' Miss Gisèle Nekpesu Garamba National Park #ElephantEmergency

06/11/14 02:25

We're thrilled we reached 50% of our target this weekend! Now just 5 days left to donate - please donate to the #ElephantEmergency appeal and share widely with your friends.

04/11/14 04:32

Today we have extended our deadline for donations for an extra week in an attempt to raise as much as we possibly can. THIS WILL BE YOUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO HELP. After this we will send the money out to the field team as quickly as we possibly can. PLEASE GIVE TODAY. Thank you.

30/10/14 12:43

Be inspired to support our #ElephantEmergency appeal;

28/10/14 04:14

Raising money for

Fauna & Flora International

Fauna & Flora International

Charity Registration No. 1011102

Fauna & Flora International (FFI) was the world's first conservation organisation, established in 1903. Our vision is of a sustainable future for the planet, where biodiversity is effectively conserved by the people who live closest to it, supported by the global community.

Raising money for

Run by Fauna & Flora International

Charity Registration No. 1011102

Donations 99

Donation by anonymous on 11/11/14


Hope this helps the cause

Donation by Anonymous on 08/11/14


Donation by Anonymous on 07/11/14


+ £1.25 Gift Aid

Work like this is critical to the survival of elephants - so thanks for taking this on!

Donation by Guy Smith on 07/11/14


+ £2.50 Gift Aid

Donation by Niamh Nyul on 07/11/14


+ £2.50 Gift Aid

This battle is real!! We must never stop fighting for the animals!! xoxo

Donation by gemjordz on 07/11/14


Donation by Anonymous on 06/11/14

Donation by Anonymous on 06/11/14

Donation by Anonymous on 05/11/14


+ £5.00 Gift Aid

Donation by Anonymous on 05/11/14


Donation by Anonymous on 03/11/14


Donation by Anonymous on 03/11/14


Donation by Anonymous on 03/11/14


Donation by Rosalind johnso on 03/11/14


+ £5.00 Gift Aid

text donation

Donation by Anonymous on 03/11/14


+ £1.25 Gift Aid

via sms

Donation by Robin Johnson on 03/11/14


+ £2.50 Gift Aid

text donation

Donation by Anonymous on 03/11/14


+ £1.25 Gift Aid

via sms

Donation by Anonymous on 03/11/14


People that do this sort of thing are not human

Donation by Anonymous on 02/11/14

Donation by Björn Möllersten on 02/11/14


The use of military-style tactics for poaching is utterly appalling.

Donation by Anonymous on 01/11/14


Donation by Anonymous on 01/11/14

Donation by Anonymous on 01/11/14


People who risk their lives to protect the elephants deserve our support.

Donation by Colin Hodgson on 31/10/14


+ £25.00 Gift Aid

Donation by Sandra on 31/10/14


Donation summary

  • * Online donations£2,957.30
  • Offline donations£2,988.37
  • Text donations£42.00
  • Total raised£5,987.67
  • Gift Aid£465.50

* Charities pay a small fee for our service. Find out how much it is and what we do for it.