Category Archives: private schools

In Liberia, a town struggles to adjust to its new charter school

By Ashoka Mukpo, journalist When the community of Kollita Wolah built their schoolhouse in 1989, it was a proud moment. Located a few kilometers to the north of Gbarnga, a bustling hub city in central Liberia, residents of the town … Continue reading

Posted in Finance, private schools, private sector, Uncategorized | Tagged , , | 23 Comments

Evaluating Liberia’s private school partners: why policy decisions must be based on more than numbers

By Stuart Cameron, Senior Education Consultant at Oxford Policy Management. ‘Partnership Schools for Liberia’ (PSL) is a hot topic in education policy circles. A pilot programme outsourcing control of government primary schools to eight private providers, it has attracted considerable … Continue reading

Posted in private schools, private sector, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments

Education needs to fundamentally change if we are to reach our global development goals

The new Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report by UNESCO, released this morning, shows the vast potential for education to propel progress towards all global goals outlined in the new Sustainable Development Agenda (SDGs). But, if education is to fulfill that … Continue reading

Posted in accountability, Adult education, Arab States, Asia, Basic education, child marriage, Citizenship, Climate change, Conflict, curriculum, data, Developed countries, Equity, Ethnicity, Gender, Governance, Human rights, ICT, immigration, integrated development, Language, Latin America, Learning, Legislation, Literacy, Marginalization, pedagogy, Post-2015 development framework, Post-secondary education, Poverty, Pre-primary education, Primary school, private schools, private sector, Production, Rural areas, Sexual violence, SRGBV, Sustainable development, Uncategorized, united nations | Tagged , | 5 Comments

The Arguments and Evidence behind Public-Private Partnerships in Education

By Donald Baum, Assistant Professor of Education Policy and Economics, Brigham Young University Over the last few months, Liberia has become the site of and source for significant debate over its decision to initiate a large scale public-private partnership (PPP) … Continue reading

Posted in Africa, Finance, private schools, private sector, teaching, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

When is state funding of private schools a violation of human rights?

By Sylvain Aubry, Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights The announcement at the beginning of the year by the Ministry of Education of Liberia of its intention to outsource the management of all its pre-primary and primary schools … Continue reading

Posted in Equality, Finance, Human rights, private schools, private sector, Quality of education, Uncategorized | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Do private schools need to be better regulated?

There are long-standing debates over whether offering the choice between private and public schools affects the equity and quality of education systems. With little regulation, private school expansion risks happening in an unplanned manner, with little government oversight and potentially … Continue reading

Posted in accountability, Finance, Governance, Innovative financing, Learning, Legislation, private schools, private sector, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

What happens if an education system is outsourced?

The new Liberian Education Minister, George Werner, announced in January that the pre-primary and primary schools in the country will move over to be run by ‘public-private’ partnerships in a $65 million five year deal. Why this change? In February … Continue reading

Posted in Africa, Aid, Finance, Post-2015 development framework, private schools, private sector, Uncategorized | Tagged , | 11 Comments