The GEM Report at UKFIET 2017

ukfietThe 14th International Conference on Education and Development organized by UKFIET will be held this week in Oxford, England. The packed schedule includes many events with GEM Report focus as shown in the calendar below.

The theme of this year’s conference, ‘Learning and Teaching for Sustainable Development: Curriculum, Cognition and Context’, will explore the importance of focusing on what is taught and learnt for achieving sustainable development. This is an area we covered in depth in the 2016 GEM Report and in a policy paper on textbook content released this year. It is an area we consider central to progress towards sustainable development and central to Target 4.7 in particular in SDG 4. We will continue monitoring this area in future GEM Reports, including the publication due out this October.

Among these events, two consultations are being held on future GEM Report publications, including the 2017/8 GEM Report Gender Review due out early next year, and on the GEM Report 2019 on migration, displacement and education. For those attending, we welcome your feedback. For those not attending, we will report back on this blog some of the many conversations we will have with peers over the course of the week.

Tuesday 5th September



Room 6


The report team is organizing a workshop for the 2019 GEM Report on migration, displacement and education.

Following a brief presentation of the report outline and its proposed coverage of internal/international migration and internal/international displacement issues, there will be two 10-minute presentations looking at aspects of this broad topic:

·         Ruth Naylor of the Education Development Trust will discuss issues related to certification, documentation, and curricula

·         Yusuf Sayed of the University of Sussex will present on teachers and teaching for children affected by conflict, and instability

These will help kick-start a discussion to identify key anchor themes for education that cut across these different types of population movements.

Wednesday 6th September



South School


Manos Antoninis will be a discussant at the symposium The Global Partnership for Education (GPE): driving the Sustainable Development Agenda through a multi-stakeholder approach where Karen Mundy, Raphaelle Martinez and Talia de Chaisemartin will discuss the GPE Results Report and recent work on joint sector reviews and approaches to teaching and learning. Keith Lewin of the University of Sussex will also present a paper on education challenges for transitional countries.
Thursday 7th September



Room 14

As part of the symposium ‘Girls’ education: concept, approaches and policy’, Takudzwa Kanyangarara of the United Nations Girls Education Initiative will give a quickfire talk on the forthcoming 2017/8 GEM Report Gender Review on accountability and gender equality in education.



Room 9


The report team is organizing a symposium on challenges and progress in monitoring SDG target 4.7 on education for sustainable development and global citizenship.

·         Bryony Hoskins and Lanora Callahan (Roehampton) will presents efforts to capture the global indicator through responses to the monitoring survey of the 1974 UNESCO International Recommendation.

·         Nihan Köselecı will present on behalf of Yoko Mochizuki (UNESCO) the efforts of the Mahatma Gandhi Institute and the UNESCO Bangkok Office to refine understanding of curricular content on sustainable development in Asia.

·         Ralph Carstens (IEA) will present the efforts to develop the International Civic and Citizenship Education Survey to capture young people’s preparedness as citizens in changing contexts of issues of global relevance.

·         Manos Antoninis will present on behalf of Mario Piacentini (OECD) the efforts of to develop a global competences domain in the 2018 Programme for International Student Assessment.

·         Christophe Cornu (UNESCO) will present efforts to monitor the delivery of comprehensive sexuality education in schools.


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