Category Archives: mdgs

Is tying student results to teacher performance pay the best way to hold teachers to account?

Teachers around the world have a commitment to meet a range of learners’ needs, from engaging them in meaningful and relevant learning experiences and supporting their cognitive and social development to being responsible for their care and physical safety. They … Continue reading

Posted in accountability, mdgs, Millennium Development Goals, Post-2015 development framework, sdg, sdgs, Uncategorized | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

SDG4: More than the sum of its parts?

There are ten targets within the new global education goal that were negotiated at length to be part of a comprehensive, integrated and ambitious SDG agenda relevant to all countries. Yet, as many have mentioned, the 17 goals in the … Continue reading

Posted in mdgs, Millennium Development Goals, Post-2015 development framework, sdg, sdgs, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Tanzania abolishes secondary school fees. But does anything come for free?

It is extremely good news to hear that the United Republic of Tanzania has cancelled school fees at the secondary level. This new policy aims to free families from any fees and contributions to education for 11 years of schooling. … Continue reading

Posted in Developing countries, Literacy, Marginalization, mdgs, sdg, sdgs, Secondary school, Uncategorized | Tagged , | 19 Comments

A Data Revolution for Education 2030

By Jordan Naidoo, Director of Education at UNESCO, and Sylvia Montoya, Director of the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS). The fourth Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) is a global dream about quality education for all children, youth and adults. But this ambitious … Continue reading

Posted in Equality, Equity, Learning, Literacy, mdgs, Millennium Development Goals, Out-of-school children, parity, Post-2015 development framework, Poverty, Quality of education, sdg, sdgs | 7 Comments

Are We Ready for the new Sustainable Development Goals?

By Alice Albright, Chief Executive Officer of the Global Partnership for Education. This blog is part of a series of last minute reflections before a new education goal is set in stone.    For several years now, we in the development … Continue reading

Posted in Africa, Aid, Arab States, Asia, Basic education, Conflict, Developed countries, Developing countries, Innovative financing, mdgs, Millennium Development Goals, Out-of-school children, Post-2015 development framework, sdg, sdgs, Sustainable development | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

Achieving the 2030 Education Goal by focusing on early learning

by Michelle Neuman, Program Director, Results for Development Institute. This blog is part of a series of last minute reflections before the new education agenda is set in stone.  A quarter of a century after global education leaders met in Jomtien, Thailand, and … Continue reading

Posted in Africa, Aid, Basic education, Developing countries, Early childhood care and education, Equality, Equity, Literacy, mdgs, Millennium Development Goals, Post-2015 development framework, Pre-primary education, Quality of education, sdg, sdgs, Sustainable development, Teachers, Uncategorized | Tagged | 3 Comments

Partnerships in education

Development partnerships in education have taken many forms, including our very own EFA Global Monitoring Report. Partnerships will be even more necessary if the sustainable development agenda is to be successfully implemented. It is for this reason that the OECD … Continue reading

Posted in Developed countries, Developing countries, Donors, Economic growth, Equality, Governance, Innovative financing, mdgs, Millennium Development Goals, Post-2015 development framework, sdg, sdgs, Sustainable development | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment