Tag Archives: sdg 4.7

And the winners of our youth photo competition are…

We’re delighted to announce the three winners of the youth photo competition we launched just over a month ago around the themes of Target 4.7 in the new global education goal. Selected from a huge amount of talented submissions, the … Continue reading

Posted in Citizenship, Climate change, sdg, sdgs, Uncategorized, Youth | Tagged , , , , | 5 Comments

The challenge of Target 4.7 in fragile and low-resource contexts

By Margaret Sinclair (Technical Adviser, Protect Education in Insecurity and Conflict Programme, Education Above All Foundation) and Jean Bernard (Senior Partner, Spectacle Learning Media) Given current challenges of conflict, insecurity and environmental collapse, we must put maximum effort into Sustainable … Continue reading

Posted in Citizenship, pedagogy, sdg, sdgs, Sustainable development, teaching, textbooks, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , | 3 Comments

Citizenship Education in Morocco: How civil society organizations can help

Elarbi Imad, President, Moroccan Center for Civic Education Recently, there has been growing interest in citizenship education across the world. With the rise of the Arab Spring there has been recognition within Morocco that citizenship education can help equip youth … Continue reading

Posted in curriculum, textbooks, Uncategorized, Youth | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment