Category Archives: integrated development
Out of date textbooks put sustainable development at risk.
Today, we’ve launched a new study into secondary school textbooks around the world, continuing our focus on the content of education, which we began in the 2016 GEM Report with a focus on curricula. Our focus on textbooks comes from … Continue reading
SDG4 is a universal agenda – and that includes high income countries
“Can OECD’s data guide the world towards better education systems?” asks a blog promoting yesterday’s launch of the 2016 edition of the OECD flagship publication, Education at a Glance. The Introduction of the 2016 Education at a Glance is one … Continue reading
Why have countries committed to development targets they might never reach?
It seems a strange decision for any country, let alone all, to sign up to a global commitment they know they will never reach. End Hunger? Eradicate poverty? Are these lofty goals really possible? In the next 15 years? Exactly … Continue reading
Education needs to fundamentally change if we are to reach our global development goals
The new Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report by UNESCO, released this morning, shows the vast potential for education to propel progress towards all global goals outlined in the new Sustainable Development Agenda (SDGs). But, if education is to fulfill that … Continue reading
Education 2030 Framework for Action: let’s get started
by Aaron Benavot and Manos Antoninis The Education 2030 Framework for Action was adopted today in a high level meeting alongside the 38th UNESCO General Conference. What is this document and what does it mean for our work over the … Continue reading
The Role of the Philanthropic Sector in Achieving the Education SDG
This blog is part of a series of last minute reflections before a new education goal is set in stone. It is written by Kim Kerr, Deputy Director, Education and Learning at The MasterCard Foundation The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) … Continue reading