Tag Archives: aid

What is at stake at the GPE Financing Conference?

The Global Partnership for Education (GPE) 3rd replenishment conference (February 1-2) aims to confirm significant increases in commitments from partner countries and donors – old and new – in order to ensure that all children and youth are in school … Continue reading

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Results based financing in education: is it a challenge to aid effectiveness?

On the occasion of this week’s Global Partnership for Education (GPE) Financing Conference held in Dakar, Senegal, the GEM Report has released a new policy paperon results-based financing (RBF) in education, a financing modality being promoted strongly by some donors. … Continue reading

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What US support to UNRWA is worth in terms of education

Yesterday, as hinted at the start of the year, the United States cut its aid to the United Nations Relief Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees, better known with its acronym UNRWA. UNRWA has been running for over six decades, having … Continue reading

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Evaluating GPE’s self-evaluation

This week, the Strategy and Impact Committee of the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) Board is to meet to discuss, among many issues, the ‘Results Report’, which is the Partnership’s monitoring document; and the ‘Knowledge and Innovation Exchange’ (KIX), the … Continue reading

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Donors and countries are not pulling their weight in funding education

Today, two events are being held during the UN General Assembly delivering a high-level political call for urgent action on education financing. As the forthcoming GEM Report due out 24 October shows, many countries and donors are not pulling their … Continue reading

Posted in accountability, Aid, Donors, Finance, Innovative financing, sdg, sdgs, Uncategorized, united nations | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Making space for more and better aid to education

By Keith M Lewin The latest policy paper from the GEM Report provides a stark reminder that trends in aid to education mean there is still a long journey to travel to deliver access to quality education for all. Aid … Continue reading

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The share of aid allocated to education has fallen for the sixth year in a row

A new GEM Report policy paper, Aid to education is stagnating and not going to countries most in need, shows that the amount of aid allocated to education has been falling for six years in a row. Donors are turning … Continue reading

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When will they ever learn?

By Ben Hewitt, Director of Campaigns and Communications at Theirworld Denying a child an education does not happen by accident. It is the end result of policy and funding choices made by individuals in positions of power. It is up … Continue reading

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Donors should dedicate 10% of their aid to education

This week, the International Development Committee of the UK parliament recommended in a letter to the country’s Department for International Development (DFID) that it dedicate 10% of its development aid to education. The letter submitted referenced our latest 2016 Report … Continue reading

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How would education suffer without aid from the USA?

Last week, White House officials said that President Trump would increase military spending by $54 billion, taking funds from domestic programs and foreign aid to pay the bill. What would a total cut of all USA aid for education mean? … Continue reading

Posted in Aid, curriculum, Democracy, Developed countries, Developing countries, peace, Uncategorized | Tagged , , | 5 Comments