Tag Archives: davos

How can education help us rethink what we mean by prosperity?

We need to reconceive what it means to prosper. The current prosperity enjoyed by pockets of people across the world has had a devastating impact on our natural environment and left too many people behind. Education is often held up … Continue reading

Posted in Skills, Sustainable development, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Business leaders at the World Economic Forum must boost finance for education

As political and business leaders gather in Davos for another year’s World Economic Forum, the Education for All Global Monitoring Report has released a new policy paper  showing that contributions from corporations and private foundations combined total only $683 million … Continue reading

Posted in Africa, Arab States, Asia, Basic education, Developing countries, Economic growth, Out-of-school children, Pre-primary education, Primary school, Quality of education, Teachers, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , | 13 Comments