This afternoon at 4 PM (GMT), the GEM Report will host a digital launch event for the 2017/8 Youth Report.
The digital launch will bring together some of the key youth ambassadors for the GEM Report #WhosAccountable campaign on the right to education, including:
- Dr Koumbou Boly Barry, UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Education,
- Salam Al-Nukta, Global activist for education and women’s rights, Syria. TEDxyouth/women organizer, founder of the ChangeMakers initiative, and youth representative to the GEM Reports Advisory Board
- Helge Schwitters, President of the European Students’ Union and a student at the University of Oslo, Norway.
- Victoria Ibiwoye, youth representative of the SDG Education 2030 Steering Committee from Nigeria;
- Vivian Onano, Partnerships Manager of the SEED Project from Kenya; and
- Dylan Barry, who headed up the #FeesMustFall student protest economic Research task team in South Africa.
The presenters will share their first-hand experience of campaigning around the right to education and dos and don’ts for future campaigners!
We invite you to take part in this vibrant online debate later today on accountability in education, to interact in real time with the digital presentation, share your own experiences via a real time question and answer session and sign up to participate in the #WhosAccountable campaign.
Get prepared!
You can download the Youth Report now, watch this quick presentation to hear about our recommendations for change and prepare your questions and comments for our digital launch event next week.
You can also join the conversation online via @GEMReport and #WhosAccountable or #GEM2017