Photo gallery : Holocaust Commemoration 2016
UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova marked the International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust with a series of symbolic events on the theme “From Words to Genocide – Antisemitic Propaganda and the Holocaust,” on 27 January, 2016.
Exhibition : State of Deception: The Power of Nazi Propaganda
L'exhibition : State of Deception: The Power of Nazi Propaganda (by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum) examines how the Nazi movement used propaganda to win broad voter support in Germany’s young democracy after World War I. It also highlights how the regime, under its one party rule, developed a propaganda system justifying the implementation of repressive policies in the 1930s, war and genocide of the Jewish people.
Official Visit : Shoah Memorial (Paris)
UNESCO was fully engaged in events to mark this international day. Alongside French Prime Minister Manuel Valls, Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve and Education Minister Najat Vallaud-Belcakem, Irina Bokova witnessed the signing of a Convention on education against antisemitism and for global citizenship at the Shoah Memorial in Paris.
Two Round Tables : “From Words to Genocide: Antisemic Propaganda and the Holocaust”
Two round tables took place at UNESCO headquarters, entitled, "A History of Hate Speech and Genocide" and "In the Shadow of the Past: Countering Antisemitism and Hate Speech Today". Both round tables were hosted by Emmanuel Laurentin, producer and host of "La Fabrique de l'histoire", France Culture.
Holocaust Evening Ceremony
The ceremony in memory of the victims of the Holocaust featured interventions by Mr Eric de Rothschild, President of the Shoah Memorial and longstanding partner of UNESCO, H.E. Mr Carmel Shama Hacohen, Ambassador and Permanent Delegate of Israel to UNESCO, and the evening’s guest of honor, Mr Roman Kent, survivor of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration and extermination camp.