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Data for Sustainable Development - UIS Blog

The SDG 4 Data Digest sets out a roadmap for countries and donors to produce quality data The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with their strong emphasis on inclusion and equity, compel us to...
The UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) is working to develop reporting scales to help governments monitor student learning in mathematics and reading over time and make good use of the resulting...
As the Fourth Meeting of the Global Alliance to Monitor Learning (GAML) gets underway in Madrid, the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) explores how best to measure functional literacy and...

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A new UNESCO global report on cultural policies features a range of data and analysis produced by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS). Entitled Re-Shaping Cultural Policies, the report is...
Looking for data on Sustainable Development Goal 4 and equity in education? Go straight to the source with the UNESCO Institute for Statistics. We offer several tools and platforms to make it easier...
A new report from the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) sets out a roadmap of strategies and tools to help countries produce vital data on education. The SDG 4 Data Digest sets out the...
The latest results of the large-scale reading assessments, PIRLS, will be launched by UNESCO and the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) on 5 December 2017...

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