Over the last several weeks, the World Heritage Centre has received numerous messages from citizens and NGOs expressing their concerns regarding the development of the Vienna Ice Skating Rink, the Hotel Intercontinental and the Konzerthaus site, and other conservation issues within the boundaries of the property.

It should be noted that the competent authorities of the State Party of the Austria, as well as ICOMOS International, and the World Heritage Centre are fully aware of the concerns raised. The project, and other conservation issues concerning the property, are being very seriously considered by all parties and is being monitored according to the Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention. Additionally, please note that a Reactive Monitoring mission took place from 16 to 19 November 2015. The report is available at: http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/1033/documents/.

Furthermore, the World Heritage Committee will review the state of conservation of the site at its forthcoming 40th session (Istanbul, 10 July – 20 July 2016). The state of conservation report regarding “Historic Centre of Vienna” is available on the UNESCO website at the following link: http://whc.unesco.org/en/soc/3424.