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Saint-Étienne and Seoul design the designers of tomorrow

Saint-Étienne and Seoul design the designers of tomorrow

Thu, 08/25/2016

Saint-Étienne and Seoul lead together the “Designing designers for tomorrow”, a one-year project building a common reflection platform of Design Higher Education and Research between the two Creative Cities of Design. More especially, it aims at sharing expertise and developing the international career of Design students and researchers.

In this context, a programme of exchanges, workshops, conferences, and common publications between Saint-Etienne Higher School of Art and Design ESADSE, and Seoul Kookmin University, put the spotlight on international stakes and issues in the field of Design today, questioning social and technological topics.

A workshop in Seoul from 4 to 12 June allowed the Seoul team to introduce the Korean culture of creativity and design to French students and researchers. In turn, a second workshop is held in Saint-Étienne from 22 to 27 August and will focus on the housing design and habitat of tomorrow, inspired by Le Corbusier. It relies on the analyses of the exceptional urban site designed by Le Corbusier in Firminy, near Saint-Étienne, and other sites in France recorded in the UNESCO World Heritage List. 

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