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World Industrial Day in Curitiba

World Industrial Day in Curitiba

Wed, 07/29/2015
Curitiba (Brazil) joined the Network in 2014 as a Creative City of Design.  In the framework of the celebration of its designation, the city organized the World Industrial Day on 29 June 2015, dedicated to promoting a global understanding of industrial design. 32 designers, representatives of various local government agencies, NGOs, universities, design companies and design-lovers attended the event launched by Mayor Gustavo Fruet. During the opening ceremony, the Mayor of Curitiba presented the guidelines aimed at developing the city into a national and international point of reference in design and creative industries. 
Several guest speakers shared their views about the future sustainable development of the city by involving the design industry as a strategic factor for sustainable urban development. Currently, the city has 49 design courses, 14 researches groups -representing 11% of national studies- and hosts nearly 2,700 active designers. More than 460 design awards have also been given in the last 10 years. Curitiba already has all the conditions to transform itself through design!

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