I - 34151 Trieste Italy
(+39) 040 2240 111
With about 30 members, an intense programme of workshops, a constant flow of visitors, and close collaborations with local scientific institutions such as SISSA, Elettra, and the University of Trieste, the Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics (CMSP) section is a vibrant international research environment for scientists from every corner of the world.
Research in the CMSP section spans some of the most exciting areas of theoretical condensed matter physics, including the physics of nanostructures, of many-body quantum systems at, or far from equilibrium, the computer simulations of fluids and solids with atomistic, molecular and electronic structure methods, and the design of new materials for renewable energy applications.
22 May 2018
A new strategy to investigate quantum entanglement up to thousands of particles
10 May 2018
Walter Kohn Prize for quantum-mechanical materials modeling
20 Apr 2018
ICTP, international team predict way to strengthen quantum synchronization
2018-07-05 11:00:00
2018-07-05 12:00:00
Condensed Matter Seminar: Interplay of Charge and Spin Degrees of Freedom in Pnictides and Dichalcogenides
5 Jul 2018
» Condensed Matter Seminar: Interplay of Charge and Spin Degrees of Freedom in Pnictides and Dichalcogenides
2018-07-31 11:00:00
2018-07-31 12:00:00
Joint ICTP/SISSA Statistical Physics Seminar: Area-Law and Universality in the Statistics of the Subsystem Energy
Consider a quantum chain in its ground state and then take a subdomain of this system with natural truncated hamiltonian. Since the total hamiltonian does not commute with the truncated hamiltonian the subsystem can be in one of its eigenenergies with different probabilities. Since the global energy eigenstates are locally close to diagonal in the local energy eigenbasis we argue that the Shannon(Renyi) entropy of these probabilities follows an area-law for the gapped systems. When the system is at the critical point the Shannon(Renyi) entropy follows a logarithmic behaviour with a universal coefficient.
Our results show that the Shannon(Renyi) entropy of the subsystem energies closely mimics the behaviour of the entanglement entropy in quantum chains. We support the arguments by detailed numerical calculations performed on the transverse field XY-chain.
31 Jul 2018
» Joint ICTP/SISSA Statistical Physics Seminar: Area-Law and Universality in the Statistics of the Subsystem Energy
2018-08-09 11:00:00
2018-08-09 12:00:00
ICTP Seminar Series in Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics: From Complex Networks to Tensor Networks: A Journey through Network Geometry with Flavor
Complex networks describe the architecture of complex systems ranging from the brain to social networks.
Recently it has become clear that in order to understand network data it is important characterize network structures with advanced topological and geometrical approaches.
Here we discuss a model for emergent hyperbolic geometry called 'Network Geometry with Flavor' that describes complex growing simplicial complexes and extend previous modelling framework on growing complex networks. We will present the holographic properties of this model and its intrinsic complex network structure.
Finally we will discuss the mapping between the Network Geometry with Flavor and Tree Tensor Networks and we will comment on the open recent questions that this mapping raises for modelling Complex Quantum Networks.
9 Aug 2018
» ICTP Seminar Series in Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics: From Complex Networks to Tensor Networks: A Journey through Network Geometry with Flavor
2018-09-12 11:00:00
2018-09-12 12:00:00
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics: Electrocatalytic Conversion of Organic Compounds at Solid/Liquid Interface from Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulation
Electrocatalytic conversion of biomass derived feedstocks offers a promising avenue for effective carbon recycling from renewable energy resources. To retain economic viability of this target technology, rational design of electrocatalysts with high activity and selectivity towards producing value-added chemicals and fuels is necessary. For improved conversion of biomass resources to fuels and fine chemicals, understanding and controlling the aqueous-phase catalytic hydrogenation of organic compounds on metals is crucial. Unlike gas-phase hydrogenation, the presence of water and the solid/liquid interface play critical roles in catalysis. Although there have been extensive studies in electrocatalysis, there exists a lack of mechanistic exploration and molecular-level understanding of electrocatalytic conversion of organic compounds specifically pertaining to biomass feedstocks. Moreover, these reactions occur at the solvated electrode-electrolyte interface where complex interactions between the electrode and solvent molecules have a critical influence on the reaction chemistry. In this talk, I will address the effect of the solvent and the charged metal electrode on the reaction pathways and their capacity to undergo reduction/hydrogenation. Results of molecular-scale structural/electronic properties near the electrochemical interface and the reaction energetics of target organic compounds obtained from density-functional-theory(DFT) based ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) simulations will be presented. The inferences drawn will be used to postulate design criteria for electrocatalytic conversion of organic compounds from an experimental and theoretical perspective.
12 Sep 2018
» Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics: Electrocatalytic Conversion of Organic Compounds at Solid/Liquid Interface from Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulation
2018-07-09 08:00:00
2018-07-13 22:00:00
Conference on Physics of Defects in Solids: Quantum Mechanics Meets Topology | (smr 3221)
Goals and brief description of the conference
Defects in crystalline solids are ubiquitous. It is the second law of thermodynamics that gives rise to the appearance of a certain amount of disorder in crystalline materials at finite temperatures. Moreover, defects can be present in synthetic materials well above the equilibrium concentration due to the imperfections of material production processes or due to the exposure of the system to irradiation with energetic particles. Such lattice imperfections have a strong influence on the electronic, optical, thermal, and mechanical properties of the solids, normally deteriorating their characteristics.
However, defects not always have detrimental effects on material properties, with the most prominent example being the doping of semiconductors by controllable introduction of impurities using ion implantation. In general, treatments of solids with beams of energetic ions and electrons have been shown to be a very powerful tool for the post-synthesis tailoring of material characteristics.
The goal of the conference is to bring together active researchers in the field, as well as several experts in the related areas, to discuss "state of the art" in theory and experiment dealing with the physics of defects in solids. The effects of impurities and point/line defects on various properties of solids will be addressed, and the attendees will be able to learn not only the experimental facts, but also understand how the defects are treated within the framework of computational and analytical methods in theoretical physics. Particular attention is going to be paid to defects in nanomaterials, as the reduced dimensionality strongly affects their behavior.
The Program will include about 20 oral presentations given by invited speakers, a poster session, and a limited number of short talks selected from contributed abstracts.
Topics to be addressed
Modern techniques (Raman spectroscopy, STM, XPS, TEM, etc.) used to assess concentration of defect in solids and identify their types
First-principles modeling of native defects and impurities
Ion and electron irradiation-induced defects
Simulations of ion impacts onto solids
Defects in superconductors
Defects in low-dimensional materials (graphene, inorganic 2D materials, nanotubes etc.)
Topological defects
Defects for quantum computing
The conference will be preceded by a half-day tutorial where an introduction to the techniques used to characterize the defects will be given, along with the modern computational techniques used to get theoretical insights into defect behavior.
List of invited speakers and lecturers at the tutorial:
U. BANGERT, University of Limerick, Ireland
P. BØGGILD, DTU Nanotech, Denmark
D. EFREMOV, IFW, Dresden, Germany
D. GOLBERG, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
A. JORIO, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil
K. KAASBJERG, Danish Technical University, Denmark
H. KOMSA, Aalto University, Finland
J. KOTAKOSKI, University of Vienna, Austria
G. LEE, Seoul National University, South Korea
V. MEUNIER, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
T. MICHELY, University of Köln, Germany
M. NASTASI, University of Nebraska at Lincoln, USA
J. NEUGEBAUER, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung, Germany
M. SCARDAMAGLIA, University of Mons, Belgium
M. SCHLEBERGER, Duisburg-Essen University, Germany
G. SEIFERT, TU Dresden, Germany
T. SUSI, University of Vienna, Austria
A. VANTOMME, KU Leuven, Belgium
Several additional invited speakers will be selected from the submitted abstracts.
If the applicant wants his/her abstract to be included in the Conference book of abstracts, it should also be submitted as a Word file using a template posted at
A limited number of grants are available to support the attendance of selected participants, with priority given to participants from developing countries. There is no registration fee.
31 March 2018
for those who need visa
15 April 2018
Please visit also https://defectsinsolids.wordpress.com/
9 Jul 2018
- 13 Jul 2018
» Conference on Physics of Defects in Solids: Quantum Mechanics Meets Topology | (smr 3221)
2018-08-06 08:00:00
2018-08-17 22:00:00
Advanced School and Workshop on Correlations in Electron Systems – from Quantum Criticality to Topology | (smr 3232)
The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP, Trieste, Italy) in collaboration with the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, the Institute for Complex Adaptive Matter (ICAM-I2CAM), the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, and the Department of Physics - University of Florida is organizing the School and Workshop on “Strongly Correlated Electronic Systems - from Quantum Criticality to Topology”.
Novel theories of quantum criticality in metals and Mott insulators
Superconductivity and competing orders
Novel approaches to spin liquids
Correlated systems with strong spin-orbit coupling
Coulomb interaction in topological systems
Topological superconductors
This School and Workshop will bring graduate and postdoctoral students in condensed matter physics together with experts in the field to discuss and the existing challenges and the latest theoretical and experimental developments in correlated electron systems and in topological materials . The research talks will be held mostly during the first week (Aug. 6-10). On Friday, August 10, we will hold a mini-workshop entitled "Fermions: heavy, topological, and critical". The tutorial lectures on various aspects of strongly correlated and topological electron systems will be given during the second week (Aug. 13-17).
6 Aug 2018
- 17 Aug 2018
» Advanced School and Workshop on Correlations in Electron Systems – from Quantum Criticality to Topology | (smr 3232)
2018-08-27 08:00:00
2018-09-14 22:00:00
Summer School on Collective Behaviour in Quantum Matter | (smr 3235)
This School, aimed at graduate students and junior researchers, aims to teach a modern course in condensed matter and statistical physics. It combines basic concepts with recent structural and interdisciplinary developments. It features a combination of theory and computational courses, and seminars on experimental progress in the field.
The program will cover a broad variety of topics within condensed matter physics, emphasizing connections with related fields such as quantum information, atomic, optical and high-energy physics:
1. Statistical Mechanics: from foundations to quantum information
2. Numerical methods: high-level programming and advanced numerical methods
3. Coherent dynamics: entanglement, decoherence, phase transitions, driven systems
4. Topological quantum matter: phases and diagnostics
5. Physical implementations: cold atoms, trapped ions, nanophysics, materials.
F. Alet (CNRS, Toulouse, France)
E. Andrei (Rutgers University, US)
B. Beri (University of Cambridge, UK)
I. Bloch (MPQ, Garching, Germany)
P. Calabrese (SISSA, Trieste, Italy)
J. Chalker (University of Oxford, UK)
X. Chen (Caltech, US)
J. Dalibard (Collège de France, Paris, France)
M. Devoret (Yale University, US)
D. Dhar (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune)
M. Heyl (MPIPKS Dresden, Germany)
D. Huse (Princeton, US)*
V. Khemani (Harvard University, US)
W. Krauth (Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, France)
B. Lake (Berlin Technical University, Germany)
C. Laumann (Boston University, US)
A. Lazarides (MPIPKS Dresden, Germany)
A. MacKenzie (MPI-CPfS Dresden, Germany)
E. Martinez (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
U. Schollwoeck (LMU Munich, Germany)
M. Znidaric (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
*to be confirmed
Fill in the online application form using the link "Apply here" that can be found on the sidebar of this page.
The deadline to submit applications has expired.
27 Aug 2018
- 14 Sep 2018
» Summer School on Collective Behaviour in Quantum Matter | (smr 3235)
2018-10-15 08:00:00
2018-10-19 22:00:00
Ethiopian Regional Workshop on Solar Energy and Energy Storage Technologies: Materials, System Design, and Applications | (smr 3149)
Director: Teketel YOHANNES, AASTU, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
ICTP Contacts: Ralph GEBAUER & Nicola SERIANI, ICTP, Trieste, Italy
The Workshop addresses students and researchers working in the field of solar energy and energy storage. The event will focus on fundamental and applied research on functional materials, on devices and on their application.
To cope with increasing global energy demand, solar energy is one of the best alternatives. The feasibility of solar energy technology in Africa, where the sun is available throughout the year, is not questionable. This huge energy can be used as photo-thermal and in photovoltaic forms. For efficient conversion of solar energy it is very important to have a clear understanding of the photo-physical and opto-electrical properties of materials. In parallel with the development of photovoltaic devices, due attention has to be given to the storage of electrical energy in easily portable chemical energy forms and/or in an electrical field. Since solar energy is collected only in the day time, it is also wise to develop alternative technologies such as storage for renewable energy forms.
Please note that funds from the Joint Undertaking for an African Materials Institute (JUAMI) are also available for US students.
Current photovoltaic systems, new technologies;
Promise of nanostructures and technology in this field;
Wind and geothermal energy: potential and installations in Ethiopia;
Energy storage: fuel cells, batteries and supercapacitors;
Importance of materials science, experimental and computational approach;
Renewable energy potentials in the region.
Michael ARMAND, Parque Technologies, Spain
Vladimir DYAKONOV, Wuerzburg, Germany
Gebrekldan G. ESHETU, Ulm, Germany
Sosina M. HAILE, Northwestern, U.S.A.
Harold HOPPE, Jena, Germany
Kenneth I. OZOEMENA, Witwatersrand, South Africa
Stefano PASSERINI, Ulm, Germany
Markus C. SCHARBER, Linz, Austria
Sahle TAMIR, MOWIE, Ethiopia
Addis Ababa - Ethiopia
15 Oct 2018
- 19 Oct 2018
» Ethiopian Regional Workshop on Solar Energy and Energy Storage Technologies: Materials, System Design, and Applications | (smr 3149)