I - 34151 Trieste Italy
(+39) 040 2240 111
ICTP's Science Dissemination Unit (SDU) researches and develops innovative, low-cost information and communication technology solutions for developing countries, and disseminates science texts via electronic media. Ongoing SDU activities include the development and maintenance of the award-winning "Enhance your Audience", or EyA, system, which webcasts all physics and mathematics lectures given through ICTP's Diploma Programme, as well as selected ICTP conferences and workshops.
The SDU also addresses skill shortfalls of staff in universities, research centres, scientific academies and ministries of science and technology throughout the developing world by providing free access to scientific literature and advanced training in ICT, both on-site and in Trieste.
The SDU established the Scientific FabLab (“fabrication laboratory”) on August 12, 2014 a space devoted to creativity and research with a focus on applications in the fields of science, education and sustainable developemt that can benefit society.
More details about SDU's activities are on its website.
SDU's postal address is:
ICTP - Science Dissemination Unit
Galileo Building
via Beirut, 7
I-34151 Trieste (Italy)
For any further information, please contact:
Phone: (+39) 040
Fax: (+39) 040 2240 633
E-mail: sdu@ictp.it