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The African Review of Physics is a free, open access,
on-line, peer reviewed, international journal that publishes
reviews, research articles, brief communications, and the
proceedings of conferences held in Africa. It publishes in all
branches of experimental and theoretical physics with an emphasis
on originality and relevance to the basic understanding of
contemporary physics and related interdisciplinary fields.
Originally named The African Physical Review, it was
created in 2007 by the Abdus Salam International Centre for
Theoretical Physics to improve the communication capabilities of
scientists in developing nations. The journal became the official
organ of the African Physical Society in January 2010.
The African Review of Physics is widely listed by
libraries and other eJournal listing organizations around the
world. The African Review of Physics has now a truly
international character with an increased usage worldwide. Its
major readership continues to be in the highly industrialized
nations of North America, Europe as well as many emerging
nations. The submission rate continues to be dominated by
African authors despite an increase from other nations worldwide.
It thus helps disseminate globally the high quality results
obtained by scientific researchers working in developing
Check more details on the journal website.