NAC, 2017. 93 p.
Zambia. Ministry of Health, National HIV/AIDS/STI/TB Council
The NASF 2017 - 2021 strives to achieve the 90 90 90 fast-track towards ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030 and improving the wellbeing of the infected and affected by HIV and AIDS by ensuring that nobody is left behind . NASF 2017 - 2021 Objectives : a) To achieve 90 per cent of PLHIV knowing their status; b) To achieve 81 per cent of PLHIV on ART; c) To achieve 72.9 per cent of PLHIV having viral load suppression; d) To reduce new HIV Infections to 18, 000 or fewer by 2020; e) Achieve zero stigma and discrimination by 2020; and, f) To increase domestic financing of the response by 50 per cent.
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