I - 34151 Trieste Italy
(+39) 040 2240 111
ICTP and the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Trieste agreed to cooperate in the education of physics at the graduate level.
As such, an international study programme was developed, to provide graduate training to young promising physics students, within a two-year Masters Degree in Physics (Laurea Magistrale Interateneo in Fisica). Curricula includes:
The Masters Degree in Physics can be compared to an advanced masters in physics or in astrophysics in the Anglo-Saxon system and corresponds to the last two years of the New European Educational System as fixed by the Bologna-Sorbonne agreement.
The Masters Degree in Physics covers two academic years. Courses are held in English and are delivered by scientists belonging to the Universities of Trieste and Udine and ICTP. Each course is followed by an examination. All participants are required to prepare and present a research thesis at the end of their study programme. After successful completion of the entire study plan the students will obtain a Masters Degree from the University of Trieste.
All lessons are undertaken in the Physics Department at the University of Trieste.
Further information is available at the University of Trieste Dept. of Physics page.
The ICTP Programme
ICTP offers a limited number of scholarships for students from developing countries to follow the Masters Degree in Physics at the University of Trieste.
The number of scholarships offered annually is determined by the available funding.
The scholarships are intended to cover the two academic years of the course, subject to the successful completion of the first year exams within the first academic year.