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The ICTP Physics Without Frontiers program works to inspire, train and motivate physics and mathematics university students with some focus on science and technology lagging countries, to help build the next generation of scientists. Each project is unique, developed with the country's specific needs in mind.
Projects are organised by PhD students, postdoctoral reseachers and lecturers, passionate to promote physics and mathematics in developing countries. If you are interested in getting involved contact us at physicswithoutfrontiers@ictp.it.
The program includes:
PHYSICS WITHOUT FRONTIERS UNIVERSITY COURSES: Physics Without Frontiers partners with physics and mathematics departments that are unable to teach specific courses due to a lack of resources. Faculty members at universities are invited to request courses. More information can be found here.
PHYSICS WITHOUT FRONTIERS WORKSHOPS AND SCHOOLS: Organised at a given university for local undergraduate and master students, Physics Without Frontiers organises intense pedagogical workshops and schools, to expose and train the students in research fields they lack access to. More information can be found here.
PHYSICS WITHOUT FRONTIERS MASTERCLASS ROADSHOWS: Masterclass roadshows are organised by groups of young reseachers, passionate about advocating their research field back in their home country. The roadshow centres around intensive 'masterclasses' in universities across the host country, in addition to numerous outreach and public events. Working groups are invited to submit an application for their project. More information can be found here.
If you are a lecturer or postdoc interested in teaching a course or getting involved please contact us.
The program is coordinated by Professor Bobby Acharya and Dr Kate Shaw.
Contact us: physicswithoutfrontiers@ictp.it