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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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Resultados da busca

  1. Reproductive health survey Russia 2011: executive summary

    The RURHS11 household survey was based on in-person, face-to-face interviews with women of reproductive age (15–44 years) in their homes. The survey was designed to collect information from a representative sample of approximately 10,000 women of reproductive age throughout the Russian Federation. …

  2. The National sexual and reproductive health policy: steering the sexual and reproductive health programme in order to provide optimum services

    The policy is developed as an integral part of the National Development Policy, ‘Vision 2020” and The White Paper on Health Sector Development and Reform of 2002. It also responds to the recommendations of the National Youth and Gender Policies. It provides the guiding principles and appropriate strategies for planning, allocation of resources, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the Sexual and reproductive Health services.

  3. Early marriage and sexual and reproductive health vulnerabilities of young women: a synthesis of recent evidence from developing countries

    Purpose of review: To review current evidence on the links between early marriage and health-related outcomes for young women and their children. Recent findings: Every third young woman in the developing countries excluding China continues to marry as a child, that is before age 18. Recent studies reiterate the adverse health consequences of early marriage among young women and their children even after a host of confounding factors are controlled. …

  4. Reproductive Health Survey Russia 2011: executive summary

    Specific objectives of the RURHS11 were: to assess current levels and trends in fertility, abortion, contraception, and various other reproductive health indicators; to enable policy makers, program managers, and researchers to evaluate existing reproductive health programs and develop new strategies; to study factors that affect fertility, contraceptive use, and maternal and infant health, such as geographic and sociodemographic factors, breastfeeding patterns, use of induced abortion, and availability of family planning services; to identify characteristics of women at increased risk of uni …

  5. The sexual and reproductive health and rights of young people in India: a review of the situation

    This paper synthesises the evidence on sexual and reproductive health situation of young people in India, sheds light on those sub-populations of young people who are most vulnerable to adverse sexual and reproductive outcomes, and assesses the barriers that compromise the sexual and reproductive health and rights of young people at the individual and family levels, as well as at the programme delivery level.

  6. Nepal demographic and health survey 2016: key indicators report

    The primary objective of the 2016 NDHS project is to provide up-to-date estimates of basic demographic and health indicators. Specifically, the 2016 NDHS collected information on fertility levels, marriage, fertility preferences, awareness and use of family planning methods, breastfeeding practices, nutrition, maternal and child health and mortality, awareness and behavior regarding HIV/AIDS, women’s empowerment and domestic violence, and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and other health related issues such as smoking, knowledge of tuberculosis, and prevalence of hypertension. …

  7. Health barriers to learning: the prevalence and educational consequences in disadvantaged children: a review of the literature

    This report describes the Health Barriers to Learning and the supporting evidence base for their impact on academic success. It also describes the disproportionate prevalence of HBLs in disadvantaged children, the extent of unmet need for services for identification, management and treatment, and each HBL’s impact on learning. Screening and management for each of these should be essential to supporting school and learning readiness. …

  8. Afghanistan: demographic and health survey 2015

    The primary objective of the 2015 AfDHS project is to provide up-to-date estimates of basic demographic and health indicators. Specifically, the AfDHS collected information on knowledge and practice of family planning, fertility levels, marriage, fertility preferences, child feeding practices, nutritional status of children and women, childhood mortality, maternal and child health, awareness and attitudes regarding HIV/AIDS, knowledge about other illnesses (e.g., tuberculosis, hepatitis B and C), women’s empowerment and domestic violence. …

  9. In pursuit of quality education, in pursuit of shared sustainable goals: the need to align SDG 4 (Education) with SDG 3 (Health) for the benefit of the child

    A joint statement from Education International and ASCD with the purpose to call for joint discussion, planning, and goal and systems development across the SDGs to ensure that the needs of the child are at the fore. The statement calls in particular for the alignment and integration of planning, policies, and procedures for SDG 3 (Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages) and SDG 4 (Ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning).

  10. The review of health and nutrition indicators in early childhood

    The aim of this document is to make a comprehensive review of early childhood health and nutrition indicators as a contribution and input to the process of devising a holistic child development index. The first part of the paper introduces the topic of child health and development from the standpoint of early childhood health and nutrition determinants and the global situation in general. A conceptual framework for the indicators is developed and some operational definitions are given. …

  11. National HIV/AIDS strategic framework 2014-2016

    The purpose of the framework is to: i. Provide an overall strategy for the planning, coordination and implementation of the multi-sectoral national response based on available evidence; ii. Articulate national priorities, expected outcomes and targets that all stakeholders should work towards, based on their respective mandates, resources and comparative advantage; iii. …

  12. Sistematización de políticas y estrategias del Departamento Salud Sexual y Salud Reproductiva, período 2010-2014: informe técnico

    El presente informe consta de 3 partes: La primera parte: presenta la sistematización y análisis del proceso de elaboración y ejecución de las políticas de promoción de los derechos y de la SS y SR. La segunda parte contiene un Mapeo detallado de las principales estrategias implementadas por el Departamento de SS y SR, donde se presenta una descripción de las principales estrategias impulsadas desde el mismo dando cuenta de sus principales productos y la vorágine de trabajo que ha tenido en el período 2010-2014. …

  13. Vanuatu: sexual and reproductive health rights needs assessment

    The purpose of this SRHR Needs Assessment was to review progress on Vanuatu’s ICPD and MDG commitments to achieving universal access to reproductive health (MDG Target 5B), with particular focus on ensuring Vanuatu citizens’ SRHR are prioritised and maintained through all aspects of service planning and delivery. Areas of focus included access to family planning information and services, and to a range of appropriate commodities to meet the needs of all groups within communities. …

  14. Kiribati: sexual and reproductive health rights needs assessment

    The purpose of this needs assessment is to establish the level to which the SRP rights and needs of the population of Kiribati have been met and to assess what needs have not been met. This report provides an overview of the existing available sexual and reproductive health services in Kiribati, identifies the gaps, issues and challenges that exist and provides recommendations to improve rights based sexual and reproductive health services in Kiribati. The SRHR Needs Assessment included a comprehensive literature review and in-country qualitative and quantitative data collection. …

  15. Kingdom of Tonga: sexual and reproductive health rights needs assessment

    The purpose of this needs assessment is to establish the level to which the SRP rights and needs of the population of Tonga have been met and to assess what needs have not been met. This report provides an overview of the existing available sexual and reproductive health services in Tonga, identifies the gaps, issues and challenges that exist and provides recommendations to improve rights based sexual and reproductive health services in Tonga.


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