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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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Resultados da busca

  1. A cash plus model for safe transitions to a healthy and productive adulthood: baseline report

    This report provides the baseline results from the impact evaluation of ‘A Cash Plus model for safe transitions to a healthy and productive adulthood’ being implemented within the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania’s Productive Social Safety Net (PSSN), with technical assistance from UNICEF and TACAIDS. …

  2. What did it take to scale-up and sustain Udaan, a school-based adolescent education programme in Jharkhand, India?

    Between 2006 and 2016, Udaan (which means to soar in fl ight in Hindi) – a school-based adolescent health education programme (AEP) was designed and implemented in Jharkhand state, India. The programme was scaled-up to cover all the state’s secondary schools, and sustained over time. It was extended to the state’s upper primary schools, at a subsequent stage. While this was happening in Jharkhand, AEPs in other states of the country were either halted because of opposition or slowly ran into the ground. …

  3. Adolescent sexual and reproductive health programme to address equity, social determinants, gender and human rights in Nepal. Report of the pilot project

    During the last quarter of 2015, a review was conducted to ascertain how the national Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health Programme of Nepal could better address equity, gender, human rights and social determinants of health, hence working to ensure that “no adolescent is left behind”. This review was led by the Family Health Division of the Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP) of Nepal, with support from the World Health Organization (WHO) and Health Research and Social Development Forum (HERD), and in conjunction with other members of an interdisciplinary review team. …

  4. The safeguard young people programme: three years on : addressing the urgent needs of youth across Southern Africa

    UNFPA’s flagship programme, Safeguard Young People (SYP), uses innovative approaches to achieve better sexual and reproductive health outcomes for adolescents and young people at national scale, making it the first of its kind in Southern Africa. Three years since it was launched, the evidence shows that the programme has changed the lives of many young people. …

  5. Young people doing something about it: a report on the youth-led CSE assessments 2016

    This report is the result of youth-led assessments and observations that were run in 21 schools around the country from June to September 2016 to note and subsequently share the beneficiaries’ perspectives at implementation level of the challenges and successes around East and South Africa comprehensive sexuality education (ESA-CSE) including their suggested solutions and recommendations for improvement. The schools assessed were government run schools (Public Schools), private, grant aided and community schools. …

  6. Desarrollo humano en República Dominicana: el embarazo en adolescentes: un desafío multidimensional para generar oportunidades en el ciclo de vida

    Teenage pregnancy in the Dominican Republic is a complex problem and of high concern to the national agenda. Available data indicate that 22% of women between 12-19 years have been pregnant. This rate is 34% higher than the average for Latin America and the Caribbean. Teenage pregnancy is concentrated in specific areas of the country – the southern provinces and central Cibao - as well as among poorer people. The fact that the indicator (adolescent fertility rate) has shown little variation in the last three decades makes the picture complex. …

  7. Strengthening sexual and reproductive health and HIV prevention among children and young people through promoting comprehensive sexuality education in Eastern and Southern Africa: End-term evaluation report 2013-2015

    Increasing children’s and young people’s knowledge on sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) is seen as a critical component in reducing a large number of challenges in Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA), including HIV and AIDS, teenage marriage, and teenage pregnancy in particular. While access to education remains a challenge for many children in the region, the provision of comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) in school settings is considered an effective way to educate children and young people on SRHR. …

  8. The universal basic education programme and the family life HIV education in Nigeria

    The study assessed the capacity of the Universal Basic Education Programme in Nigeria to effectively implement the Family Life HIV Education Curriculum. Using descriptive statistics, the study has analysed and presented graphs and tables of various national and regional public primary school data from 2004 to 2008 to showcase trends of available capacity in the UBE programme. Pupil enrolment is gradually on the increase in Nigeria and even though the pupil/teacher ratio is inadequate, most of the teachers in the UBE programme are qualified. …

  9. Evaluation of the implementation of Family Life and HIV Education Programme in Nigeria

    Family Life and HIV Education (FLHE) programme was introduced nationwide in Nigeria in 2003. Since then little is known about the patterns of its implementation across the states in the six geo-political zones in Nigeria. This study represents an attempt to fill this lacuna in the FLHE literature in Nigeria. Quantitative data was collected from the Federal Ministry of Education and the State Ministries of Education on all salient aspects of FLHE implementation. …

  10. Life skills based education programme in Pakistan: an evaluation 2006-2010

    Life Skills Based Education in schools; World Population Foundation’s (WPF) flagship programme in Pakistan, is a channel to provide information and skills on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights to the young people and empower them to adopt safe health‐seeking behaviors and protect themselves from abuse, exploitation, drugs and disease. Purpose of the Evaluation: The main objective of the evaluation was to assess the programme performance against its functional objectives i.e. …

  11. Programa Geração Biz - Investing in youth: the story of a national SRH programme for adolescents and youths in Mozambique

    Story of a national program that has been a school for social, academic and professional development for thousands of peer educators and government employees and throughout the years, the program has freed local communities from the stranglehold of taboos on sex, education and the role of young people in society. …

  12. Lifeskills survey 2015: report on survey findings

    The findings from the 2015 Lifeskills Survey highlight, as in the 2009 and 2012 surveys, the very good work that schools do to equip their students with a range of essential Lifeskills; including physical activity and healthy eating, aspects of Social, Personal and Health Education (SPHE) and Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE), as well as addressing anti-bullying, substance use and road safety. In 2015 the survey included Youthreach Centres and Community Training Centres (CTC) for the first time. The survey is conducted entirely online. …

  13. Evaluación de la implementación de la declaración ministerial “Prevenir con educacion” 2012. Del acuerdo a la accion; avances en Latinoamerica y el Caribe

    Este documento es el resultado de un esfuerzo conjunto de la sociedad civil para dar seguimiento a la Declaración Ministerial, “Prevenir con Educación” (DM), aprobada por representantes de los Ministerios de Salud y Educación de América Latina y el Caribe en el marco de la XVII Conferencia Internacional sobre el Sida llevada a cabo en la Ciudad de México en agosto de 2008. …

  14. Strengthening access to quality comprehensive sexuality education: lessons learned and recommendations

    In December of 2013, Zambia and nineteen other countries in the East and Southern Africa (ESA) region affirmed and endorsed their joint commitment to deliver CSE and SRHR services for young people (the East and Southern Africa Commitment on CSE and SRH services for young people). Since then, in Zambia, CSE has been integrated in the curriculum, but there is no plan on realistic implementation to achieve its core objectives. Evidence is limited on what CSE and wider SRHR provision (information and access to services) is available to young people. …

  15. Impact evaluation of a school-based sexuality and HIV prevention education activity in South Africa: baseline survey report

    Gaining the knowledge and skills necessary to make healthy choices about sexual behavior as adolescent learners transition to young adulthood is key to controlling the potentially devastating effects of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. …


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