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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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A busca obteve 13 resultados em 0.013 segundos

Resultados da busca

  1. Adolescents’ HIV prevention and treatment toolkit for Eastern and Southern Africa: Everyone should know their HIV status

    As part of the Adolescents’ HIV prevention and treatment toolkit for Eastern and Southern Africa this poster is designed to encourage young people to know their HIV status.

  2. Programa nacional de educación y prevención sobre las adicciones y el consumo indebido de drogas

    These three leaflets are addressed to students, teachers, and families, respectively. Their aim is to highlight the importance of the problem and work on the various aspects of prevention: firstly, to provide clear and accurate information about risks and social consequences that produces alcohol consumption, and secondly, to question young people about their consumption practices and social representations behind them.

  3. Eres joven, latina, hermosa y tienes futuro

    Eres joven, latina, hermosa y tienes futuro Poster.

  4. Keys, Cards, Condoms Poster

    Got your keys? Got your cards? Got your condoms? Poster.

  5. Young, Black, Beautiful and In Control Poster

    Young, Black, Beautiful and In Control Poster. We're young, black, beautiful and In control. We decide when to have sex...and we always use a condom.

  6. I Am One of 7 Million: YPLHIV Advocacy Messages

    This advocacy poster containing key messages and briefing paper were developed by GNP+ and the World AIDS Campaign by and for youth. They emerged from a literature review, key informant interviews and an online survey of 168 youth livign with HIV from 55 countries. The messages are also available in French, Spanish, and Russian.

  7. Afiches de séptima campaña de prevención del sida

    Serie de afiches de la séptima campaña de prevención del VIH/SIDA realizada por el Ministerio de Salud de Chile en 2007. En su mayoría promueven el uso del preservativo como método de protección.

  8. Sex is not power

    The key messages of the poster are that having sex does not need any special power or ability and that the capacity to have sex with and satisfy women is not the essence of manhood.

  9. Myths and misconceptions around sexuality

    Myths and misconceptions around sexuality

  10. Picturing a life free of violence : media and communications strategies to end violence against women

    A catalogue of communication and advocacy materials from around the world focusing on the theme "violence against women." The materials are grouped into six categories: domestic violence; sexual assault and coercion; harmful traditional practices; trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation; HIV/AIDS and violence; and a life free of violence.

  11. Respect my right to be responsible

    The poster is meant to encourage the youth serving professional, health care provider, educator, parent, policy maker and youth activist to join with advocate's efforts to change the way society deals with adolescent reproductive and sexual health.

  12. Soyons fidèles et le SIDA nous fuira

    Soyons fidèles et le SIDA nous fuira

  13. Education for the prevention of AIDS: posters

    Ce catalogue répertorie la sélection d'affiches de prévention reçues au Centre de Documentation sur l'Education pour la Prévention du SIDA en milieu scolaire (ASERC) de l'UNESCO, Paris, France.

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