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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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Resultados da busca

  1. Literature review: the last taboo: research on managing menstruation in the Pacific

    This literature review examines the determinants and impacts of menstrual hygiene management (MHM), and effective interventions for improving MHM globally and in the Pacific. The review also seeks to describe Australian Government programming relevant to MHM in the three research countries and to identify opportunities for MHM programming.

  2. Comprehensive social and behavior change communication strategy

    This guide lays out Bangladesh's strategy for social and behavior change communication to help achieve sustainable development goals. The main focus is on the health, population and nutrition sectors for 2016 to 2021.

  3. Gender-transformative HIV programming: Identifying and meeting the needs of women and girls in all their diversity

    Evidence shows that HIV flourishes in conditions of inequality and lack of accountability. In many countries, HIV prevalence continues to rise among women, especially adolescent girls, young women and women from key populations. The relationship between gender and HIV is two-fold: while gender affects susceptibility to HIV and the impact of HIV, HIV also influences gender inequality and human rights more generally. …

  4. Creating village champions for girls’ education

    Families, communities and village governments are often the key decision-makers regarding girls’ lives. They can also be the most difficult to persuade in terms of delaying girls’ marriages. Their support can ensure that changes initiated by Samata are sustained well after the end of the programme.

  5. Fostering adolescent girl leaders

    At the heart of the Samata intervention is the development of a cadre of adolescent girl leaders who will sustain changes in favour of girls’ education and gender equality in their villages. The programme mentors girls to become confident and vocal young feminists, active in their communities and schools. Samata aims to equip them with the knowledge and skills to effectively negotiate a space that is hostile to women. Overall, the Samata programme has reached 3,600 girls across 69 villages in 2 districts of Bagalkot and Bijapur in northern Karnataka.

  6. Review of policies, strategies and laws related to child marriage, adolescent health, education and employment in five countries in West Africa

    Adolescent health and development are key foundations for a country's economic development and political stability. The outcomes of adolescent health are closely linked with future adult development, infant and child mortality, maternal morbidity and mortality, and even long-term economic development.

  7. Assessment report of health literacy and behavior change practices among adolescent girls in Kibera

    This report presents the findings of a rapid assessment of ‘Health Literacy and Behavior Change Practiced among Adolescent Girls in Kibera’ Informal Settlement in Nairobi, Kenya.

  8. #WhatWomenWant: a transformative framework for women, girls and gender equality in the context of HIV and sexual and reproductive health and rights

    The report is based on six months of consultations with adolescent girls and young women around the world. It calls for sustained investment in women-led partnerships and civil society in order to advance gender equality and meet the ambitious targets set in the Sustainable Development Goals.

  9. Strengthening civil society organizations and government partnerships to scale up approaches engaging men and boys for gender equality and sexual and reproductive health and rights: a tool for action

    This tool is a living document that provides guidance on good partnership practices that promote strong relationships between civil society organizations and government representatives on engaging men and boys in gender equality and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). Its goal is to strengthen these partnerships in order to enable the scale up and/or institutionalization of evidence-based approaches to engaging men and boys. …

  10. Public support for transgender rights: a twenty-three country survey

    Transgender rights have emerged as a central feature in the discourse on LGBT rights in many countries; however, little is known about public support for such rights around the globe. This report presents findings from a ground-breaking survey of 17,105 adults across 23 countries about their attitudes towards transgender people and transgender rights.

  11. LGBTQ-inclusivity in the higher education curriculum: a best practice guide

    The primary aim of the project was to develop guidance on best practice for an LGBTQ-inclusive curriculum.

  12. Gender assessment of the national response to HIV/AIDS in Nigeria

    The assessment, aimed at understanding gender dynamics critical for successful implementation of HIV and AIDS programmes in Nigeria, is to complement the National Strategic Plan (NSP) 2010-2015. Findings will be used to strengthen and consolidate existing HIV and AIDS control efforts at all levels and contribute to the implementation of the NSP and PCRP (President's Comprehensive Response Plan for HIV/AIDS in Nigeria).

  13. Dutch gender and LGBT-equality policy, 2013-2016

    This policy plan presents the government’s views on emancipation policy for 2013-2016. Section I outlines the historical context of emancipation policy by placing the current policy objectives in perspective. Attention is then turned to policy values and the responsibilities arising for the government. Spearheads for emancipation policy in the years ahead are being described, as well as a number of explorations in relation to the new themes: ‘intersex’, ‘women and health’, ‘women and the media’ and ‘the success of girls or the boy problem’. …

  14. Unterrichtsprinzip: Erziehung zur Gleichstellung von Frauen und Männern: Informationen und Anregungen zur Umsetzung in der Volksschule

    Die Broschüre enthält sowohl grundsätzliche Informationen als auch zahlreiche Beispiele, wie die Anliegen des Unterrichtsprinzips konkret in der Volksschule umgesetzt werden können sowie Tipps zur Elternarbeit und Hinweise auf Kinderbücher und weiterführende Literatur.

  15. Safe schools do better. Supporting sexual diversity, intersex and gender diversity in schools

    The national coalition was established to deliver on the vision of the Australian Government’s National Safe Schools Framework which aims to build safe school communities where diversity is valued, the risk from all types of harm is minimised and all members of the community feel respected, included and supported. Building on the original 2003 Framework, the revised Framework was endorsed by all ministers for education in December 2010. …


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