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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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Resultados da busca

  1. LGBTI+ national youth strategy 2018-2020. LGBTI+ young people: visible, valued and included

    The development of the LGBTI+ National Youth Strategy (the Strategy) is a key commitment for the Department of Children and Youth Affairs (DCYA) as part of the 2016 Programme for Partnership Government. The Strategy seeks to ensure a cross-governmental approach to put additional measures in place to further enhance the lives of LGBTI+ young people, and address some of the key challenges they may face as part of their day-to-day lives. …

  2. Stratégie nationale de santé sexuelle. Agenda 2017 - 2030

    La stratégie nationale de santé sexuelle couvre les champs suivants : l’accès aux droits humains (2), le respect des genres et des sexualités ; la promotion de la santé sexuelle par l’information, l’éducation, la communication et la formation à une santé sexuelle ; l’information sur les dysfonctionnements et les troubles sexuels, leur prévention, dépistage et prise en charge ; la prévention par la vaccination VHB et HPV, le dépistage et la prise en charge des IST dont le VIH et les hépatites virales ; la promotion de la santé reproductive (prévention de l’infertilité liée aux causes infecti …

  3. Eating and learning togther: recommendations for school meals

    School meals are the highlight of the school day, and support learning, school satisfaction, food competence and development of food sense. The lunchbreak gives the daily work schedule a natural structure and provides pupils as well as school staff an opportunity for refreshment. School catering implemented in compliance with recommendations provides balanced and healthy food that is attractive in appearance, companionship, socialising and well-being. It supports the coping and growth of children and young people, and healthy weight development. …

  4. Teenage pregnancy prevention framework: supporting young people to prevent unplanned pregnancy and develop healthy relationships

    The international evidence is clear. Building the knowledge, skills, resilience and aspirations of young people, and providing easy access to welcoming services, helps them to delay sex until they are ready to enjoy healthy, consensual relationships and to use contraception to prevent unplanned pregnancy. …

  5. L’hygiène et la santé dans les écoles primaires

    La brochure est destinée aux différents professionnels qui participent à la vie de l'école. Elle précise toutes les informations nécessaires pour faciliter la mise en œuvre des mesures d'hygiène, indispensables aussi bien dans le déroulement, au jour le jour, de la vie de l'école que dans certaines situations plus exceptionnelles. Ces mesures quotidiennes sont à préciser dans le règlement intérieur de l'école adopté par le conseil d'école. Leur élaboration et leur application nécessitent une étroite collaboration entre les équipes éducatives, les familles et les personnels municipaux.

  6. Sex and relationships education in schools

    The guidance circular provides information to schools on: strategic planning for sex and relationships education; developing effective sex and relationships education; working in partnership with parents/carers and the wider community. The guidance is supported by supplementary materials to help schools in the delivery of their sex and relationships education programmes.

  7. Национална стратегија за XИВ 2012-2016

    Национална стратегија за XИВ 2012-2016

  8. Nationales Programm: HIV und andere sexuell übertragbare Infektionen (NPHS) 2011-2017

    Das Nationale Programm HIV und andere sexuell übertragbare Infektionen (NPHS) 2011-2017 beschreibt die Strategie zur Prävention sowie zur Diagnose und Behandlung von HIV und anderen STI. Es basiert auf der gesetzlichen Grundlage des Epidemiengesetzes. Der Schwerpunkt der Strategie liegt auf besonders gefährdeten Gruppen und auf bereits Infizierten und ihren Partnerinnen und Partnern. Die Strategie fokussiert darauf, die Bevölkerung auf die Gefährdung der sexuellen Gesundheit zu sensibilisieren und sie zu deren Erhalt sowie zum Schutz vor sexuell übertragbaren Infektionen zu befähigen.

  9. National strategy for sexual and reproductive health

    This document is structured into 4 sections. The introduction briefly outlines the Sexual and Reproductive Health Strategy from a gender point of view with an overall and independent consideration of sexual and reproductive health. The section on sexual health reports the work methodology to develop the strategic lines. Each of the four specific sexual health lines (health promotion; health care; training professionals; research, innovation and good practices) includes aims and recommendations. The section on reproductive health reports the reproductive health situation in Spain. …

  10. Plan estratégico de prevención y control de la infección por el VIH y otras infecciones de transmisión sexual 2013-2016

    Este Plan Estratégico de Prevención y Control de VIH e ITS 2013-2016, basado en el mejor conocimiento científico, en las buenas prácticas y en la innovación de los procedimientos, en sintonía con las necesidades de los grupos de mayor riesgo de exposición, establece las líneas estratégicas fundamentales para el trabajo en VIH y otras ITS en España durante los próximos cuatro años, y por lo tanto representa el núcleo común de actuación y la referencia para todas las rganizaciones que trabajan en la respuesta a la epidemia. …

  11. A strategy for preventing and controlling HIV infection for the period 2010-2015

    The strategy is based on the prevention of HIV infections that is the most important pillar, provision of early detection of infections, prevention of transmission, provision of quick medical treatment and reduction of personal and social impact of HIV infection.

  12. Strategy on HIV infection and AIDS (2011-2015)

    The National Strategy for the Response to the HIV Epidemic offers a five-year framework for development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the national response to the HIV epidemic. The general goal of the Strategy is prevention of HIV infection and other sexually transmitted infections, and the provision of treatment and support for all Persons Living with HIV/AIDS. The main components of the Strategy are: 1. Prevention of HIV infection in especially vulnerable and other vulnerable population groups of particular interest; 2. …

  13. Dutch gender and LGBT-equality policy, 2013-2016

    This policy plan presents the government’s views on emancipation policy for 2013-2016. Section I outlines the historical context of emancipation policy by placing the current policy objectives in perspective. Attention is then turned to policy values and the responsibilities arising for the government. Spearheads for emancipation policy in the years ahead are being described, as well as a number of explorations in relation to the new themes: ‘intersex’, ‘women and health’, ‘women and the media’ and ‘the success of girls or the boy problem’. …

  14. Integrated strategy for HIV, Hepatitis B and C and other sexually transmitted infections

    The strategy was jointly developed by the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG) and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). By connecting interventions on HIV with those on Hepatitis B and C as well as other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), the strategy aims to create synergies in prevention, diagnosis, testing and care for patients. The document describes developments and challenges in Germany (part 1), the objectives of the strategy (part 2), the areas of intervention (part 4) and international contributions in both Europe and globally (part 5).

  15. Grundsatzerlass Sexualpädagogik

    Grundlagen für die Sexualpädagogik in den Schulen. Hinweise zur Durchführung.


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