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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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A busca obteve 5 resultados em 0.019 segundos

Resultados da busca

  1. Sexual and reproductive health needs and access to services for vulnerable groups in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

    This report aims to understand sexual and reproductive health (SRH) needs and related policies for three selected vulnerable groups - Roma (men and women), internally displaced people (IDPs) and adolescents - in eight Eastern European and Central Asian countries. The purpose of the study is to contribute to a policy dialogue on focusing national programs on the SRH needs of vulnerable groups.

  2. The Nepal HIV Investment Plan 2014-2016

    The investment plan for Nepal 2014-2016 emphasises the importance of focusing on Key Affected Populations (KAP), then goes one step further to disaggregate relevant KAP into sub-populations, guided by infection risk dynamics and context. The first priorities identified for prevention are: female sex workers who inject drugs on a regular basis (FSW WID); other people who inject drugs; street-based female sex workers ( FSW); transgender sex workers (TG SW) and male sex workers (MSW). …

  3. Regional assessment on HIV-prevention needs of migrants and mobile populations in southern Africa

    Southern Africa continues to bear a disproportionate share of the global burden of HIV: 35% of HIV infections and 38% of AIDS-related deaths in 2007 occurred in this sub-region. Southern Africa also experiences high levels of population movement, voluntary or forced, and comprises a diversity of people, including contract labor migrants, irregular migrants, families of migrants, refugees, trafficked persons and mobile workers such as truck drivers and mine workers. Furthermore, migrants have loved ones back home, who may face their own vulnerabilities, as the family breadwinner is away. …

  4. Guía para la atención de infecciones de transmisión sexual en entornos afectados por conflictos

    Esta guía está dirigida a las personas y organizaciones interesadas en mejorar la calidad de la atención de las ITS en entornos afectados por conflictos. Este documento tiene por audiencia principal los trabajadores encargados de la distribución de recursos, las decisiones programáticas y la gestión. Esta guía será asimismo útil para los coordinadores de los servicios de salud, los encargados de programas y los consultores técnicos, tanto en organizaciones gubernamentales como no gubernamentales (ONG). …

  5. Migración y sida en México y en América Central

    Se recopila en esta publicación todos aquellos documentos oficiales, y extraoficiales, académicos y no académicos que se pudieron localizar hasta noviembre de 1997, sobre la problemática compleja que involucra la infección por ETS y VIH/SIDA en México y América Central

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