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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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A busca obteve 14 resultados em 0.017 segundos

Resultados da busca

  1. Sexual and reproductive health needs and access to services for vulnerable groups in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

    This report aims to understand sexual and reproductive health (SRH) needs and related policies for three selected vulnerable groups - Roma (men and women), internally displaced people (IDPs) and adolescents - in eight Eastern European and Central Asian countries. The purpose of the study is to contribute to a policy dialogue on focusing national programs on the SRH needs of vulnerable groups.

  2. Mujeres y vulnerabilidades ente el VIH/SIDA en la Región de Arica y Parinacota: Diálogos participativos 2011

    Este documento presenta los resultados de los diálogos participativos realizados en la ciudad de Arica entre octubre y noviembre del 2011. En éstos participaron cerca de 80 mujeres. Se convocó a mujeres de origen aymara; mujeres afrodescendientes; mujeres privadas de libertad; mujeres migrantes, refugiadas y solicitantes de la condición de refugio; mujeres adultas, jóvenes y adultas mayores. …

  3. Adolescent sexual and reproductive health programs in humanitarian settings: an in-depth look at family planning services

    This report summarizes findings and recommendations of a year-long exercise undertaken by the Women’s Refugee Commission and Save the Children - in partnership with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) to map existing adolescent sexual and reproductive health programs and document good practices. The work was accomplished through a practitioner survey and humanitarian funding analyses; key informant interviews; and collection of good practice case studies.

  4. Strengthening national responses to HIV and adolescents in emergency situations: lessons learned from Côte d'Ivoire and Haiti

    many years, and a growing number of organizations are including a focus on young people, HIV/ASRH and humanitarian settings into their work. Despite this, however, there is on‐going concern that young people in general, and adolescents in particular (10-19 years) do not receive sufficient ttention in humanitarian settings, and that this has both important immediate implications for their health during the emergencies, and also much longer-term implications for them, their families and their communities. This report aims to respond to these concerns. …

  5. Realising sexual and reproductive health rights in Kenya: a myth or reality? A report of the Public Inquiry into Violations of Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights in Kenya

    This report presents the findings of the Public Inquiry into violations of sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR) in Kenya. The Inquiry was undertaken in fulfilment of one of the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights’ (KNCHR) primary mandates- to conduct investigations into any complaint on the violation of human rights in the country. The Inquiry was undertaken by the KNCHR following a complaint filed by two non-governmental organisations (NGOs) working on reproductive health issues in Kenya. …

  6. Incorporating sexual and reproductive health into emergency preparedness and planning: lessons learned from national-level efforts in Haiti, Uganda and South Sudan

    This report reviews recent Women’s Refugee Commission sexual and reproductive health activities (SRH) in Haiti, Uganda and South Sudan. It considers the impact of advocacy, training and planning activities related to emergency preparedness and planning specific to SRH. The report then offers lessons learned and recommendations for improving steps towards SRH emergency preparedness at the national level. …

  7. Key populations, key responses: a gap analysis for key populations and HIV in South Africa, and recommendations for the National Strategic Plan for HIV/AIDS, STIs and TB (2012-2016)

    In June 2011, South Africa signed the United Nations Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS: Intensifying our Efforts to Eliminate HIV/AIDS which explicitly outlined commitment for all UN member states to address the inadequacy of HIV prevention strategies, focusing on men who have sex with men (MSM), injecting drug users (IDU) and sex workers (SW) and to improve access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support services for migrant populations. …

  8. Guidance on HIV in education in emergencies

    This Guidance on HIV in Education in Emergencies provides information for education practitioners who provide, manage or support education services in emergencies. It provides guidance for mainstreaming HIV and sexual and reproductive health issues into formal and nonformal education responses for adolescents 10-19 years old. Parts 1 and 2 of this guide focus on the behavioural measures of combination prevention. Education in emergencies is about more than just providing teaching and learning of literacy and numeracy. …

  9. Marco jurídico para la prevención del VIH/SIDA con jóvenes en Costa Rica: análisis de la legislación costarricense sobre juventud, VIH/SIDA y migración.

    Documento sobre el marco legal que garantiza los derechos de salud sexual y reproductiva y VIH/sida de los jóvenes en Costa Rica. Se analizan las regulaciones legales sobre juventud, VIH/sida y migración. En base a este análisis se detectan problemas como la ausencia de una política de género, o una perspectiva de derechos humanos en la legislación, además de la situación de precariedad de la población migrante en ese país.

  10. Adolescent sexual and reproductive health toolkit for humanitarian settings. A companion to the inter-agency field manual on reproductive health in humanitarian settings

    The Adolescent and Sexual Reproductive Health (ASRH) Toolkit for Humanitarian Settings provides information and guidance to advocate for ASRH and implement adolescent-inclusive SRH interventions. The toolkit is meant to accompany Chapter 4 "Adolescent Reproductive Health" of the Inter-Agency Field Manual on Reproductive Health in humanitarian settings. …

  11. Adolescent refugees and migrants: a reproductive health emergency

    This publication from Pathfinder International outlines the specific reproductive health needs of this cadre of adolescents and the programmatic responses that can be used to reach them.

  12. Salud sexual y reproductiva, enfermedades de transmisión sexual y VIH/SIDA en jóvenes de 10 a 24 años de una ciudad receptora de población desplazada

    Este estudio fue realizado en el marco del proyecto "Construcción de una respuesta intersectorial en Salud Sexual y Reproductiva, con énfasis en prevención y atención a las ETS-VIH-SIDA, con jóvenes y adolescentes residentes en comunidades receptoras de población desplazada en el municipio de Montería", desarrollado con el apoyo de las instituciones miembro del MCP - Colombia:

  13. Reproductive health for communities in crisis: UNFPA emergency response

    This advocacy booklet details UNFPA's work with global partners to respond to the reproductive health needs of refugees and internally displaced persons in crisis situations around the world: providing services to address complications of pregnancy and delivery, the transmission of sexually transmitted infections including HIV/AIDS, adolescent health, violence against women, and access to condoms and other contraceptives.

  14. Reproductive health during conflict and displacement : a guide for programme managers

    This inter-agency field manual provides a tool that defines how to develop practical and appropriately-focused reproductive health programmes during each phase of conflict and displacement: pre-conflict, conflict, stabilization, and post-conflict.

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