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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Stratégie nationale de santé sexuelle. Agenda 2017 - 2030

    La stratégie nationale de santé sexuelle couvre les champs suivants : l’accès aux droits humains (2), le respect des genres et des sexualités ; la promotion de la santé sexuelle par l’information, l’éducation, la communication et la formation à une santé sexuelle ; l’information sur les dysfonctionnements et les troubles sexuels, leur prévention, dépistage et prise en charge ; la prévention par la vaccination VHB et HPV, le dépistage et la prise en charge des IST dont le VIH et les hépatites virales ; la promotion de la santé reproductive (prévention de l’infertilité liée aux causes infecti …

  2. Guidelines for multi-sectoral HIV and AIDS mainstreaming in Uganda

    These guidelines provide a step-by-step process of how to mainstream HIV & AIDS in all sectors.

  3. National HIV, AIDS, and STI policy 2017-2022

    This policy document seeks to address the specific challenges Samoa’s national response faces in addressing HIV, AIDS and STI’s. Each section contains objectives that form the National Strategy, with corresponding Key Strategic Actions that form the National Strategy. The last section details that plan of action for mobilizing activities according to the strategy. The content of each section provides guidelines and reference materials for all organizations, communities and individuals involved in improving sexual health.

  4. National strategic plan for HIV/AIDS and STI 2017 – 2024

    The vision of the NACO is that of ‘Paving the way for an AIDS free India’ through ‘attaining universal coverage of HIV prevention, treatment to care continuum of services that are effective, inclusive, equitable and adapted to needs’. The goals remain those of the ‘Three Zeros’ - i.e. zero new infections, zero AIDS-related deaths and zero discrimination which form the basis of this strategic plan.

  5. South African national LGBTI HIV plan 2017/22

    The South African National LGBTI HIV Plan 2017-2022 (LGBTI HIV Plan) was developed to guide the work of all LGBTI stakeholders and implementers in South Africa. The Plan is inclusive of all sexual minorities living in South Africa, and recommends evidence-based and multi-sectoral HIV interventions to address the HIV epidemic in the country. The Plan builds on consensus of LGBTI stakeholders from across South Africa on priorities, challenges, and goals related to providing appropriate, accessible and acceptable services for LGBTI people. …

  6. National HIV/STI strategic plan Sri Lanka, 2018-2022

    Eight guiding principles underpin the NSP 2018-2022 which are Strategies Based on Evidence; Human Rights and Stigma Reduction; Gender Based Approach; Meaningful Involvement of People Living with HIV; Community Involvement and Engagement; Coordinated Approach; Multi- Sectoral Partnerships; Quality Improvement and Quality Assurance and Broad Political Commitment. The NSP has defined its vision, mission and goal for the next five years. The vision is to see a “Country free of new HIV infections, discrimination and AIDS related deaths”. …

  7. National HIV and AIDS strategic framework 2017-2021

    The NASF 2017 - 2021 strives to achieve the 90 90 90 fast-track towards ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030 and improving the wellbeing of the infected and affected by HIV and AIDS by ensuring that nobody is left behind . …

  8. National school meals and nutrition strategy 2017-2022

    This document outlines a strategy for the design and implementation of nutrition-sensitive school meals in Kenya. It is based on the commitment of the Government of Kenya to ensure that school children are well nourished and healthy and are able to learn and develop to their full potential. The national government commits to strengthening the National School Meals and Nutrition Programme. The government aims to ensure that all children in pre-primary and primary schools receive at least one nutritious meal per school day. …

  9. Act for the prevention and solution of the adolescent pregnancy problem, B.E. 2559 (2016)

    Act for the prevention and solution of the adolescent pregnancy problem, B.E. 2559 (2016).

  10. Eating and learning togther: recommendations for school meals

    School meals are the highlight of the school day, and support learning, school satisfaction, food competence and development of food sense. The lunchbreak gives the daily work schedule a natural structure and provides pupils as well as school staff an opportunity for refreshment. School catering implemented in compliance with recommendations provides balanced and healthy food that is attractive in appearance, companionship, socialising and well-being. It supports the coping and growth of children and young people, and healthy weight development. …

  11. Teenage pregnancy prevention framework: supporting young people to prevent unplanned pregnancy and develop healthy relationships

    The international evidence is clear. Building the knowledge, skills, resilience and aspirations of young people, and providing easy access to welcoming services, helps them to delay sex until they are ready to enjoy healthy, consensual relationships and to use contraception to prevent unplanned pregnancy. …

  12. Addressing gender-based violence in the post-school education and training sector: draft policy and strategy framework

    High levels of violence, shaped by a range of highly unequal social relations, have been a prominent feature of South Africa both historically, as well as post-democracy. However, this violence has not affected all equally. Women have been more likely than men to be held responsible for much of the violence inflicted upon them which has also not historically been regarded as criminal, or provided with effective legal remedies. This lack of legal and political recognition of violence towards women was addressed relatively soon following the first democratic elections in 1994. …

  13. Towards ending AIDS in Sri Lanka: national communication strategy (2018-2021)

    The stakeholders in the National AIDS Committee have all come together with the understanding that a widespread plan for communication is the best way forward for ending AIDS by 2025. The strategy will also help mitigate gaps still prevailing within the current intervention programs, especially in reaching populations around the country with prevention information, sexual health education and sufficient awareness on the basics of HIV/AIDS/STIs along with available services. …

  14. L’hygiène et la santé dans les écoles primaires

    La brochure est destinée aux différents professionnels qui participent à la vie de l'école. Elle précise toutes les informations nécessaires pour faciliter la mise en œuvre des mesures d'hygiène, indispensables aussi bien dans le déroulement, au jour le jour, de la vie de l'école que dans certaines situations plus exceptionnelles. Ces mesures quotidiennes sont à préciser dans le règlement intérieur de l'école adopté par le conseil d'école. Leur élaboration et leur application nécessitent une étroite collaboration entre les équipes éducatives, les familles et les personnels municipaux.

  15. The National sexual and reproductive health policy: steering the sexual and reproductive health programme in order to provide optimum services

    The policy is developed as an integral part of the National Development Policy, ‘Vision 2020” and The White Paper on Health Sector Development and Reform of 2002. It also responds to the recommendations of the National Youth and Gender Policies. It provides the guiding principles and appropriate strategies for planning, allocation of resources, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the Sexual and reproductive Health services.


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