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Summary Points: There is an absence of guidance, facilities, and materials for schoolgirls to manage their menstruation in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Formative evidence has raised awareness that poor menstrual hygiene management (MHM) contributes to inequity, increasing exposure to transactional sex to obtain sanitary items, with some evidence of an effect on school indicators and with repercussions for sexual, reproductive, and general health throughout the life course. …
The UK is one of the richest countries in the world. But our latest report, Break the Barriers: Girls’ Experiences of Menstruation in the UK, reveals a culture of stigma and silence have turned periods into a hidden public health issue – putting girls' physical, sexual and mental health at risk. Across the UK and around the world, girls’ stories show that periods have been stigmatised for too long. …
Recognizing the continued vulnerability of young persons within the Caribbean region to the threat posed by the HIV/AIDS epidemic, the Pan Caribbean Partnership Against HIV and AIDS (PANCAP) sought to mobilize resources to aid in mitigating this risk. …
UNESCO in partnership with Ministry of Education and with financial support from the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan, community and Civil society organizations implemented a two year Health Literacy and Behaviour Change practices among Adolescent Girls pilot project from September 2014-September 2017 in 41 schools. Health literacy materials were evaluated and approved by Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development for use in other informal settlements. This is a one sheet brochure for an intended audience of girls approaching puberty.
UNESCO in partnership with Ministry of Education Kenya and with financial support from the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan, community and Civil society organizations implemented a two year Health Literacy and Behaviour Change practices among Adolescent Girls pilot project from September 2014-September 2017 in 41 schools. Health literacy materials were evaluated and approved by Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development for use in other informal settlements. This is a one sheet brochure for an intended audience of boys approaching puberty.
This booklet is intended for parents who wish to know more about how they can better communicate with their children on sexuality issues. It was jointly produced by the then Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports (MCYS) and Health Promotion Board (HPB), first published in March 2008.
This 8 page leaflet provides an overview to sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and HIV linkages and includes a summary of the work of the Interagency Working Group on SRH and HIV Linkages.
In recent years, Latin America and the Caribbean have seen progress in stemming the impact of HIV. Increased access to treatment, rapid testing technologies, coordinated prevention and education efforts, and the virtual elimination of mother-to-child transmission have helped reduce the overall HIV prevalence rate. While encouraging, this figure masks serious, localized epidemics. While HIV prevalence is generally low, prevalence among key affected populations—such as men who have sex with men, transgender women, and sex workers—is particularly high. …
Evidence shows that HIV flourishes in conditions of inequality and lack of accountability. In many countries, HIV prevalence continues to rise among women, especially adolescent girls, young women and women from key populations. The relationship between gender and HIV is two-fold: while gender affects susceptibility to HIV and the impact of HIV, HIV also influences gender inequality and human rights more generally. …
This brief discusses the effectiveness of comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) in preventing HIV, and lists key findings and recommendations. It concludes that CSE is effective in decreasing HIV risk factors in adolescents and young people, and improving SRH in general, including creating demand for SRH services. When programmes are designed with a gender, empowerment and rights focus, along with appropriately trained staff to deliver CSE through participatory learning approaches, beneficial outcomes have been demonstrated on knowledge, attitudes, self-efficacy and SRH outcomes.
As everywhere in the world, adolescence is quite a challenging phase in the lives of young people in Pakistan. Girls and boys need support to not only understand all the emotional, social and physical changes they experience but also to help them transition into adulthood – safely and happily. Due to very strict and deeply felt societal and religious norms they are currently not getting this support, at home or at school. Sexuality is a taboo subject in most parts of Pakistani society. Even talking about bodily changes is con¬sidered ‘not done’. …
For many years now, the children of HIV-affected key populations—sex workers, transgender people, people who use drugs and gay men and other men who have sex with men—have remained in the shadows. …
The report is based on six months of consultations with adolescent girls and young women around the world. It calls for sustained investment in women-led partnerships and civil society in order to advance gender equality and meet the ambitious targets set in the Sustainable Development Goals.
The aim of this guide is to encourage young people to stand up for their right to high-quality education on their sexual and reproductive health, and to support young people to lead advocacy efforts to improve CSE. While it is mostly aimed at young people and youth-led and youth-serving organisations, it will also be useful to other organisations, volunteers and activists who want to begin or strengthen advocacy around improving sexuality education.
Agenda 2030 places gender equality and inclusive and equitable quality education at the heart of its concerns.