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The radio script is a departure from the usual kind of radio lessons in the life-skills programme. Here in a panel discussion, a team of people, including four young people and a medical expert, are brought together to discuss the various issues that form the themes of this material. The script can be used at all three levels, although you will want to emphasise different aspects of it at each level. It focuses on drug abuse, alcohol abuse and the effects of peer pressure. …
UNESCO Regional Office for Eastern Africa in partnership with the Ministry of Education (MoE), and with the support of Government of Azerbaijan implemented a project on “Health literacy and behavior change practices among adolescent girls in the Kibera informal settlement” (2014-2016). …
This webinar explored tools and approaches for preventing, measuring, monitoring and responding to school-related gender-based violence, based on evidence and country experience.
El Ministerio de Educación, en el marco de las acciones orientadas al fortalecimiento de la Educación Sexual Integral en el sistema educativo peruano, elabora y distribuye materiales educativos que contribuyen a la labor pedagógica de las docentes y los docentes.La Educación Sexual Integral (ESI) que se imparte en la instituciones educativas se,sustenta en los Lineamientos Educativos y Orientaciones Pedagógicas para la Educación Sexual Integral (R.D. …
Educational institutions are places where learners, regardless of their age, gender, ethnicity, religion and sexual orientation, are expected to be safe. They are also spaces with a huge potential to create social change.
This initiative brings together policy makers, young people and civil society to strengthen sexuality education and reproductive and sexual health services in eastern and southern Africa. By having adequate access to these services, young people are empowered to make their own decisions about their health, preventing HIV/AIDS and unexpected pregnancies. …
This educator handbook contains supplemental educational materials and activities for HIV and AIDS prevention. It is designed for use with all versions of the TeachAIDS animations.
This animated tutorial is a pliot version that has been designed for the Swahili speaking population in Kenya, Tanzania, and neighboring African countries. All formats available for free download at: http://teachaids.org/software.
This animated tutorial is a pliot version that has been designed for the Spanish speaking population in Central and South America and around the world. All formats available for free download at: http://teachaids.org/software.
This animated tutorial is a pliot version that has been designed for the Mandarin speaking population in China and around the world. All formats available for free download at: http://teachaids.org/software.
This animated tutorial is a female pliot version that has been designed for the English speaking population in India. It is formally approved by the Indian National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO), and is being distributed in India. All formats available for free download at: http://teachaids.org/software.
These animated tutorials are male pliot versions that has been designed for the English and Hindi speaking populations in India. They are formally approved by the Indian National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO), and are being distributed in India. All formats available for free download at: http://teachaids.org/software.
This animated tutorial is a pliot version that has been designed for the Kinyawranda speaking population in Rwanda and neighboring African countries. All formats available for free download at: http://teachaids.org/software.
This animated tutorial is a pliot version that has been designed for the English speaking population in North America. All formats available for free download at: http://teachaids.org/software.
These animated tutorials have been designed for the Telugu speaking population in India. They are formally approved by the Indian National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO) and the Andhra Pradesh State AIDS Control Society (APSACS), and are being distributed in Andhra Pradesh. This male version features the voices and likenesses of cultural icons Nagarjuna Akkineni and Navdeep Pallapollu. All formats available for free download at: http://teachaids.org/software.