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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Integrating gender and rights into sexuality education: field reports on using It's All One

    International policy agreements, along with emerging evidence about factors influencing programme effectiveness, have led to calls for a shift in sexuality education toward an approach that places gender norms and human rights at its heart. Little documentation exists, however, about the degree to which this shift is actually taking place on the ground or what it entails. Field experiences in using new curriculum tools, such as It's All One, offer one lens onto these questions. To gain a sense of practitioners' experience with this tool, a two-part exercise was conducted. …

  2. What do young people think about their school-based sex and relationship education? A qualitative synthesis of young people’s views and experiences

    Objectives: Although sex and relationship education (SRE) represents a key strand in policies to safeguard young people and improve their sexual health, it currently lacks statutory status, government guidance is outdated and a third of UK schools has poor-quality SRE. We aimed to investigate whether current provision meets young people's needs. Design: Synthesis of qualitative studies of young people's views of their school-based SRE. Setting: Eligible studies originated from the UK, Ireland, the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Japan, Iran, Brazil and Sweden. …

  3. School report Scotland: the experiences of lesbian, gay, bi and trans young people in Scotland's schools in 2017

    In 2016 Stonewall commissioned the Centre for Family Research at the University of Cambridge to conduct a survey with young people who are lesbian, gay, bi or trans (or think they might be) on their experiences in secondary schools and colleges across Britain. Between November 2016 and February 2017, 3,713 LGBT young people aged between 11-19, including 402 living in Scotland, completed an online questionnaire. This report represents the responses of these participants living in Scotland. …

  4. School report: the experiences of lesbian, gay, bi and trans young people in Britain’s schools in 2017

    In 2016 Stonewall commissioned the Centre for Family Research at the University of Cambridge to conduct a survey with young people who are lesbian, gay, bi or trans (LGBT), or who think they might be, on their experiences in secondary schools and colleges across Britain. Between November 2016 and February 2017, 3,713 LGBT young people aged 11-19 completed an online questionnaire, and this report presents the findings of this survey. This study is the third School Report published by Stonewall, and marks ten years since the publication of the first study in 2007. …

  5. Improving life skills based education: Pakistan

    As everywhere in the world, adolescence is quite a challenging phase in the lives of young people in Pakistan. Girls and boys need support to not only understand all the emotional, social and physical changes they experience but also to help them transition into adulthood – safely and happily. Due to very strict and deeply felt societal and religious norms they are currently not getting this support, at home or at school. Sexuality is a taboo subject in most parts of Pakistani society. Even talking about bodily changes is con¬sidered ‘not done’. …

  6. School report Cymru: the experiences of lesbian, gay, bi and trans young people in Wales’ schools in 2017

    In 2016 Stonewall commissioned the Centre for Family Research at the University of Cambridge to conduct a survey with young people who are lesbian, gay, bi or trans (or think they might be) on their experiences in secondary schools and colleges across Britain. Between November 2016 and February 2017, 3,713 LGBT young people aged between 11-19, including 267 living in Wales, completed an online questionnaire. This report represents the responses of these participants living in Wales. …

  7. Sexuality education in technical and vocational institutions in Guyana: possibilities and challenges

    This paper reports on the results of an exploratory evaluation of a sexuality education program that was introduced in technical and vocational institutions in Guyana. The rationale for the program is outlined, along with the methodology employed in the evaluation of the program, including the analysis of data from document reviews, telephone and face-to-face interviews, and surveys of facilitators and students’ perceptions of the program. …

  8. Another lost generation? The impact of HIV/AIDS on schooling in South Africa

    The South African education system is faced with the difficult task of redressing the inequalities and backlogs created by the racially segregated and unequally resourced apartheid structure. The system is also faced with the responsibility of reintroducing a culture of teaching and learning in the nation’s schools after the anti-apartheid struggle’s ‘freedom now, education later!’ slogan, a time when protest action brought about disruptions in young people’s education, and the much lamented ‘lost generation’. …

  9. Youth participation in HIV and sexual and reproductive health decision-making, policies, programmes: perspectives from the field

    The purpose of this article was to present the current state of evidence and experience of youth participation approaches in HIV and sexual and reproductive health decision-making, policies and programmes. By combining a literature review of evaluation evidence with in-depth interviews and a global survey targeting young people with the experience of participation, this study opens a new window into the support needs for meaningful youth participation globally. …

  10. Sénégal : résumé du programme. Le Groupe pour l’Étude et l’Enseignement de la Population (GEEP) : une expérience sur la prévention du VIH/SIDA en milieu scolaire

    Au Sénégal, comme dans la plupart des sociétés Africaines, la sexualité a pendant longtemps été perçue comme un sujet tabou, pour des raisons d’ordre religieux et social ; elle n’était donc abordée ni en famille, ni à l’école car les adultes (parents ou enseignants) n’étaient nullement préparés à parler avec les jeunes des questions relatives à la Santé de Reproduction des adolescents et adolescentes.

  11. Teoría del cambio de las iniciativas de educacion integral de la sexualidad

    En la actualidad, niñas, niños, adolescentes y jóvenes enfrentan múltiples desafíos para lograr definir y realizar proyectos de vida significativos y disfrutar de bienestar. En América Latina y El Caribe, muchos de los retos que se enfrentan en la niñez y adolescencia tienen que ver, por una parte, con la sexualidad, un aspecto de la identidad que experimenta múltiples cambios en este período, por otra, con las desventajas que generan las normas sociales de género inequitativas a las que están expuestas las personas a lo largo de la vida. …

  12. De la normativa a la practica: la politica de educacion sexual y su implementacion en el Perú

    La Educación Sexual Integral (ESI) es una propuesta educativa fundamental para mejorar la salud sexual y reproductiva de los adolescentes (SSRA), garantizar una vivencia de la sexualidad responsable y placentera y prevenir la violencia de género. La ESI cobra particular relevancia en el Perú, país que muestra cifras críticas referidas a la SSRA. …

  13. De la normativa a la practica: la politica y el curriculo de educacion en sexualidad y su implementacion en Guatemala

    La oferta de información integral y oportuna sobre salud sexual, y la construcción de habilidades en la materia, son esenciales para preparar a los jóvenes para que lleven vidas sexuales y reproductivas sanas, ejerzan sus derechos y prevengan resultados negativos en su salud y sus vidas. …

  14. Increasing investments in the sexual and reproductive health and wellbeing of adolescents and young people in Ghana

    Young people in every society constitute both the current and potential human capital of a nation’s development. In order to ensure that young people have a fulfilling sexual and reproductive life, appropriate investments must be made in their health and socio-economic well-being.

  15. Mainstreaming youth-friendly sexual and reproductive health services in the public sector in Mozambique and Tanzania

    Young people have the right to live healthy sexual and reproductive lives. Yet, adolescents and youth (those between the ages of 10 and 24) often face social, cultural, economic, and structural barriers to accessing sexual and reproductive health information and services at a time when they need these services the most, making them vulnerable to poor health outcomes. Emerging global guidance suggests that, to reach youth in a sustainable and scalable way, youth-friendly services must be mainstreamed in the community and health systems. …


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