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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Review of the life skills education programme: Maldives

    The Maldivian Ministry of Education (MoE) has initiated an extra-curricular Life Skills Education (LSE) Program for secondary schools students and out of school children in 2004. This program was developed with the support of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and focused on aspects related to Adolescents Sexual and Reproductive Health. …

  2. Sports for adolescent girls

    Adolescence is a time when gender disparities between boys and girls become more pronounced. While many boys stay focused on school, girls often have more responsibilities at home. These responsibilities limit girls’ opportunities for maintaining social networks, and social isolation can contribute to increasing the risk of dropping out of school, marrying early, and being in situations that leave them vulnerable to pregnancy and HIV infection. At their most recent annual meeting, the Interagency Youth Working Group focused on protecting and empowering adolescent girls. …

  3. Young People's Booklet. National HIV Prevention & Sexuality Education For Out Of School Young People

    The objective of this Young People's Booklet is to prevent HIV, other STIs and unplanned pregnancies and gender-based violence among 15-24 year old out of school young people by providing them with: - knowledge on sexual and reproductive health and HIV prevention, especially the main ways HIV is transmitted in Papu New Guinea; - chances to think about their values, attitudes, risks and intentions related to sexuality and hear about those of their peers; - opportunities to prevent HIV and access health services and have better relationships; - fun learning experiences. …

  4. Discovering the potential of girl guides: 12 peer education sessions

    The Kenya Girl Guides Association implements an integrated program on Life Skills and Peer Education in schools. Adult Guide Leaders conduct Life Skills sessions with Guides in Girl Guide Units in each participating school. Over the three terms or trimesters, 24 hours of sessions are held on 12 topics. The sessions help Girl Guides to learn about and explore the topics for themselves. Each Guide Unit has about 50 Girl Guides and four Patrol Leaders - an informed and sizeable group that can reach the rest of the school in a positive way. …

  5. Discovering the potential of girl guides in schools: a life skills curriculum for guide leaders

    From 1999 to 2006, Kenya Girl Guides Association received support from Family Health International (FHI) and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) to integrate HIV and AIDS prevention into more than 700 Guide Units in three regions: Coast, Rift Valley, and Western. From 2006 to 2009, KGGA will improve the Guide programme in the existing 366 schools and expand to more than 900 new schools (mostly at the primary level) in Coast and Rift Valley provinces, with support from FHI through the AIDS, Population, and Health Integrated Assistance (APHIA II) Program. …

  6. Education sexuelle par les pairs éducateurs jeunes. Guide du pair éducateur

    Education sexuelle par les pairs éducateurs jeunes. Guide du pair éducateur est un document développé par le Conseil national de lutte contre le sida de la République du Congo. Il a pour but de fournir au pair éducateur des outils pour développer chez les jeunes des comportements à moindre risque pour les grossesses précoces, les IST dont le VIH/SIDA. Le guide est constitué de 4 grandes parties : les connaissances de base, les techniques d'animation, les activités et les annexes (les adresses utiles y figurent entre autres). …

  7. Education sexuelle par les pairs éducateurs jeunes. Guide du formateur

    Education sexuelle par les pairs éducateurs jeunes. Guide du formateur est un document développé par le Conseil national de lutte contre le sida de la République du Congo. Il a pour objectif de fournir aux formateurs un outil pédagogique pour animer les ateliers de formation d'éducateurs pairs jeunes au Congo Brazzaville et de suivre les activités de ces derniers. …

  8. Sexual and reproductive health needs of adolescents perinatally infected with HIV in Uganda

    Sexual and reproductive health needs of adolescents perinatally infected with HIV in Uganda is a study implemented jointly by Population Council's Frontiers in Reproductive Health (FRONTIERS) and the AIDS Support Organization (TASO) from Uganda, in 2008. The document addresses the specific sexual and reproductive needs of the adolescents perinatally infected, an increasing population largely forgotten the HIV/AIDS treatment, care, education and support programs. …

  9. Sexual and Reproductive Health /HIV/AIDS/ Project for Adolescents and Youth

    Sexual and Reproductive Health /HIV/AIDS/Project for Adolescents and Youth is a small magazine developed by Geração Biz, a national, multi-sectoral adolescent program, including the Ministries of Health, Youth and Sports, and Education, and local NGOs, in Zambezia, Mozambique in 2001. It presents articles written to recall the importance to improve sexual and reproductive health among youth. It describes briefly the situation of the province of Zambezia, where the HIV prevalence is 13%, regarding early marriages, pregnancies, school attendance or knowledge of contraception. …

  10. New lessons: the power of educating adolescent girls. A girls count report on adolescent girls

    Over the past 15 years, girls' education in the developing world has been a story of progress. Interest and financial backing from the development community have grown steadily in response to accumulating evidence documenting the many benefits of girls' schooling, and female education is now a major part of global development commitments, including the Millennium Development Goals.The information collected for this report suggest that relatively few programs are specifically designed with the developmental and learning needs of adolescent girls in mind. …

  11. RAP-Tool

    Youth Incentives, the international programme on sexuality developed by the Dutch expert centre on sexuality, Rutgers Nisso Groep, promotes the Dutch approach to the sexual and reproductive health (SRH) of young people. Core elements of this approach are represented in the RAP-rule, which stands for "Rights-based approach, Acceptance of young people's sexuality, and Participation of young people". This version of the RAP-tool is the result of experiences from pilot countries: Bangladesh, Eritrea, Rwanda and Tanzania. The RAP-tool is a needs assessment instrument guided by the RAP-rule. …

  12. Effective Peer Education: Working with children and young on sexual and reproductive health and HIV/AIDS

    This toolkit was published by Save the Children in 2004. It presents the peer education as one of the solution for children and adolescents' needs on skills and information on how to protect their sexual and reproductive health and reduce their vulnerability to HIV and AIDS. The manual begins with an introduction and some recommendations for the toolkit. …

  13. Profilaktika VICH/SPIDa i upotreblenija psixoaktivnyx veshestv u podrostkov. Posobie dlja specialistov uchrezhdenij dlja detej-sirot i detej, ostavshixsja bez popechenija roditelej (HIV and Drugs prevention among teenagers. Manual intended to specialists of institutions for orphans)

    This document was developed in the framework of the programme "We can do it" (My sami), which aims at developing positive values, skills and attitudes among orphans and vulnerable children, in order to prevent them from HIV & AIDS and drug use. It is intended for psychologists, teachers, educators and social workers of orphanages and boarding schools. The aim of the present document is to provide information on HIV & AIDS and drug use. It aims also at providing information on different forms and methods of prevention among teenagers. …

  14. SIDA

    Ce document est un dossier spécial sur la propagation du sida au Soudan et dans le continent africain en général. Il est publié par le Centre Soudanais d'Information attaché au Ministère de l'information et des communications soudanais à l'occasion de la conférence des femmes qui a eut lieu à Khartoum en janvier 2006. Cette étude porte sur l'apparition de la maladie, sa nature, ses caractéristiques et son évolution ainsi que sur les raisons de sa propagation dans le monde, au Soudan et en Afrique en particulier. …

  15. Educación en salud en las escuelas para prevenir el sida y las ETS. Cuaderno de actividades de los estudiantes

    Este cuaderno de actividades de los estudiantes es parte del proyecto "Educación en salud en las escuelas para prevenir el sida y las ETS. Una propuesta para responsables del desarrollo de programas de estudios". Los jóvenes son los que van a usar este cuaderno con sus docentes o sus padres. Su meta es poner en juego los conocimientos de los jóvenes sobre el sida para promover una mejor prevención. …


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