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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. School-based sexual health education interventions to prevent STI/HIV in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review and meta-analysis

    The authors reviewed evaluations of school-based sexual health education interventions in sub-Saharan Africa to assess effectiveness in reducing sexually transmitted infections and promoting condom use.

  2. Good practices on HIV/AIDS and sexual reproductive health from higher education institutions in Ethiopia

    Criteria for Evaluation of Good Practices Submitted from Member Higher Education Institutions; 1. Innovativeness (It could be something initiated by HEI as original or existing program with contextualized modification of key focus areas of interventions stipulated in the forum’s policy and strategy framework or education sector response policy against the epidemic); 2. Explicability or adaptability (have the potential to serve as a model for generating initiatives in the other HEIs); 3. …

  3. Relatório anual de progresso das actividades de combate ao HIV e SIDA – 2013

    Moçambique mantém a sua classificação entre os dez países mais afectados pelo HIV no mundo. A epidemia ameaça o futuro económico e social do país. Em alguns lugares, mais de um quarto dos adultos estão infectados pelo HIV. Estima-se que aproximadamente um milhão e meio de moçambicanos vivem com o HIV. Cerca de 800 mil são mulheres e cerca de 200 mil são crianças. Cerca de 120 mil novas infecções ocorrem anualmente. Estas acontecem principalmente entre casais serodiscordantes, seguidos de trabalhadoras do sexo comercial, assim como dos múltiplos parceiros concomitantes (GARPR, 2014). …

  4. National HIV/STI Programme annual report 2010

    A review of the National HIV/STI Programme in 2010.

  5. Annual report 2013-14

    The Annual Report 2013-2014 of the Department of AIDS Control (DAC), Government of India, reviews the progress made under the National AIDS Control Programme (NACP) during the current financial year 2013-2014 in scaling up intervention services for HIV prevention, treatment, care and support across the country through regular monitoring and reporting. This report reflects the commitment of DAC and identifies both achievements and gaps in response to the HIV epidemic.

  6. Department of AIDS Control, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Annual Report 2012-13

    This report presents a summary of achievements made under the strategy and plan for National AIDS Control Programme Phase (NACP - IV) during the current financial year (2012-13) along with key impacts, strategies and achievments.

  7. Zimbabwe SADC epidemic update report: Follow up to the Maseru Declaration. Zimbabwe country report. Reporting period: January 2013 - December 2013

    The SADC Epidemic Update Report provides an appraisal of progress towards the Maseru Declaration. Zimbabwe participated at the SADC meeting in November 2012, where representatives pledged to produce HIV and AIDS Epidemic Update Reports in order review progress made in the HIV and AIDS response. The data gathering and report writing process was coordinated by National AIDS Council. Data gathering and validation meetings were held with partners. A desk review of available literature on the country’s response efforts to HIV and AIDS was also conducted. …

  8. USAID/Honduras: HIV/AIDS prevention programs evaluation

    This evaluation was performed to: Determine the effectiveness of HIV/AIDS programs for targeted beneficiaries; Document the degree to which program objectives have been met; Provide information about service delivery that will be useful to program staff and other audiences; Enable program staff to make changes to improve program effectiveness. …

  9. Effectiveness of HIV prevention for youth in sub-Saharan Africa: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized and nonrandomized trials

    Objective: Systematically assess the effectiveness of HIV-prevention interventions in changing sexual behaviour of young people (10–25 years) in sub-Saharan Africa. Methods: Three online databases were searched using prespecified terms. Additional articles were identified on websites of international organizations and by searching bibliographies. Randomized and nonrandomized trials of interventions aiming to reduce risk behaviour were included as well as single-arm studies reporting effects of differential exposure to an intervention. …

  10. Adolescent pregnancy and associated factors in South African youth

    Background: Adolescent pregnancy, occurring in girls aged 10–19 years, remains a serious health and social problem worldwide, and has been associated with numerous risk factors evident in the young people’s family, peer, school, and neighbourhood contexts. Objective: To assess the prevalence of adolescent pregnancy and associated factors in the South African context, as part of a population-based household survey that formed part of an evaluation of the impact of loveLife, South Africa’s national HIV prevention campaign for young people. …

  11. Development and test-retest reliability of a research instrument designed to evaluate school-based HIV/AIDS interventions in South Africa and Tanzania

    Aims: This article reports on the development and psychometric properties of an instrument to evaluate school-based HIV/ AIDS interventions aimed at adolescents in three African sites. Methods: The instrument was developed in a series of steps that involved a review of existing instruments; use of empirical data and secondary literature supporting an association between the variables of interest and sexual intercourse or condom use; operationalizing the constructs of the theoretical model employed; and using the objectives of the intervention. …

  12. Evaluation de la Prise en Compte du Genre dans les programmes et projets de lutte contre le SIDA au Senegal

    Cette évaluation est un exercice qui permet de mettre en lumière la situation du genre dans les projets et programmes de lutte contre le SIDA face à la réalité de la vulnérabilité des femmes et de la violation de leurs droits humains mais aussi une occasion d'entendre les partenaires sur leurs perspectives, leurs aspirations en termes de partenariats pour parfaire leurs approches. Les facteurs de vulnérabilité des femmes au VIH/SIDA sont d'ordre légal, socioculturel, économique politique et institutionnel.

  13. Projecto Fortalecimento do Sistema Educativo em Angola para Combater o VIH/SIDA - Avaliação Final

    Este documento é a avaliação final do Projecto Fortalecimento do Sistema Educativo em Angola para Combater o VIH/SIDA, executado pelo Ministério da Educação de Angola com recursos financeiros do Programa das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento (PNUD)/Angola. E uma das importantes respostas à epidemia de VIH/SIDA em Angola. O projecto foi iniciado efectivamente em 2003 e executado durante quatro anos. Esta avaliação pretende apresentar os resultados atingidos pelo projecto, bem como destacar as dificuldades encontradas no processo de execução das actividades. …

  14. Enhancing financial literacy, HIV/AIDS skills, and safe social spaces among vulnerable South African youth

    South Africa is disproportionately affected by the HIV/AIDS epidemic. The country has less than one percent of the world's 15-24-year-olds, yet these young people account for approximately 14 percent of all global HIV infections among this age group. Young women are at particular risk among 15-24 year-olds, four times as many females as males are living with HIV (16.9 percent versus 4.4 percent) and girls are becoming infected at much faster rates than boys. …

  15. Assessing the Integration of gender and Human Rights in HIV Related Documents and Processes in Selected Southern African Countries. A rapid assessment

    This report presents the findings of a desk study undertaken to assess the integration of gender and human rights in HIV-related documents and processes in Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. It highlights best practices, lessons learned, and areas for future action. The report implies an urgency to move from the status quo, whereby the centrality of gender equality and human rights in the pandemic regionally is underestimated. …


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