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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Averting new HIV infection among young people in Papua and West Papua, Indonesia: education sector response to HIV and AIDS: end programme evaluation

    The goal of the programme has been to contribute to averting new HIV infections among young people aged 10–24 years in Papua and West Papua Provinces of Indonesia by the end of 2013. …

  2. Measuring the education sector response to HIV and AIDS. Handbook - Supporting country-level data collection for core indicators

    The purpose of this Handbook is to provide Ministries of Education with guidelines for strengthening data collection capacities in EMIS to produce the 11 core indicators for which data are collected through the education sector. Specifically, it provides the EMIS and key stakeholders responsible for collecting data and constructing the core indicators on education and HIV and AIDS with the following guidelines and tools for: the inclusion of ten selected core indicators in the Annual School Census; and the inclusion of three core indicators in school-based surveys.

  3. Stratégie de communication pour la prévention du VIH 2013

    Cette stratégie vise à contribuer à l'atteinte du résultat attendu stipulé dans le Plan national stratégique multisectoriel de lutte contre le VIH/Sida et dans son plan de suivi : "Une réduction globale du niveau de transmission du VIH, toutes sources confondues - d'ici 2015". Quatre axes d'intervention ont été retenus: 1. Renforcement de la gouvernance et du leadership; 2. Etablissement de partenariats stratégiques; 3. Renforcement des capacités et de la performance; 4. Amélioration de l'accès et de la qualité des services de prévention.

  4. Health-promoting schools initiative in Oman. A WHO case study in intersectoral action

    Schools are an important social setting that can be used to improve community health in general and the health of schoolchildren in particular. The Health-Promoting Schools Initiative is one of the measures implemented through joint planning between different sectors to enhance the quality of life of the Omani population. This document outlines the initiative in Oman from 2004 to 2008. It describes the health status of school-age children and the initiative in terms of mechanisms, tools that were used in improving intersectoral action, monitoring and evaluation, and lessons learnt.

  5. Monitoring and evaluation of school-based health and nutrition programmes: A participative review

    Over the past two decades, many governments and organizations have renewed efforts to develop more effective school-based health and nutrition programmes in low income countries. In large part, this has resulted from the growing body of evidence linking children’s health and education; and the impact of school health and nutrition (SHN) programmes on improving these outcomes and contributing to Education for All (EFA) and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). …

  6. Evaluation of the impact of the life orientation programme on HIV/AIDS in Gauteng schools - pilot study

    The primary aim of this pilot research was to develop an instrument to evaluate the impact of the Life Orientation Programme (LOP) on sex, sexuality and HIV/AIDS in Gauteng schools at secondary level and if possible at primary level. …

  7. Monitoring and evaluating life skills for youth development. Volume 1: The guidelines. Volume 2: the Toolkit

    The mission of the Jacobs Foundation is to foster children and youth development. It does this by supporting institutions and projects that contribute to the welfare, social productivity, and social inclusion of current and future generations of young people by understanding and promoting their personal development and employability, their respect for and integration with nature and culture, and the challenges posed by social, economic, or technological changes. The Jacobs Foundation pursues this goal in two ways: by funding excellent research and through social interventions. …

  8. Knowledge, attitudes, and practices survey: Baseline evaluation in Aragatsotn, Armavir, and Ararat Marzes

    The Primary Healthcare Reform Project is a five-year program funded by USAID. The project is designed to strengthen the Ministry of Health's capacity to introduce key reforms, which will increase access to high-quality primary health care services. Main activities of the project include renovating and equipping health facilities; training primary health care (PHC) providers; introducing open enrollment, a system whereby patients choose their PHC provider; supporting quality improvement; rationalizing healthcare financing; and providing public health education. …

  9. Situation Assessment of Adolescents for Life Skills and HIV Prevention in selected districts of Pakistan

    A dearth of information on situation of adolescents exists in Pakistan and there is little evidence on which to build policies and programmes. …

  10. Life Skills Based Sexual and Reproductive Education, HIV/AIDS Prevention. Summary and Analysis of the Evaluation Survey Results

    To curb the spread of HIV/AIDS among young people, in the period from December 2001 to February 2004, the project Coordinated Support to the Health and Development of Young People in Latvia was implemented by the Ministry of Education and Science and UN agencies (UNAIDS, UNICEF, UNDP, UNFPA and WHO) and the overall goal of the project was to limit spread of HIV/AIDS among young people through increased access to information and services on HIV/AIDS such as life skills based HIV/AIDS education, peer education and youth friendly health services. …

  11. Curriculum de formation et d'éducation au VIH et sida. Ecole normale d'instituteurs (ENI) et Ecole normale supérieure (ENS)

    Ce curriculum, rédigé par le Ministère de l'Education de République Centrafricaine, matérialise la volonté du Gouvernement d'intégrer l'éducation au VIH et sida dans les programmes scolaires. Il vise à susciter une prise de conscience du rôle majeur que doivent jouer les enseignants et leurs élèves dans l'amélioration de leur bien-être collectif et dans leurs relations avec les personnes vivant avec le VIH. Ce curriculum est destiné aux enseignants des Ecoles Normales d'Instituteurs afin qu'ils puissent assurer la formation des enseignants. …

  12. Going to scale: sustained risk reduction behavior for youth. Evaluation report for government of the Netherlands and UNICEF Malawi.

    This document is an evaluation of the UNICEF programme "Going to scale, sustained risk reduction behaviour for youth" sponsored by the Netherlands Government and realized in 2000. The programme commenced in January 1997 and extended to December 2000. This project aims at providing in and out of school youth with the necessary tools and skills to avoid risk sexual behaviour in order to reduce the HIV transmission rate. …

  13. Project update : baseline survey results : integrating adolescent livelihood activities within a Reproductive Health Program for Urban Slum Dwellers in India

    The Population Council in collaboration with CARE India conducted an operations research study of an intervention designed to improve the lives and prospects of several slums areas of Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh. The project aimed to take pre-existing reproductive health programme for adolescents and test the feasibility and impact of adding four additional components to it: counselling about savings formation and livelihoods; training in vocational skills; assistance in opening savings accounts; and follow-up support. …

  14. Prevention of HIV/AIDS through promotion of reproductive health in Myanmar

    The paper gives an account on the activities of UNICEF Myanmar supported "HIV/AIDS Prevention through the Promotion of Reproductive Health Project". The six project components described in the report are: life skills and HIV/AIDS including School-based Healthy Living and HIV/AIDS Prevention Education (SHAPE); STD care and management; UNAIDS partnership building; targeting high-risk groups and ethnic minorities; responsive and innovative activities such as working with religious groups; and monitoring and evaluation. …

  15. The concept of HIV and AIDS Preventive Education in School Environment

    This document has been developed in order to coordinate, at the Federal level, the different activities carried out in the field of HIV & AIDS education in Russian schools. It presents the common position of the different Russian Ministries (mainly Education and Sciences, Public Health and Social Development) concerned with this issue. This position defines a specific "state standard" determining the key elements and principles of HIV and AIDS education. …


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