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The assessment was commissioned by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) to assess Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) within the Life Orientation (LO) curriculum in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN). The assessment aimed to identify common practices and trends in the roll out and implementation of CSE nationally and internationally.
UNESCO in partnership with Ministry of Education and with financial support from the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan, community and Civil society organizations implemented a two year Health Literacy and Behaviour Change practices among Adolescent Girls pilot project from September 2014-September 2017 in 41 schools. Health literacy materials were evaluated and approved by Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (K.I.C.D.) for use in other informal settlements. This teachers' guide explains how other materials approved by K.I.C.D. can be used in the classroom.
Health and Family Life Education (HFLE) encapsulates the required body of knowledge in a comprehensive life-skill educational programme that can be integrated across the curriculum. This is the media through which teachers can impact and reinforce the positive behaviours that young people are expected to adopt and display. Beyond that, through increased awareness, students are given a safe and open environment in which they can address a wide range of issues affecting young people. …
Personal Social Health and Economic (PSHE) education is a non-statutory school subject designed to facilitate the delivery of a number of key competencies relevant to health, safety and wellbeing. As well as contributing to learning objectives in regards to these topics PSHE education has been ascribed with weighty expectations for outcomes well beyond the classroom relating to physical, mental, sexual and emotional health and safety. …
The ‘Check It, Beat It’ Booklet aims to ensure that young people have the right information about practices that can harm them. It is a straightforward booklet with direct language (rather than using euphemisms) to ensure the messages get through. The booklet encourages young people to “check it” out or understand the risk of HIV and STI infection in relation to multiple concurrent partners, transactional sex (sex for money), intergeneration sex (sugar daddies) and alcohol use.
UNESCO Regional Office for Eastern Africa in partnership with the Ministry of Education (MoE), and with the support of Government of Azerbaijan implemented a project on “Health literacy and behavior change practices among adolescent girls in the Kibera informal settlement” (2014-2016). …
Life Skills Based Education in schools; World Population Foundation’s (WPF) flagship programme in Pakistan, is a channel to provide information and skills on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights to the young people and empower them to adopt safe health‐seeking behaviors and protect themselves from abuse, exploitation, drugs and disease. Purpose of the Evaluation: The main objective of the evaluation was to assess the programme performance against its functional objectives i.e. …
The prevention of HIV and AIDS, especially amongst young people, is very important, as they are the future leaders. South Africa carries a high burden of the HIV and AIDS disease, and efforts at the prevention of the disease need to be intensified. University students are also at risk, and prevention efforts need to be intensified to ensure that students graduate and enter the world of work to become productive citizens. Failure to pay attention to preventative behaviour amongst university students may have negative socio-economic consequences for the country. …
The findings from the 2015 Lifeskills Survey highlight, as in the 2009 and 2012 surveys, the very good work that schools do to equip their students with a range of essential Lifeskills; including physical activity and healthy eating, aspects of Social, Personal and Health Education (SPHE) and Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE), as well as addressing anti-bullying, substance use and road safety. In 2015 the survey included Youthreach Centres and Community Training Centres (CTC) for the first time. The survey is conducted entirely online. …
Health and Family Life Education (HFLE) was introduced into the curriculum of Primary Schools in 1998. The programme in schools was guided by the Health and Family Life Education Scope and Sequence for Grades 1-6, published in June, 1998. The programme achieved important successes. However, it has been argued that, given the challenges that children face in their daily lives, a more definitive “life skills” focus is required to help students manage the situations they encounter. In fact, advocates argue that a “life skills” approach should be adopted in the teaching of HFLE. …
Gaining the knowledge and skills necessary to make healthy choices about sexual behavior as adolescent learners transition to young adulthood is key to controlling the potentially devastating effects of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. …
As everywhere in the world, adolescence is quite a challenging phase in the lives of young people in Pakistan. Girls and boys need support to not only understand all the emotional, social and physical changes they experience but also to help them transition into adulthood – safely and happily. Due to very strict and deeply felt societal and religious norms they are currently not getting this support, at home or at school. Sexuality is a taboo subject in most parts of Pakistani society. Even talking about bodily changes is con¬sidered ‘not done’. …
At the heart of the Samata intervention is the development of a cadre of adolescent girl leaders who will sustain changes in favour of girls’ education and gender equality in their villages. The programme mentors girls to become confident and vocal young feminists, active in their communities and schools. Samata aims to equip them with the knowledge and skills to effectively negotiate a space that is hostile to women. Overall, the Samata programme has reached 3,600 girls across 69 villages in 2 districts of Bagalkot and Bijapur in northern Karnataka.
Resultados de la encuesta nacional "Evaluación sobre la Educación Sexual" aplicada a población general y a estudiantes de secundaria.
En esta guía se presentan: las orientaciones metodológicas, la estructura de la guía y el plan didáctico. Una segunda parte contiene la descripción de catorce unidades con su respectivo contenido sus expectativas de logro, los recursos, objetivos de la actividad, los saberes previos, construcción de nuevos saberes, consolidación de nuevos saberes, la evaluación, otros recursos didácticos y finalmente la información complementaria. Al final del documento se presenta el glosario, la bibliografía y anexos.