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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Mentoring adolescent boys to reduce gender-based violence

    According to the theory of change that underlies the Samata programme, one important factor in keeping girls in school is to reduce gender-based violence by their male peers. This brief explains how Samata works with adolescent boys.

  2. Idealove&nam: socialización preventiva de la violencia de género

    Esta publicación se centra en dos temáticas relevantes en el marco de la línea de investigación en “Socialización preventiva de la violencia de género” desarrollada por el centro de investigación CREA. Estas dos temáticas son: el amor ideal y las nuevas masculinidades alternativas. Se recoge la investigación científica existente sobre violencia de género que explica las bases científicas de la socialización preventiva de la violencia de género, haciendo hincapié en el amor ideal y en las nuevas masculinidades. Se identifican vinculaciones entre amor ideal y violencia de género. …

  3. Stark! Aber wie? Methodensammlung und Arbeitsunterlagen zur Jungenarbeit mit dem Schwerpunkt Gewaltprävention

    Eine auf Praxis ausgerichtete Einführung sowie Arbeitsblätter (zum Thema „Jungen und Männlichkeit“, „Ressourcen aktivieren“, „Gewalt erkennen und benennen“) wollen Lehrpersonen dabei unterstützen, sich mit der Thematik im Unterricht auseinanderzusetzen.

  4. Intervention and results of combating school-related gender-based violence in Democratic Republic of Congo

    This powerpoint presents the outcome of a project which aimed to promote positive social and gender norms to prevent and mitigate SRGBV in Katanga Province, DRC. …

  5. Boys are more vulnerable than girls to school-related gender-based violence: results from a survey in Zambia

    In Zambia, 47% percent of women aged 15-49 have ever experienced physical violence & 15% experienced sexual and/or gender-based violence (DHS 2007). School-related gender-based violence (SRGBV) is a global problem with serious implications for individual and population health and education outcomes. SRGBV results in sexual, physical, or psychological harm to girls and boys. SRGBV may include any form of violence or abuse based on gendered stereotypes or that targets students on the basis of their sex. …

  6. Addressing school related gender based violence: learning from practice

    This learning brief is based on research shared at a learning day on School Related Gender Based Violence (SRGBV), organised by the Irish Consortium on Gender Based Violence, at the Chester Beatty Library, Dublin Castle, on December 18th 2012. The principal inputs were provided by Máiréad Dunne, Director of the Centre for International Education at the University of Sussex, and Tanja Suvilaakso, Child Rights and Protection Advisor for Plan International. It builds on discussions within Learning Brief 2: Effective Responses for Gender Based Violence: Gender Based Violence in Schools.

  7. Victimes de l'école : les violences de genre en milieu scolaire, obstacles au droit des filles et des garçons à l’éducation

    Deuxième volet d’une série consacrée aux principaux freins à l’éducation des filles, ce rapport met en lumière les multiples défis à relever et dévoile différentes méthodes d’intervention utilisées par Plan International et ses partenaires pour lutter contre les violences de genre en milieu scolaire. Fondées sur les études et programmes réalisés par Plan International et ses partenaires, des recommandations sont illustrées par des cas concrets puisés dans différents pays d’intervention, en particulier dans la sous-région d’Afrique de l’Ouest et en Asie. …

  8. Integrating strategies to address gender-based violence and engage men and boys to advance gender equality through National Strategic Plans on HIV and AIDS: Meeting Summary

    National strategies and plans – focusing on HIV and beyond – are key platforms for articulating an HIV response that advances gender equality, champions women’s rights, engages men and boys, and ends GBV as a cause and consequence of HIV. As such, the Johannesburg December 2012 meeting supported delegations from six countries to review their current national policies, strategies, and plans, and assess the strengths and weaknesses of these plans with regard to addressing GBV and engaging men and boys for gender equality. …

  9. Engaging boys and men in gender transformation: The group education manual

    This 11-chapter manual offers trainers an array of participatory experiential exercises to reach men (and their partners), exploring gender socialization and its impact on HIV prevention and care. Piloted in Ethiopia, Namibia, South Africa and Tanzania, the manual is designed to assist master trainers in developing curricula to work with men and boys on gender, HIV and AIDS issues. …

  10. Broadening gender: Why masculinities matter. Attitudes, practices and gender-based violence in four districts in Sri Lanka

    In order to bridge the gap in evidence-based studies of masculinities in Sri Lanka, CARE International Sri Lanka undertook, together with Partners for Prevention (P4P), a UNDP, UNFPA, UN Women and UNV regional joint programme for gender-based violence prevention in Asia and the Pacific, a study on men’s knowledge, practices and social attitudes toward gender and gender-based violence. This study brings out key risk factors in relation to violence against women, childhood trauma and men’s own experience of violence. …

  11. Policy analysis tool: Addressing gender-based violence and integrating attention to engaging men and boys for gender equality in national strategic plans on HIV and AIDS

    Policy analysis tool: Addressing gender-based violence and integrating attention to engaging men and boys for gender equality in national strategic plans on HIV and AIDS

  12. Masculinities and condom use patterns among young rural South Africa men: a cross-sectional baseline survey

    Notions of ideal manhood in South Africa are potentially prescriptive of male sexuality thus accounting for the behaviors which may lead to men being at greater HIV risk. We tested the hypothesis that gender and relationship constructs are associated with condom use among young men living in rural South Africa. 1219 men aged 15–26 years completed a cross-sectional baseline survey from an IsiXhosa questionnaire asking about sexual behaviour and relationships. …

  13. Perspectives on intimate partner violence in Swaziland amongst 18–29-year-old men undergoing medical circumcision

    Intimate partner violence (IPV) is perceived as a major contributor to HIV transmission in Swaziland. This exploratory study aimed to develop a culturally-specific understanding of men's perspectives of IPV. Focus group methods were used to gather information from 45 young urban Swazi men who had undergone medical male circumcision. A thematic analysis was conducted focussing on the manifestations of IPV and socio-cultural and economic factors which underpin, circumstances which trigger and social responses to IPV. …

  14. Men, masculinities and HIV/AIDS: strategies for action

    The purpose of this paper is to provide practical guidance to policymakers and program managers on how to engage men and address harmful male norms in seven key areas of intervention in relation to HIV/AIDS: 1 Social and Behaviour Change in Men; 2 Violence against women; 3 Men, Sex Work and Transactional Sex; 4 Men, Substance abuse and HIV/AIDS; 5 Male Circumcision; 6 Men, VCT and Treatment; 7 Male Norms and the Caregiving for People Living with and Affected by HIV/AIDS. …

  15. Bridges to Adulthood: Understanding the Lifelong Influence of Men's Childhood Experiences of Violence. Analyzing Data from the International Men and Gender Equality Survey

    Great numbers of men report experiencing violence as children and these experiences have significant lifelong effects, according to the new analysis of the International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES) dataset included in this report. Adult men who were victims or witnesses of domestic violence as children, for instance, likely come to accept violence as a conflict resolving tactic not only in intimate partnerships but also in their wider lives. …


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