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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Comprehensive sexuality education: Knowledge file

    In this white paper we give an overview of the current state of sexuality education with a focus on Europe and developing countries. We start in chapter 1 with a short introduction on the definition of sexuality and sexuality education and will address several views on and approaches to sexuality education worldwide and the current international policy. We mainly focus on comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) in schools, although we realise that the scope of sexuality education is broader (for example community based interventions, online information, education by youth workers, etc.). …

  2. School-related violence and bullying on the basis of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity or Expression (SOGIE): synthesis report on China, the Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam

    This synthesis report is informed by findings from four individually-developed country briefs on violence on the basis of SOGIE in schools in China, the Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam. It aims to raise awareness and mobilize support for advocacy among educators, research institutions, policy makers and activists at the national and regional levels.

  3. The 2017 National School Climate Survey: the experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer youth in our nation’s schools

    The full GLSEN 2017 National School Climate Survey report includes information on LGBTQ middle and high school students' experiences, including: hearing biased language, from both students and educators; experiences of harassment and assault; anti-LGBTQ discrimination; effects of a hostile school climate on educational outcomes and psychological well-being; and the availability and utility of supportive school resources. This report also examines demographic and school differences in students’ experiences, as well as changes in school climate over time. …

  4. National strategic plan on violence against children in schools [2015-2020]

    Access to education is one of the fundamental rights of every child which should be delivered in a conducive and safe learning environment. With the introduction of Universal Primary Education (UPE) and the Universal Secondary Education (USE), the Government of Uganda has greatly improved primary and secondary school enrolment for both girls and boys including those with disabilities. For these programmes to be effective, children need to access quality education in a safe learning environment. …

  5. Reporting, tracking, referral and response (RTRR) guidelines on violence against children in schools

    Access to education is one of the fundamental rights of every child which should be delivered in a conducive and safe learning environment. With the introduction of Universal Primary Education (UPE) and the Universal Secondary Education (USE) , the Government of Uganda has greatly improved primary and secondary school enrolment for both girls and boys including those with disabilities. For these programmes to be effective, children need to access quality education and complete the education cycle in an environment free from violence. …

  6. L’éducation à la vie relationnelle, affective et sexuelle à l’école

    Un protocole d’accord a été conclu le 20 juin 2013 entre la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, la Région wallonne et la Commission communautaire française de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale pour soutenir la généralisation de l’éducation à la vie relationnelle, affective et sexuelle (en abrégé EVRAS) en milieu scolaire. Cette généralisation vise à garantir l’équité dans le domaine de l’EVRAS pour tous les élèves de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, quel que soit leur milieu social ou culturel, leurs traditions ou leurs croyances. …

  7. LGBTQI inclusive education index: the indicators

    An 8 page leaflet explaining the background of the creation of the LGBTQI Inclusive Education Index by IGLYO to support national governments and civil society organisations within the Council of Europe to ensure the right to education for all.

  8. Bien-être des élèves à l’école et promotion de leur santé. synthèse de la littérature internationale pour le Conseil National d’Évaluation du Système Scolaire (CNESCO)

    L’état de santé des élèves est une composante majeure de leur bien-être. A ce titre, il est nécessaire de développer chez les jeunes les connaissances et comportements favorables à leur santé. Or, l’école est le lieu le plus favorable à cela : d’une part, l’élève y passe plus d’un tiers de son temps éveillé ; d’autre part, elle est le lieu le plus indiqué pour une acquisition égalitaire des connaissances et comportements favorables à la santé, en s’adressant aux élèves issus de différents milieux familiaux et socio-économiques. …

  9. Ending the torment: tackling bullying from the schoolyard to cyberspace

    Eighteen experts in the field of bullying and cyberbullying and the SRSG on Violence against Children, have written a contribution from their specific area of expertise, addressing bullying and cyberbullying. Starting with a human rights foundation and children participation, it is followed by examples that show different experiences in developing policies and legislation, including specific dimensions and vulnerable groups to be kept in mind. …

  10. Guatemalan school food environment: impact on schoolchildren's risk of both undernutrition and overweight/obesity

    Guatemala suffers the double burden of malnutrition with high rates of stunting alongside increasing childhood overweight/obesity. This study examines the school food environment (SFE) at low-income Guatemalan elementary schools and discusses its potential impact on undernutrition and overweight/obesity. From July through October 2013, direct observations, in-depth interviews with school principals (n = 4) and food kiosk vendors (n = 4, 2 interviews each) and also focus groups (FGs) with children (n = 48, 8 FGs) were conducted. …

  11. Strengthening education in West and Central Africa by improving learners’ sexual and reproductive health

    West and Central Africa (WCA) is the region of the world with the largest percentage of young people and the highest gender disparity in education.

  12. Let's decide how to measure school violence

    Violence in schools and other education settings causes serious harm to children and adolescents that can last into adulthood. As the UN World Report on Violence against Children observed, it is a global phenomenon. Policies, laws and strategies to prevent school-related violence depend on accurate knowledge of its global prevalence, trends and effects, but such evidence is lacking. This paper surveys current methods of assessing school-related violence and sets out options for improving the global evidence base.

  13. Why ending school-related gender-based violence is critical to sustainable development

    Agenda 2030 places gender equality and inclusive and equitable quality education at the heart of its concerns.

  14. L’introduction des life skills en Mauritanie : document de base à l’intention des concepteurs des programmes scolaires de l’éducation nationale

    L’objectif de ce document est de répondre à la question sur la pertinence de l’introduction des compétences de vie courante dans les curricula en Mauritanie. Dans l’introduction, les auteurs présentent certains éléments préliminaires relatifs aux compétences de vie courante (CVC) indispensables aux concepteurs. …

  15. Schools for Health in Ireland: co-ordinator’s handbook for developing a health promoting school. Post-primary

    This co-ordinator’s handbook has been developed to assist schools with the implementation of the framework for developing a health promoting school at post-primary level.


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