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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. L’introduction des life skills en Mauritanie : document de base à l’intention des concepteurs des programmes scolaires de l’éducation nationale

    L’objectif de ce document est de répondre à la question sur la pertinence de l’introduction des compétences de vie courante dans les curricula en Mauritanie. Dans l’introduction, les auteurs présentent certains éléments préliminaires relatifs aux compétences de vie courante (CVC) indispensables aux concepteurs. …

  2. Legal highs and novel psychoactive substances (NPS)

    The growing popularity of Novel Psychoactive Substances (NPS) is causing wide confusion among the public. This briefing paper is intended to provide basic information for teachers and practitioners willing to include these substances in their alcohol and drug education programme.

  3. Efficient needs assessment in schools

    An effective programme of alcohol and drug education needs to be tailored to meet pupils’ requirements and priorities, meaning that both pupils’ needs and learning processes must be regularly assessed. This paper outlines the different and complementary ways to make an assessment, exploring the following questions: Where should teachers begin? What is needs assessment within alcohol and drug education? How can needs assessment inform alcohol and drug education programme planning? …

  4. E-cigarettes and nicotine containing products (NCPs)

    Electronic cigarettes are battery-powered devices designed to deliver nicotine in a toxin-free vapour. These devices generally tend to simulate tobacco smoking. However, whilst many are designed and produced to look and feel like traditional cigarettes, others have different shapes and designs, and not all produce vapour. Whilst there is currently lack of clear information and regulation around e-cigarettes and non-licensed Nicotine Containing Products, this briefing paper sets out what schools need to know about these products, and their use among young people. …

  5. Delivering alcohol and drug education: advice for teachers

    This briefing paper provides advice and tips for teachers and educators responsible for delivering alcohol and drug education. Questions for schools: 1. What are the key principles of alcohol and drug education? 2. How do we get ready to teach? 3. What teaching methods shall we use?

  6. Measures for the prevention and management of learner pregnancy. Choose to wait for a brighter future

    This document aims to clarify the position of the department of Education regarding learner pregnancies. The measures provide a framework for: educating and assisting learners to understand and exercise their rights and responsibilities in regard to healthy lifestyles; guiding and supporting vulnerable learners; and involving all relevant role-players, and integrating these measures with available systems and structures.

  7. Sex and relationships education fit for the 21st century: We need it now

    Evidence shows that good quality Sex and Relationships Education (SRE) helps young people develop and manage their emotional and physical well-being. While they can find out about sex and relationships in many ways – including from friends, TV programmes, magazines and the Internet – school SRE has an important role in presenting balanced, factually accurate and positive information that these other sources may not always provide.

  8. Monitoring and evaluation of school-based health and nutrition programmes: A participative review

    Over the past two decades, many governments and organizations have renewed efforts to develop more effective school-based health and nutrition programmes in low income countries. In large part, this has resulted from the growing body of evidence linking children’s health and education; and the impact of school health and nutrition (SHN) programmes on improving these outcomes and contributing to Education for All (EFA) and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). …

  9. School health promotion programme. Medium term plan 2008 - 2012

    The goal of the chool health promotion policy is to create a sustainable health promoting school culture enabling the children to optimally benefit from educational opportunities provided, and promote healthy lifestyles among themselves, their families and the community. The policy objectives are 1. To develop policy, legal structure and partnerships among all stake holders for promoting health of school community, 2. To ensure a safe, healthy environment, both physical and psycho-social that facilitates learning, 3. To provide skills-based health education for school children, 4. …

  10. A life-skills-based HIV/AIDS prevention education for rural students of primary schools in China: What changed? What have we learned?

    Objective: To evaluate a four-hour life-skills-based HIV/AIDS prevention curriculum among 5th grade students in rural primary schools of Hainan province. Methods: The study included two stages. Stage one (September 2006-May 2007) was a pre-post-quasi experimental design; a total of 2 413 students aged 9 to 14 years from fifth grade classes of nine primary schools completed a baseline survey (1 720 students were in the intervention group, 693 in the control group), and over 98% of them took part in a short survey. The experimental curriculum was provided to the intervention group. …

  11. HIV/AIDS programmes: what do learners want?

    We describe how selected adolescent learners experience their current HIV/AIDS programmes in school. The rationale of the instrumental case study was that knowing, appreciating and understanding learners' preferences and experiences should inform future HIV/AIDS curriculum design. Research was conducted at three specifically selected secondary schools (cases). Focus groups and written essays were used as methods for data collection from 90 Grade 11 participants. …

  12. In-school HIV and AIDS counselling services in Botswana: an exploratory study

    This exploratory study describes the provision of HIV & AIDS counselling services in Botswana junior secondary schools as perceived by teachers. A total of 45 teachers (age range = 20-55; teaching experience range = 0-21 years) from three schools participated. The participants completed a questionnaire on the types of HIV & AIDS-related counselling services provided in the junior secondary schools services, their self-rated HIV & AIDS counselling training needs and their perceived importance of the HIV & AIDS-related counselling services. …

  13. Guidelines for implementing sexual and reproductive health/HIV/life skills education for learning institutions and workplace in Zanzibar

    These guidelines are developed to provide coordinated, integrated and harmonized direction and approach in providing SRH/HIV/LS education by different actors, with special focus on preventive education, counselling, care and support for children and youths in learning institutions and employees at work places in order to have a common understanding in mitigating and control of HIV/STI infections, teenage and unwanted pregnancies, counselling and support of vulnerable population groups in education sector in Zanzibar. …

  14. Health and Family Life Education (HFLE) Resource Guide for Teachers. Lower Division. Empowering Children and Adolescents in Belize with the Knowledge and Skills for Health Living

    The purpose of this guide is to provide teachers with materials and resources to implement the Health and Family Life Education (HFLE) Curriculum. This guide builds on the foundation of the Regional Curriculum Framework for HLFE, which sets out the HFLE philosophy and standards for teaching and identifies the desired knowledge, skills and behavioral outcomes for students. Unit themes and the content of lessons are responsive to the many health and social challenges in the region, including HIV/AIDS, violence and substance abuse. …

  15. School health, nutrition and HIV/AIDS programming: promising practice in the Greater Mekong sub-Region

    The aim of this document is to share emerging promising practice in the field of school health and nutrition within the GMSR and to inform governments, development partners and other organizations that recognize the need to harmonize activities and align assistance. It aims to strengthen the Network of School Health, Nutrition and HIV/AIDS Ministry of Education Focal Points and further the establishment of a sound community of good practice in the sub-Region. …


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