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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Evaluation of HIV/AIDS prevention through peer education, counselling, health care, training and urban refuges in Ghana

    Since 1996, Ireland Aid has supported UNICEF Ghana in the implementation of five activities that promote behaviour change to limit the spread of HIV/AIDS and STIs. The interventions are run by different local organisations, and have provided over 75,000 in and out-of-school youth and commercial sex workers with preventive education. People retained the information given, are knowledgeable about how HIV is transmitted, and can name key preventive methods. They pass on the information to their friends. Commercial sex workers were empowered to support one another in negotiating for safer sex. …

  2. Experiences from the field: HIV prevention among most at risk adolescents in Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States

    In recent years, UNICEF has worked together with national and local authorities and civil society partners in a number of countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia to develop and implement HIV prevention programmes intended to reduce risks and vul¬nerabilities among most-at-risk adolescents (MARA.) This docu¬ment presents programming experiences from seven countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and Ukraine. …

  3. Plan d'action triennal opérationnel de lutte contre la féminisation de l'épidémie du sida et les violences basées sur le genre en RDC (2010-2012)

    La situation générale de l'épidémie du VIH/sida en RDC se caractérise par sa tendance à la féminisation, à la juvénilisation et à la ruralisation. Parmi les déterminants qui favorisent sa propagation figurent l'ignorance des précautions à prendre pour éviter de contracter le virus, l'accès limité aux services de prévention, les conditions de vie difficile, la promiscuité, la précocité des rapports sexuels, le multi partenariat sexuel et la mobilité des populations. …

  4. Inspiring Others To Change Their World

    This document is the annual report 2008 of AIDS Foundation East-West.

  5. Keeping the Promise: AIDS Foundation East-West (AFEW) Annual Report 2009

    This is the annual report 2009 of AFEW, the NGO working with some of the poorest and most vulnerable people in Eastern Europe and Central Asia to adress one of the fastest growing HIV epidemics in the world.

  6. Young people most at risk of HIV: a meeting report and discussion paper from the Interagency Youth Working Group, U.S. Agency for International Development, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) Inter-Agency Task Team on HIV and Young People, and FHI

    This paper is designed to call more attention to young people within the groups considered "most at risk" for HIV - those who sell sex, those who inject drugs, and young men who have sex with men. Despite the growing attention that has been given to programming for these groups, little explicit focus has emerged on the particular needs of young people in these populations. …

  7. Rapid assessment and response on HIV/AIDS among especially vulnerable young people in Serbia

    The Rapid Assessment and Response on HIV/AIDS among Especially Vulnerable Young People Project (RAR) in Serbia is a part of a regional UNICEF project simultaneously implemented in five countries of South Eastern Europe. …

  8. Families and children affected by HIV/AIDS and other vulnerable children in Papua New Guinea: a national situation analysis

    This study provides an overview of the situation of children and families affected by HIV/AIDS, and of other vulnerable children. Its purpose is to assist the Government, civil society organisations and development partners in the development of policies and programmes for on-going support, and in the monitoring of community-based assistance to families and children affected by HIV/AIDS. The study is a joint project of the Department for Community Development and the National AIDS Council, supported by civil society organisations and UNICEF.

  9. A lo que venga...!: Alcohol, drogas y vulnerabilidad sexual en el Perú actual

    Estudio de comportamiento en grupos de jóvenes de cuatro provincias de Perú: Lima, Callao, Chiclayo e Iquitos. La información ha sido recogida en poblaciones vulnerables y afectadas por el VIH como: travestis, gays, trabajadoras sexuales mujeres, niños de la calle, población privada de libertad, personas viviendo con VIH y personas en rehabilitación por el uso de drogas. Esta publicación permite identificar las principales formas en las que se presenta la relación entre el fenómeno de consumo de drogas psicoactivas no inyectables y la infección por VIH. …

  10. Mozambique National Human Development Report 2007. Challenges and opportunities: the response to HIV and AIDS

    This is the sixth NHDR produced since 1998. The theme of the 2007 edition is the HIV and AIDS pandemic. The report looks carefully at general status of HIV and AIDS in Mozambique, its different facets and causes, its historical evolution, how it is regarded by society and its potential impact on the public and private sectors. The report finds that HIV and AIDS are exacerbating the problems of poverty, malnutrition, low educational levels and gender disparities, thus threatening the attainment of the MDGs as well as slowing growth and development.

  11. Programa prioritario de infecciones de transmision sexual y SIDA

    El presente Programa Nacional incorpora el conjunto de normativas, prestaciones y recomendaciones vinculadas al acceso universal a la atención integral de las Infecciones de Transmisión Sexual (ITS) y del Virus de Inmunodeficiencia Humana (VIH) / SIDA. Se elaboró en el marco del Plan Estratégico Nacional (2006-2010) que lleva adelante el Programa Prioritario de ITS/Sida, bajo la órbita de la Dirección General de la Salud/Ministerio de Salud Pública, y que fue validado por la Comisión Nacional de Sida (CONASIDA) - Mecanismo de Coordinación de País (MCP) en el 2006. …

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