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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Institutions of higher education pre-service school health education practices

    Background: The quality of health education teachers is, in large part, dependent on the education they receive from their teacher preparation program. Purpose: This study assessed institutions of higher education (IHE) teaching practices in school health teacher preparation programs regarding the amount of time spent and content taught related to various health education tools and products (e.g. National Health Education Standards, the Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool and the School Health Index). …

  2. Educación integral de la sexualidad: conceptos, enfoques y competencias

    Educación Integral de la Sexualidad: Conceptos, Enfoques y Competencias es un documento estratégico que subraya la importancia de la educación sobre sexualidad como parte integral de la educación básica o “educación fundamental”, bajo el entendido de que va más allá de la adquisición de conocimientos ya que proporciona competencias y habilidades para la vida. …

  3. Sexual and HIV/AIDS education in South African secondary schools

    Teaching sexual and HIV and AIDS education in schools has been the subject of debate and discussion for a while now southern Africa. The debates have mainly centred around three key issues – at what stage to introduce it, what kind of curricula is appropriate and who is qualified to provide such teaching. South Africa is one the few countries in the region that have made attempts to introduce sexual and HIV and AIDS education at the secondary school level. Although this has had benefits, it has not been without its challenges. …

  4. Risk factor or social vaccine? The historical progression of the role of education in HIV and AIDS infection in sub-Saharan Africa

    Numerous epidemiological studies from the early years of the tragic HIV and AIDS pandemic in sub-Saharan Africa identified formal education as a risk factor increasing the chance of infection. Instead of playing its usual role as a preventative factor, as has been noted in many other public health cases, until the mid-1990s educated African men and women had a higher risk of contracting HIV than their less educated peers. This led to ambivalent policy about the efficacy of education as a possible social vaccine against new infections in this region. …

  5. Learning to live together: design, monitoring and evaluation of education for life skills, citizenship, peace and human rights

    In this Guide, we focus on strengthening the curriculum dimension known as education for learning to live together (LTLT), which incorporates areas of life skills, citizenship, peace and human rights. We first argue for a holistic view of this dimension and for appropriate teachinglearning processes. We then offer suggestions for monitoring and evaluation processes to answer one or more of the following questions - depending on circumstances. For a traditional system: does our traditional schooling meet our current goals in the LTLT/life skills dimension? …

  6. Draft integrated strategy on HIV and AIDS 2012-2016. Full report

    Within the Department of Basic Education (DBE) this integrated strategy is currently being developed in accordance with the National Strategic Plan (NSP) and with new thinking globally on rolling back HIV and AIDS. The strategy relies on the framework of the NSP with prevention, treatment, care and support and research/monitoring arms together with efforts to mainstream and strengthen a systemic response to HIV and AIDS. It will also define interventions beyond the Life Skills Programme to respond more comprehensively to the epidemic. …

  7. Stratégie nationale du secteur de l'éducation

    le présent plan sectoriel de l'éducation prend en compte les objectifs du Plan National de Développement de l'Education (PNDE), de Juin 1999, du Millénaire pour le Développement (OMD), de l'an 2000, du Plan National d'Action de l'Education Pour Tous (PNA.EPT), d'Avril 2004, des insuffisances du système éducatif récemment mises en exergue par le Rapport d'Etat du Système Educatif National Centrafricain RESEN/RCA) et surtout les axes prioritaires contenus dans le Document de Stratégie de Réduction de la Pauvreté. …

  8. The Impact of Sex and HIV Education Programs in Schools and Communities on Sexual Behaviors among Young Adults

    Sex and HIV education programs that are based on a written curriculum and that are implemented among groups of youth in schools, clinics, or other community settings are a promising type of intervention to reduce adolescent sexual risk behaviors. This paper summarizes a review of 83 evaluations of such programs in developing and developed countries. The programs typically focused on pregnancy or HIV/STI prevention behaviors, not on broader issues of sexuality such as developmental stages, gender roles, or romantic relationships. …

  9. Checklist for Programme Officers. Improving the quality of SRHR Education programmes for Young People

    This checklist is a summary of the Evidence- and Rights- Based Planning and Support Tool for SRHR/ HIV Prevention Interventions for Young People (E-PAT) developed by WPF and Stop AIDS Now. The structure of the E-PAT is based on the Intervention mapping model, a framework that assists organizations in planning evidence-based programmes. The checklist is a supplement to other tools that are used by donor organizations to assess project proposals. …

  10. Guide pédagogique de l'enseignant du secondaire pour l'éducation préventive au VIH et IST

    Ce document a été élaboré par l'INRAP (Institut National de Recherche et d'Action Pédagogiques) en collaboration avec le CNLS (Conseil National de Lutte Contre le Sida). Il s'agit d'un guide pédagogique destiné à l'enseignant du primaire qui présente comment introduire une éducation VIH et IST de manière transdisciplinaire dans l'enseignement primaire. Pour chaque niveau (CP, CE, CM) il existe plusieurs thèmes liés au VIH et aux IST qui sont introduit dans une ou plusieurs disciplines d'accueils. …

  11. Assessment and analysis of the HIV and AIDS education sector plans situation in PALOP countries

    Few UNAIDS co-sponsors are assisting countries in developing education sector strategic plans. Therefore, in the framework of EDUCAIDS, UNESCO BREDA (Regional Office for Education in Africa) is concentrating its efforts to assist countries to develop, or where relevant update and improve, specific HIV and AIDS education plans. The countries with Portuguese as official language were targeted in this desktop study. These countries include Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique and São Tome and Principe. …

  12. Toward multi-sectoral responses to HIV/AIDS: implications for Education for Rural People (ERP). Ministerial seminar on education for rural people in Africa: policy lessons, options and priorities

    The education sector, very large cadre of government employees, faces impacts of HIV/AIDS both on supply and demand sides. On the supply side, HIV/AIDS affects education because of the loss of trained teachers and the reduced productivity of relevant personnel (teachers, administrators, management, etc.) through illness, caring for infected family members, and participation in funerals. …

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