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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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A busca obteve 206 resultados em 0.017 segundos

Resultados da busca

  1. Stratégie nationale en santé des adolescent(e)s/jeunes au Sénégal

    Le but de la stratégie nationale est de contribuer à améliorer la santé en général, la santé de la reproduction en particulier, et le bien-être des adolescent(e)s/jeunes. Trois objectifs généraux sont retenus: 1. Améliorer l’accès des adolescent(e)s/jeunes à des services adaptés à leurs besoins; 2. Aider les adolescent(e)s/jeunes à adopter des comportements responsables et à prendre des décisions adéquates; 3. Créer un environnement social, législatif et réglementaire favorable à la promotion de la santé des adolescent(e)s/jeunes en général et de la santé de la reproduction en particulier.

  2. National HIV, AIDS and STI strategic plan 2017-2023 "On fast-track to ending AIDS"

    The National Strategic Plans guide the HIV/AIDS and STI response in the country. The period of the NSP III is 2017- 2023, to synchronize with the implementation of the 12th Five Year National Development Plan. NSP III implementation will be reviewed during the midyear of its implementation (2020) for relevance and effectiveness in achieving the targets, and will be adjusted as necessary. …

  3. HIV-related data on very young adolescents

    Very young adolescents (VYAs)—those between the ages of 10 and 14—represent about half of the 1.2 billion adolescents ages 10–19 in the world. A technical working group that the World Health Organization (WHO) convened in 2010 observed that, although adolescents ages 15–19 have been the main population segment addressed by adolescent health and development programs, the “special needs and concerns of young adolescents ages 10–14—some of whom are already sexually active—have been relatively neglected.” This neglect is, to some extent, a result of a lack of global HIV-related data for VYAs. …

  4. Estimating numbers of orphans and vulnerable children – a test of regression modeling

    An earlier study reported a tight linear fit between national adult HIV prevalence and the percentage of children living in a household with at least one HIV-positive adult. MEASURE Evaluation extended this analysis to all existing DHS data sets with HIV testing, to determine the feasibility of using regression modeling to estimate the size of two priority groups: (1) children living with at least one adult who is HIV-positive, and (2) orphans and coresident children living with at least one adult who is HIV-positive.

  5. The Health of educators in public schools in South Africa

    The provision of good quality education in public sector schools in South Africa is intrinsically linked to the health, wellbeing and productivity of educators employed in this sector. …

  6. Health barriers to learning: the prevalence and educational consequences in disadvantaged children: a review of the literature

    This report describes the Health Barriers to Learning and the supporting evidence base for their impact on academic success. It also describes the disproportionate prevalence of HBLs in disadvantaged children, the extent of unmet need for services for identification, management and treatment, and each HBL’s impact on learning. Screening and management for each of these should be essential to supporting school and learning readiness. …

  7. Systematic review and meta-analysis: prevalence of alcohol use among young people in eastern Africa

    The study’s objective is the systematic review and meta-analysis of published studies of alcohol use among young people (age 15–24 years) in eastern Africa to estimate prevalence of alcohol use and determine the extent of use of standardised screening questionnaires in alcohol studies. Based on the review results, the authors draw the conclusion that alcohol use and problem drinking were common among diverse groups of young people in eastern Africa, indicating the urgent need for alcohol-focused interventions in this population. …

  8. Effect of a cash transfer programme for schooling on prevalence of HIV and herpes simplex type 2 in Malawi: a cluster randomised trial

    Lack of education and an economic dependence on men are often suggested as important risk factors for HIV infection in women. The authors assessed the efficacy of a cash transfer programme for schooling to reduce the risk of sexually transmitted infections in young women. Based on their findings the authors conclude that cash transfer programmes can reduce HIV and HSV-2 infections in adolescent schoolgirls in low-income settings. Structural interventions that do not directly target sexual behaviour change can be important components of HIV prevention strategies.

  9. Plan estratégico nacional multisectorial de ITS, VIH y Sida 2009-2014

    Este documento concentra el esfuerzo de los actores claves que, en Panamá, están involucrados con la respuesta nacional a la epidemia de VIH ; ha sido elaborado con la metodología de ASAP y es parte de la herramientas técnicas que, bajo un concepto totalmente estratégico, estamos presentando para fortalecer la toma de decisiones, fundamentadas en la planeación estratégica basada en evidencias y orientada a resultados. [...] El documento consta de tres componentes : Análisis del entorno, análisis de situación y análisis de la respuesta. …

  10. Factors associated with HIV infection among educated Malawians: analysis of the 2010 demographic and health survey

    Introduction: Among people who have ever attended school, higher educational attainment appears to be associated with higher prevalence of HIV. This study assesses the association between education and HIV status in Malawi, among individuals with some education, after adjusting for various background characteristics.

  11. HIV prevention among adolescent girls and young women: putting HIV prevention among adolescent girls and young women on the fast-track and engaging men and boys

    This programming guidance is meant to inform programmes that aim to reduce HIV infection among adolescent girls and young women in countries and locations where HIV incidence is high among adolescent girls and young women and where HIV is primarily spread through heterosexual transmission. This report primarily is for policymakers, planners and implementers of HIV prevention programmes across multiple sectors, including organizations led by young people. …

  12. Knowledge map of the multisectoral HIV and AIDS response programme in Namibia

    To mark the completion of the long-standing collaboration between GIZ and Namibia through the multisectoral HIV and AIDS programme, a decision was made to document the vast knowledge and many tools it developed in an accessible manner allowing for future use and potential scale-up of successful approaches. While the programme was launched in 2008, this document focuses on the second phase, thefive-year programme, from 2011- 2016. …

  13. The role of partners’ educational attainment in the association between HIV and education amongst women in seven sub-Saharan African countries

    Introduction: Individuals’ educational attainment has long been considered as a risk factor for HIV. However, little attention has been paid to the association between partner educational attainment and HIV infection. Methods: We conducted cross-sectional analysis of young women (aged 1534) in 14 Demographic and Health Surveys from seven sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) countries with generalized HIV epidemics. …

  14. Plan Stratégique National de la riposte au VIH/sida et aux IST 2015-2018 en Tunisie

    L’établissement des priorités du PSN de la riposte au VIH/sida et aux IST 2015-2018 est fondé sur une réflexion articulée autour des dimensions suivantes : - L’analyse de la situation épidémiologique et de la réponse qui a mis en exergue les évidences de la dynamique de l’épidémie en Tunisie (analyse des nouvelles infections, hétérogénéité géographique et populationnelle de l’épidémie, etc.). - L’engagement des autorités nationales et des acteurs nationaux, afin de maintenir et d’augmenter les efforts dans le cadre du principe de la « volonté de payer » 35 . …

  15. National strategic plan for ending AIDS 2016-2030: Together we can end AIDS epidemic by 2030

    The NSPEA was developed through a comprehensive consultation process, it builds on the successes of the previous strategies and addresses the challenges identified in the surveys and surveillance, in the Mid Term Review of the 2011-2015 NSP and in the consequent consultation process. It places strong emphasis on strengthening the multi-sectoral and civil society collaboration practiced under the previous strategic plans. …


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