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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. From paper to practice: sexuality education policies and their implementation in Ghana

    This report provides a detailed snapshot of how the policies related to sexuality education in Ghana are translated into practice and what students, teachers and heads of schools think about them. Data from official documents, key informant interviews and school-based surveys were used to examine how sexuality education programs in three regions were developed, implemented and experienced. …

  2. Guia de boas práticas: Adoles(Ser): sexualidade e afectos

    Este guia surge na sequência do Projeto Adoles(Ser), realizado na Maternidade Dr. Alfredo da Costa (MAC) e da necessidade de partilhar e transmitir informação a professores e técnicos que pretendam consolidar conhecimentos e competências no âmbito da educação sexual. Apresentamos as linhas orientadoras do projeto, os seus objetivos e resultados, enquadrados numa breve contextualização da adolescência e da sexualidade. Damos ainda destaque a algumas atividades e boas práticas utilizadas, possibilitando a sua replicação em contexto escolar no quadro de programas sobre sexualidade.

  3. Por una sexualidad libre… : guía para la sensibilización y capacitación de promotoras y promotores juveniles en salud sexual

    La presente Guía Por una sexualidad libre… está organizada en cuatro temas, a saber: Sexualidad y género. Sexualidad y relaciones afectivo-eróticas. Salud sexual, VIH, sida e ITS. Estigma, discriminación y alternativas para el autocuidado. Tales rubros constituyen la base temática que se desarrolla en los talleres, cada sesión cuenta con objetivos específi cos por tema. …

  4. Guide pédagogique pour le développement des compétences en éducation à la santé reproductive, au VIH et au SIDA à l'usage des formateurs-trices et des enseignants-es

    Ce guide est donc un outil pédagogique destiné à accompagner les formateurs d’enseignants ainsi que les enseignants du primaire et du secondaire dans la mise en œuvre d’un enseignement contribuant au développement des compétences chez les élèves de 5 à 18 ans. Il a pour vocation d’être éminemment pratique et recourt à des mises en situation et exemples précis pour répondre à la question de savoir comment s’y prendre, en classe, pour contribuer au développement des compétences en éducation à la santé reproductive et au VIH et au SIDA chez les élèves. …

  5. Sexuality educators: taking a stand by participating in research

    Life Orientation teachers play a critical role in the teaching and learning of sexuality education in South African schools. Using an experiential participatory approach with 125 teachers in the Motheo district, Free State, I explored three questions: What messages did the teachers learn about sex and sexuality? How do these messages inform the teachers’ values? How do the teachers teach sexuality education? Despite its own problems and limitations, the participatory approach exploits and reinforces the life-space model proposed by Kurt Lewin. …

  6. Handbook for educating on adolescent reproductive and sexual health. Book one: Understanding the adolescents and their reproductive and sexual health; guide to better educational strategies. Book two: Strategies and materials on adolescent reproductive and sexual health education

    This handbook is the result of an information repackaging programme of the Regional Clearing House on Population Education. It is developed for educators, information providers, counsellors, service providers and peer educators. It will serve as a reference tool, which will provide guidelines, teaching/training strategies and actual sample lessons or activities to be used in counselling and educating adolescents in various aspects of reproductive and sexual health. …

  7. Can the Internet be used effectively to provide sex education to young people in China?

    Purpose: To assess the feasibility and effectiveness of sex education conducted through the Internet. Conclusions: Providing sex education to students in Shanghai through the Internet was found feasible and effective. The Internet-based sex education program increased students’ reproductive health knowledge effectively and changed their attitudes toward sex-related issues in terms of being less liberal toward sex and more favorable to providing services to unmarried young people. …

  8. Positive Action for HIV in Schools in Kenya

    Although many sub-Saharan African countries that are affected by HIV and AIDS have developed education sector policies in response to the epidemic, there are still challenges in effectively addressing the issue in schools. These challenges include lack of appropriate leadership and coordination at the school level, limited training and skills update on HIV and AIDS among school-based caregivers (teachers, school nurses and matrons), absence of appropriate guidelines in some settings, and lack of coordination between the education, health and other sectors. …

  9. What young people want from sex and relationships education

    This charter was written by young people participating in a Sex Education Forum residential in August 2008. It uses material written by Somerset 2BU Youth Group (LGBT) and Somerset UKYP Advisory Group.

  10. Secondary school curriculum: forms 1-3: health and family life education

    This "Secondary school curriculum" is the national curriculum guide for teachers at secondary schools. It is the result of seven years of development and revision activity approved and edited by the Ministry of Education in 2009. The main goal of the manual is to provide main assistance for development and implementation of instructional programs at the school and classroom levels. The document has a direct focus on an integrated approach to curriculum delivery, in which the teacher is not unduly restricted by the subject content. …

  11. Revised Curriculum Guide For Institutions Engaged In Teacher Teaching Preparation

    This manual is the revised Curriculum Guide for teacher preparation in HFLE. The main goal of this guide is to provide participants and tutors with a framework for delivery of health and family life education lessons. Curriculum units develop five Themes with recommended standards, outcomes, general objectives and skills.

  12. Going to Scale in Ethiopia: Mobilizing Youth Participation in a National HIV/AIDS Program

    This case study describes a collaboration between the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture, and the YouthNet and IMPACT Projects of Family Health International that was supported with funding from the Bureau for Global Health of USAID. The study documents a successful youth-adult partnership that used youth-led Participatory Learning and Action (PLA) as an effective methodology for empowering young people to communicate with each other and with adults about their sexual and reproductive health needs. …

  13. Health and family life education curriculum for primary schools: Lower, Middle and Upper divisions guides and Resource Guides for Teachers

    This six booklets on Health and family life education (HFLE) are intended to teachers of primary schools. The purpose of these guides is to provide teachers with materials and resources to implement HFLE. These guides build on the foundation of the Regional Curriculum Framework for HLFE, which sets out the HFLE philosophy and standards for teaching and identifies the desired knowledge, skills and behavioral outcomes for students. Unit themes and the content of lessons are responsive to the many health and social challenges in the region, including HIV/AIDS, violence and substance abuse. …

  14. Nous les jeunes - L'éducation sexuelle à l'école : Fiches d'éducation sexuelle pour les garçons

    Matériel d'information et de formation basé sur les méthodes de la pédagogie active destiné aux adolescents guinéens (classe 5ème et 6ème). Il contient des illustrations, des mises en situation, de jeux-tests et de jeux de rôles.

  15. Opportunities and Challenges in School-based Sex and Sexual Health Education in Nepal

    This article identifies and addresses opportunities for and challenges to current school-based sex and sexual health education in Nepal. Key literature searches were conducted of electronic databases and relevant websites, furthermore personal contact with experts and the hand searching of key journals was included. …


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